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How are console players making out online, anyways? Quake's multiplayer is pretty rough to begin with, but playing with a Switch controller against mouse and keyboard users sounds especially harsh. 

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35 minutes ago, Edward850 said:

There is no software renderer in this release of Quake, so that won't apply here.


Don't Intel CPUs come with on board GPUs? Because that's what I meant by that. Sorry about that. 

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12 minutes ago, Rexen² said:

Don't Intel CPUs come with on board GPUs? Because that's what I meant by that. Sorry about that. 

Ah, yes. Those are normally referred to as integrated GPUs. By default however we flag our executables to use the high powered discrete GPU to the drivers whenever possible, so it's unlikely (though not impossible) that's the cause.

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20 minutes ago, [McD]James said:

How are console players making out online, anyways? Quake's multiplayer is pretty rough to begin with, but playing with a Switch controller against mouse and keyboard users sounds especially harsh. 

In my experience on the Switch, playing against other gamepad users, most people seem to just bug off before a match is over. I use gyroscopic aiming and I usually seem to do pretty well compared to others.
I haven't played against a M/KB user yet, but I do wonder why others seem to leave whenever I'm in a match, it's a bit disheartening.

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22 minutes ago, Edward850 said:

Ah, yes. Those are normally referred to as integrated GPUs. By default however we flag our executables to use the high powered discrete GPU to the drivers whenever possible, so it's unlikely (though not impossible) that's the cause.


My laptop has an integrated GPU, which I know isn't very good compared to others, but could that be part of the problem? Or something contributing to it?


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Just now, DavetheDoomguy said:


My laptop has an integrated GPU, which I know isn't very good compared to others, but could that be part of the problem? Or something contributing to it?


It's plausible. You can normally direct a program to use a specific GPU in the Nvidia control panel if need be.

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Something else to consider for the next update: when I fall a great distance and the weapon model temporarily moves from its usual position, it doesn't look right. It moves strangely and the weapon looks "incomplete".




Also --and this is a very small thing-- but I noticed this in Ogre Citadel. Look at the water against the wall directly in front of the player when he enters the cave. Most certainly a flaw in the original map that the semi-transparent water has revealed:

Old version without transparent water looks fine:



Remaster with transparent water reveals a vertical water surface on the wall:



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On 8/20/2021 at 12:11 AM, mattjoes said:

God, I hope they give Quake 2 the same treatment as Q1 and include a new mission pack. It would be fantastic! Citadel by Andrea Rosa is the only custom-made single-player Q2 episode that I've really enjoyed.

I take this back, I recently played Mission 64 and loved it.

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2 minutes ago, Edward850 said:

It's plausible. You can normally direct a program to use a specific GPU in the Nvidia control panel if need be.


Is it possible to do the same with an AMD GPU? Or do something that works pretty much the same?

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36 minutes ago, DavetheDoomguy said:


Is it possible to do the same with an AMD GPU? Or do something that works pretty much the same?

In theory, though I couldn't tell you how.

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1 minute ago, Edward850 said:

In theory, though I couldn't tell you how.


Well, I can't find anything in my driver settings close to what Nvidia has, so I don't know either. I'm curious, though, is OpenGL available to use with Quake EX? Or was that something that got removed or changed or just didn't work as intended?

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18 minutes ago, DavetheDoomguy said:


Well, I can't find anything in my driver settings close to what Nvidia has, so I don't know either. I'm curious, though, is OpenGL available to use with Quake EX? Or was that something that got removed or changed or just didn't work as intended?

OpenGL is long dead since Shadowman, due to it being a major conflict with the other rendering APIs. It pretty much needed its own render path at this point, and given the only platform using it was Windows and Linux (which have Vulkan, Mac OSX doesn't even have OpenGL as a viable target for games, using it on Switch is insanity), it was about time to throw it out.


It's also not even a viable option for AMD, given its drivers were consistently the one thing that broke it.

Edited by Edward850

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Just now, Edward850 said:

OpenGL is long dead since Shadowman, due to it being a major conflict with the other rendering APIs. It pretty much needed its own render path at this point, and given the only platform using it was Windows (Linux has Vulkan, Mac OSX doesn't even have OpenGL as a viable target for games, using it on Switch is insanity), it was about time to throw it out.


That's unfortunate, but I understand why it had to be removed. But DirectX11 is good enough, at least for Quake EX, given a few workarounds. I do like the new stuff that came with it and everything that was included because it was missing, I just have been so focused on figuring out why Vulkan's being so weird with it and never got any clues as to why until today/tonight. 


