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What is your favorite classic Doom Game?

What's your favorite classic Doom game?  

142 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one of these is your favorite?

    • The Ultimate Doom
    • Doom 2: Hell on Earth
    • Final Doom
    • Doom 64

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The Ultimate Doom. I like the episode format and the monster roster is perfect. Don't get me wrong, I like DooM 2 monsters, but even having a limited roster, DooM 1 manages to get the best IWAD maps overall.

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I prefer Ultimate Doom's maps in general but Doom 2's super shotgun and monsters just can't be ignored... And finally I'm not a huge fan of Final Doom, Evilution is kinda boring and Plutonia Experiment a bit too brutal.


Doom 64 wins just by being a very good all-rounder. Not to mention its atmosphere can be intense. 

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9 minutes ago, LUISDooM said:

The Ultimate Doom. I like the episode format and the monster roster is perfect. Don't get me wrong, I like DooM 2 monsters, but even having a limited roster, DooM 1 manages to get the best IWAD maps overall.


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Ultimate Doom. I like its episode structure, because Doom 2 and Final's continuous 30-map structure is long and tedious, even with saving.


I have never played Doom 64, because I'm not sure which version of it is the best. I'm looking for accuracy, but with the classic PC keymouse controls.

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1 hour ago, DisgruntledPorcupine said:

Haven't played Doom 64 though so I cannot spakk to that one.

Same I own though I need to play it sometime

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Doom 64 > UltDoom > TNT: Evilution > Plutionia > Doom 2


Never liked Doom 2 really.

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2 minutes ago, doom guy66 said:

Me neither but I enjoyed it at some parts

I feel as if the first 10 maps or-so as well as the last few maps were very good. The middle third weren't very fun IMO

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Doom 2 is probably my favourite game of all time, not just of the Doom games but in general. I’ve never been able to spend long away since I first got it way back when..! I already really liked Doom, but 2 just brought that love to a whole new level.

I didn’t play Final Doom until after playing Memento Mori so I thought they were cool megawads, but no better than several of the other classics. I still feel that way really, just because there was/is plenty of stuff just as good available for free.

For some reason as a kid I thought Doom64 seemed weird, but when I gave it a fair shake a few years later, I thought it was great and underrated in general.

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Doom 2. Final Doom is just a fancy mapsets pack and not a full game in my eyes. I lose interest running the other 2 halfway through most of the time. I'd rather be playing Doom 2 or Heretic over them.

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17 hours ago, Nikku4211 said:

I have never played Doom 64, because I'm not sure which version of it is the best. I'm looking for accuracy, but with the classic PC keymouse controls.

The steam version is the most accurate version of Doom 64 with keyboard and mouse controls.

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Doom series rankings:


1. Doom 64 + The Lost Levels

2. The Ultimate Doom + Sigil

3. Doom II: Hell on Earth + The Master Levels for Doom II + No Rest for the Living

4. Doom (2016)

5. Doom Eternal

6. Final Doom

7. Doom VFR

8. Doom 3 + Resurrection of Evil + The Lost Mission/BFG Edition


Not played enough to rank yet: The Ancient Gods


Doom 3 is bad. I like all the other games in the series. Doom, Doom II, and Doom 64 are several tiers above the rest. 

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8 minutes ago, famicommander said:

Doom 3 is bad. 

I haven't finished Doom 3 (I have the bfg edition) but I don't remember it being bad. It was defiantly different from the other doom games.

Edited by doom guy66

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Just now, doom guy66 said:

I haven't finished Doom 3 (I have the bfg edition) but I don't remember it being bad. It was defiantly different from the other doom games.

It's a terrible excuse for a video game.


It's not a good horror game because the combat is ridiculously easy and the only "scares" are predictable jumpscares. Walk down a hallway, predictable jumpscare, bullet sponge enemies that are no threat, repeat.


It's not a good action game because the gunplay is absolutely terrible. The weapons feel sluggish and weak and combat is more of a chore than a challenge.


The story is terrible and the cut scenes can't be skipped.


The game was impressive for its time from a technical standpoint. Great sound design, great graphics. That's about it. 

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17 hours ago, Nikku4211 said:

I have never played Doom 64, because I'm not sure which version of it is the best. I'm looking for accuracy, but with the classic PC keymouse controls.

I suggest to go with Steam version if you have some money, it's basically Doom 64 EX with greater accuracy (though some enhancements were sacrificed to maintain this accuracy like freelook); good graphics and solid performance.

Otherwise, sticking to the free Doom 64 EX doesn't really hurt, assuming you can find a ROM.

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I played Doom 64, and it's pretty fun. Final Doom is too brutal. Doom 2 is my favorite game, because of the Super shotgun. The Ultimate Doom is great as well, but with the limited monsters, it's not as fun as Doom 2. Doom 3 is just slow and the storyline takes forever. Doom 2016 is great, I really enjoyed it. Doom eternal is bloody fun, I have 100+ hours on it.

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the ultimate doom for me she is still my favorite and the first episode and others I have already replayed it so much that I just recently replayed the vannila without mods for a long time I even liked more than mods but against the rest of the games in the series there is nothing bad, I do not say every doom is amazing  in its own way.

Edited by Wad overdose

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Final Doom has 64 maps, evolves Doom 2 gameplay in many neat ways and is compatible with both Final Doom and Doom 2 pwads. It also feels more fresh to me, Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 are very nostalgic but also bit too boring at this point, after 20 years of playing them. I started playing Final Doom much later, maybe 3-4 years ago so it does feel much more new to me.

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My favorite would be TNT but I voted Doom 2 because Final Doom includes both TNT and Plutonia and I very much dislike Plutonia.


My favorite would be TNT > Doom 2 > Ultimate Doom >>> Plutonia

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I have to say that Ultimate Doom is my favourite tbh.


I liked the first 10 or so levels of Doom 2 but after that I start to lose interest, it probably wasn't like that 25 years ago for me, but over the years I started to appreciate the more distilled-ness of the original game.


Final doom I just view as 1 and half decent megawads and not really any different to pwads.

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Where's the option for PS1 Doom?! I'd have to say The Ultimate Doom wins this one. I don't like Inferno that much but Thy Flesh Consumed is so awesome that nowadays I have to put the first game on top of Plutonia. 

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4 minutes ago, Muusi said:

Where's the option for PS1 Doom?! I'd have to say The Ultimate Doom wins this one. I don't like Inferno that much but Thy Flesh Consumed is so awesome that nowadays I have to put the first game on top of Plutonia. 

I was thinking about adding that one

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I voted Ultimate Doom, but would have voted 'Registered Doom', if that was an option - as that was the one I grew up w/ and am most nostalgic for.  :)

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