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E1M1 But i actually put effort in this time.

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So remember that "e1m1 but every enemy is a baron" wad i made ages ago? well this is that but actually balanced and with more enemy variety. have fun! 



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Edited by alyxnoob81
suggested edit

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Good work mate, but i think you should add some info, like iwad (i assume its doom.wad) sourceports suggest, some screenshots...


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  On 8/10/2021 at 1:35 PM, Worriedidiot said:

Yeah... isn't this "technically" illegal?



Technically no, since this is actually a modified version of E1M1. The /idgames database just doesn't accept modified IWAD levels because they are guaranteed to be a total waste of time for everyone involved.

@alyxnoob81 It's all fine and good if you want to mess around with IWAD levels, but for those of us who have played the IWADS a million times and then another million tribute levels and then another million levels that aren't tribute exactly but are "in the style" of IWAD levels... this is just boring.

I'd rather play an original map that's of lesser quality than the IWADs.

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i agree that you probably shouldn't post edits to the original maps - but i will say that i encourage you to make more for yourself (not for upload) so you can play with enemy configurations and see what does and doesn't work, what feels good, what feels bad, how uncommon formations interact, etc. this kind of thing is a great gateway to making maps from scratch if you find that too daunting to start. everybody has to start somewhere and as easy as it is to rag on the new/inexperienced person, i'd hate to see a potentially excellent mapper, designer, etc, get driven away before they even start

Edited by msx2plus
forgot a bit

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  On 8/10/2021 at 4:32 PM, magicsofa said:


Technically no, since this is actually a modified version of E1M1. The /idgames database just doesn't accept modified IWAD levels because they are guaranteed to be a total waste of time for everyone involved.




Actually it is, since the licenses for the Doom games prohibit you from taking a resource from one game and using it another - so modified Doom 1 levels in Doom 1 are fine, but modified Doom 1 levels in Doom 2 are a no no.


Then again this obviously also applies to music and textures, which means hundreds of existing wads are technically illegal.


(PS Forgive alyxnoob81's name still being included in the quote, my tablet won't let me delete it.)

Edited by NiGHTMARE

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  On 8/10/2021 at 4:32 PM, magicsofa said:

The /idgames database just doesn't accept modified IWAD levels because they are guaranteed to be a total waste of time for everyone involved.


I didn't think Maps of Chaos was a waste of time...I actually really enjoyed it.

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