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What’s your Doom framerate?


245 members have voted

  1. 1. Framerate you use for Doom?

    • Capped at 35 (vanilla)
    • 60 FPS or more

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I think it depends largely on how a game is coded, and what kind of game it is, for a higher framerate to be a subjective or objective benefit.

I personally play Doom uncapped most of the time, as I do prefer things to look smoother. But I never found capped in Doom to be unplayable, either.

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I usually play uncapped, but I'm currently playing with 35fps cap on my laptop to prevent it from heating up uncontrollably.

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You know...anything above 35, no...above 30 fps is fine by me.

Remember SNES Doom? That shit probably ran at 15 fps for sure. PSX Doom almost doubled it and PC allowed to go beyond that. I prefer a smooth experience than a choppy one.

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@DoomkidYou of all people should know that Doom is played at 666 FPS.


Yes, even the original Doom.


But in reality, 35, or 60 FPS if it has good interpolation.

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@MattFright Haha I don’t expect people to agree with me on the 35 FPS thing specifically :) I’m not at all surprised at the results of this poll. I just found (and always find) it so annoying when people say things like “this is ObJEctIveLy better” on something that’s clearly a matter of individual experience or taste. (It was doubly ironic coming from Noodle who had made a big screed about how interpolating animation to achieve a higher framerate is criminal - which I agree with, to be clear, but still)


@Bauul I just accept the occasional bit of screen tearing, it beats that gelatinous floaty feeling I get from higher framerates! Not really concerned about wether or not it’s the exact intended framerate either, for me it’s strictly a matter of comfort and what allows me to play better. A 70hz monitor to avoid that tearing would be amazing..

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Gzdoom @ 240 fps because my monitor can. 


It might slow down surprisingly much on some slaughter maps, but that's your old doom engine. 

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7 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Just got triggered by a video with over a million views by a popular YouTuber named Noodle saying that higher framerates for video games are “objectively better”.


When I play Doom, I pretty much need it to be capped at 35. Anything else feels loose, my tight controls and ability to stop turning on a dime are gone, and it almost triggers motion sickness in me. Weird to know that not being able to aim as well and feeling nauseous are “objectively better”, seems like the sort of thing that pretty obviously falls under the realm of subjectivity.. 🤔 (Similarly Classic NES and SNES games, like the Mario ones for example, feel floaty and “off” when using anything but their native framerate).


That’s just my opinion on this clearly subjective topic though. How do you feel?


I have mine uncapped, so it goes maximum. Now I have to try it on 35 because I'm interested in how it could impact my controls. Now that you mention it, doomguy feels like he has a bit too much momentum when switching directions.

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5 hours ago, MFG38 said:


Open the console and type "vid_fps 1". That'll display the FPS counter in the top right corner.

Thanks this is very helpful! Wish I knew about this sooner. On regular maps I seem to go between 35-60 it looks like. Will have to test a few more maps with this option on.

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It really depends on the port, the time of day, what I last had to eat, the ocean's tide...


I do think Doom looks better at 35 fps, but depending on the port or wad/mod, I'd say I'm half and half. Like in PrBoom, if I'm not recording a demo I prefer 35, but I do like it higher for recording because of short tics. I tend to not favor completely unlimited frame rates, I don't know why but it feels like that could potentially lag the system if the frame rate jumps around too much. Maybe I'm just being superstitious. Either way, my eyes can adjust to both and not have too much problems with motion sickness as long as vertical aiming isn't in the equation.


I'd like to see the video referenced in the OP. I feel like I can agree to an extent as long as we're talking about 3D games. But older games with lots of sprites can start to look odd if the frame rate is higher than the animation frame rate, especially if the sprites are being interpolated. Interpolation on 2D sprites is just bad looking to me. Also, the word "objective" doesn't really seem appropriate in most cases when talking about art/media/entertainment and I can imagine why it can be irritating. I don't think anything can be objectively better or worse than anything else because words denoting quality need an observer to pass judgement, which is always a subjective circumstance. (Pretending to know what I'm talking about...)