The tech advice and info was helpful, though, given the situation!

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I can't seem to connect to Bethesda.net when the game launches through Steam, It tells me to check my connection and try again. I'm able to login to Bethesda's launcher so it's not an account issue, and I'm clearly connected to the internet. It gives me two options in the connection error promt: back and cancel, but they both just make the prompt disappear. When selecting multiplayer mode, it tries to connect and then quickly says "Lost connection to online services.".


Clicking Bethesda.net in the options menu shows: "Error: PlayerAlreadyLoggedIn".


All that being said the game feels great after switching to d3d11, I'm happy to see an official port with such high quality.

Edited by Lippeth

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3 minutes ago, StalkerZHS said:

what in the heck mod is that 3rd screenshot? (with the nade launcher)

Given that's a Switch screenshot, it isn't. It's the new map pack Dimensions of the Machine.

Edited by Edward850

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4 hours ago, [McD]James said:

How are console players making out online, anyways? Quake's multiplayer is pretty rough to begin with, but playing with a Switch controller against mouse and keyboard users sounds especially harsh. 


Played mostly on Switch online and i was mostly in the middle Field.

Seems as there are enough Console Players or New Comers.

I am really not the best Player, but my Experience from the Quake 3 Era are enough to stay my Ground :)


Also, you can use Keyboard and Mouse with the Switch.

Sadly my Bluetooth Mouse doesn't work, only the Keyboard.

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Kinda wish certain things like the explosion sprites were replaced with those neat gradient effects when you're running Quake 64 add-on, even if mostly just as a few slightly-transparent frames to simulate the authenticity more, and that you could do something like split-screen co-op on it or bring its deathmatch map takes in on the fun; trying to run that seems to jump to the default maps instead. But that's just wishing for things that aren't really that important and would be more novelty compared to the whole main package.


Sure there's bugs and kinks to work out, but having an official port this good after all these years still can't be denied. Great job to all those involved.

Edited by RaikohZX

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Do we have a kind of overview about what has already been fixed in the port source since release so we don't keep bringing up stuff that will already be in a future update for sure?

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1 minute ago, NightFright said:

Do we have a kind of overview about what has already been fixed in the port source since release so we don't keep bringing up stuff that will already be in a future update for sure?

So far nothing has changed. Any patches pushed have to span all platforms at once due to crossplay.

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1 hour ago, Thorogrimm said:

Some helpful fixes for folks who want to revert a few changes: https://www.naguide.com/quake-settings-all-fixes-2021-update/

I don't think the information on that page is entirely accurate.


Regarding OpenGL, sponge said this:




Regarding player speed, aren't the (original/vanilla) defaults supposed to be 400 for forwardspeed and backspeed, and 350 for sidespeed?



The AA solution in this port just blurs the whole screen

This is false. By doing screenshot comparisons you can see that the anti-aliasing does a good job of removing jaggies without blurring the screen.





AA off:



AA on:



Edited by TheUltimateDoomer666

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2 hours ago, Edward850 said:

So far nothing has changed. Any patches pushed have to span all platforms at once due to crossplay.


That's annoying, but exactly what I expected: some quick fixes that could make it immediately to the PC version will have to wait forever because of the console versions and their heavy release process with all the QA involved and more, and somebody important along the chain to give the thumb up to publish the patch for zillions platforms at once...

Though in the end, the important thing is that the rerelease is properly supported (updated) in the long run, and that it is not abandoned at being 95% there.

Anyways, great job on this rerelease. It's obvious that a lot of work has gone into it !





Edited by bobbie424242

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2 minutes ago, ApprihensivSoul said:

I haven't seen much on it yet, and I'm sure this has been mentioned, but the thing this makes me most excited for is a remaster of HeXen II.

Hexen 2, much like Heretic and Hexen 1, was a Raven game, which means it's in Activision's court.

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3 hours ago, TheUltimateDoomer666 said:

Regarding player speed, aren't the (original/vanilla) defaults supposed to be 400 for forwardspeed and backspeed, and 350 for sidespeed?


I'm still incredibly confused why they'd change that

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17 hours ago, DavetheDoomguy said:


Tried that with the Vulkan renderer, but it didn't seem to have any effect, still incredibly choppy and made my PC a little slower like it was doing before. Gonna restart to fix the slowness, but if there are any other potential things I could try, let me know and I'll get back to you on it.

stupid question, but just want to make sure. did you copy that command and inserted it without removing the "to"? because i tried that option and it does work.

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