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lzdoom issues Pi 400


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Hello, I am trying to compile and run lzdoom for my Raspberry Pi 400, which I seemed to be successful at, though when I run it I get a popup window that says,"Script error, "IWADINFO" line 340: Unknown keyboard 'fixUnityStatusBar'."


 I was trying the same thing on my Atomic Pi and was able to compile but got a different error when running, though since the Atomic Pi uses an Intel CPU, I was able to download and run a pre-compiled binary without issue. 

That said, there does not seem to be a pre-compiled binary for the Pi 400, so what might I do to get this running? Also I have heard a rumor that it will not compile on ARM.

Thanks in avance.

Using Twister OS 32-bit. (Debian)

Edited by Breeder

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