Edited by Lippeth

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I'm fine with either. I tend to cap it to 35 if I'm playing on Crispy Doom and uncap it if I'm playing on a more advanced source port (which I only use when I have to). I do uncap the framerate if I intend to show someone something since I know others tend to like higher framerates more. Sometimes though the higher framerate feels distracting, it's part of why I don't watch any doom videos on anything higher than 360p (the other more important reason being my shite connection).

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I feel pretty much the opposite. I feel that playing at 35, while not impossible by any means, zaps me of my quick reflexes during combat. Especially in maps with tons of foes.


Funnily enough, my preference for a high framerate actually makes 640p or lower preferable for me, since my CPU can flex more FPS during most maps than at 1080p.

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original fps when playing Dosbox/Chocolate for the nostalgia or console ports comparison.


Up to 240 fps on my gsync monitor when i want to play normally. There's no way to go back to 35 fps for actual, long gameplay sessions.

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i'm fine either way, i didn't realize zdaemon had an option to uncap fps.

Edited by sluggard

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I cap my FPS at 200 across ports because GZDoom does that by default, I guess. I don't like using Vsync or any lower caps and will complain if a map drops below 60 FPS.


12 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Weird to know that not being able to aim as well and feeling nauseous are “objectively better”, seems like the sort of thing that pretty obviously falls under the realm of subjectivity.. 🤔

It's certainly subjective since 35 FPS makes me want to puke for some reason. It just feels choppy in the same way other PC games do. I've never been a console gamer so I'm not used to games being capped to 30 FPS.

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14 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Just got triggered by a video with over a million views by a popular YouTuber named Noodle saying that higher framerates for video games are “objectively better”.

well this mostly applies to modern games.

doom runs at 35 tics anyways more than that in fps is interpolated, so in that sense it really doesn't matter when it comes to doom to go over 35, you dont get more inputs afaik.

i recently started playing at 35 fps and i got used to it, it feels good and responsive and it also doesn't have screen tearing, which makes it so that when i wobble my view the walls appear to melt and that bothers me.


in short, when i worry about fps i personally just worry about inputs, and since doom runs in at 35 tics, locking fps at 35 wont affect my input. in more modern games i aim for the highest possible fps.

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I definitely get why some people prefer 35 FPS, however I get a little motion sick when a game doesn’t run at higher frame rates. Even games that I loved, I can’t play a lot of them anymore as my tolerance for lower framerates is gone. I think it’s fundamentally subjective, I think that a lot of the “higher FPS makes you better” marketing is irresponsible as it implies that it isn’t fundamental skill that is stoping you from playing with the pros, it’s your, monitor, or graphics card, or cpu, or anything else. While I’d probably suck if you capped my framerate. I find it almost morally reprehensible in some cases, as I have seen friends who imitate the behaviors of professionals, but not care to practice. 

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I often play capped at 35, but that's mostly just because I mostly prefer to play Chocolate. I do feel weird playing at higher frame rates on other source ports, and while I know I can often change frame rate settings, I end up getting used to it after a while.

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I only play in 35fps if I'm on Pr+ or Choco. I actually tried locking GZD to 35fps after playing in a higher framerate and it made me feel like the game played awfully afterwards. Now, I won't go ahead and say one thing is objectively better or not, but I will note that likely due to the bed of mostly high-framerate-capable games I've played, something less than that feels "non-performant" or "choppy." Therefore, the higher framerate of something like GZD doesn't feel odd to me at all, especially since I grew up playing ZDoom, Skulltag, etc. I do go ahead and turn monster interpolation off to make at least monster movement stay in line with the internal tickrate, which helps things feel better. What does throw me for a loop slightly, though, is the mouselooking. If I spend a lot of time using mouselook and then I make the switch to no mouselook or vice versa, I get very disoriented for quite some time before I can readjust.

Edited by SiMpLeToNiUm

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