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What Total Conversion do you think would be great for Multiplayer?

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Recently, I hosted Rekkr on Zandronum and Odamex. I then thought, "It'd be cool if any total conversion is hosted online 24/7 in any game mode on any port."


Just out of curiosity, what Doom total conversion do you think should be hosted on any multiplayer source port 24/7?

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It’s a shame TCs tend to be singleplayer focused - there are a lot of great ones I can think of, Pirate Doom is one that comes right to mind - but I don’t know how well it would work in cooperative, and I know it wouldn’t be fun in DM unless there are dedicated DM maps for it I’m unaware of..


A lot of multiplayer-focused stuff that drastically changes the experience does exist though, 99% of it targeting Zandronum (or Skulltag if it’s really old).


Samsara jumps to mind, which is basically all the old FPS protagonists as different classes with different attributes. Very fun.


Another great one is All Out War 2, which is a “base defense” gamemode. Very different from traditional MP Doom, and even from stuff like CTF. Lots of fun to be had with 10+ players.


ZDoom Wars is basically RTS logic applied to Doom, with the ability to spawn enemies on your team from just about all Doom engine games. Absurdly underrated and forgotten in the current age.


While they’re quite memey, Idiotic LMS is also a lot of fun and pretty wildly different from traditional MP Doom.


While they’re not exactly TCs, these are extremely in-depth MP mods that change the game into something new entirely. They’re all criminally underplayed now though, which is not surprising since even the “core Doom” stuff like cooperative and deathmatch only has a small dedicated playerbase now, but they’re still worth loading onto a TSPG server if you can wrangle up some friends.


If there are other TCs that appear singleplayer focused at a glance, but actually have good MP as well, I’d love to hear about them and try their MP side out for myself! Unfortunately it seems about all TCs made in the last ~5 years sit somewhere between “incidental MP support” and “flat-out breaks in MP”. (I guess it’s not that big of a loss though - TCs are rare anyway and the more traditional Doom wads and mapsets that get released today still tend to be fun in cooperative)


Anyway, for Zand at least, maybe some of the mods I suggested will be fun for you and a group of friends! I think the reason they’re not so commonly played is because they generally need a small army for fun to commence, whereas classic coop and DM need just 2-3 people..

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11 hours ago, Doomkid said:

ZDoom Wars is basically RTS logic applied to Doom, with the ability to spawn enemies on your team from just about all Doom engine games. Absurdly underrated and forgotten in the current age.

Revenant snipers were the best. They killed me a lot, but it was a lot of fun, wish ZD Wars was brought back somehow.

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Hm, i would like to see pirate-doom deathmatch. There is good roster of weapons wich will be fun in multiplayer.

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