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Quake Remastered

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Btw, you don't have to copy over the entire QuakeEX.kpf. It's enough to extract its internal "localization" dir into your Quakespasm/QSS dir (with 7-Zip or the like). 


As much as I understand the urge to play especially DOTM with a non-Kex port: Do yourself a favor and do a full playthrough on its native port the first time at least. Otherwise you'll miss some really neat visual effects. The only port that is currently getting close to reproducing the intended looks is FTE, with dynamic lights/shadows on. None of the Quakespasm variants support that, just like that stained glass mirror effect I was able to spot in at least one map.

Edited by NightFright

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Sorry if this has been posted somewhere in the thread already but I just found this - https://q1mods.xyz/


You add +ui_addonsBaseURL "https://q1mods.xyz/" to your command line args for the rerelease and it'll talk to a custom addon server with way more mods available. They've got Malice, Kickflip Quake, AD and a whole bunch more.

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Just tried the rerelease in Spiked and it works pretty well. I'm really happy that the MD5 models work in Spiked and I might put them in its own PAK so I can use it in my regular Quake install.

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10 minutes ago, Wavy said:

Just tried the rerelease in Spiked and it works pretty well. I'm really happy that the MD5 models work in Spiked and I might put them in its own PAK so I can use it in my regular Quake install.


Did you have any trouble with Quake 64 in Spiked? I tried it myself, but it didn't look any different from normal Quake, so either I must have done something wrong or it doesn't quite support that yet.

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8 minutes ago, DavetheDoomguy said:


Did you have any trouble with Quake 64 in Spiked? I tried it myself, but it didn't look any different from normal Quake, so either I must have done something wrong or it doesn't quite support that yet.

On Windows, you need to go to C:\Users\[username]\Saved Games\Nightdive Studios\Quake\ and copy the \q64 directory into your Spiked install. Load q64 as a mod (like with "game q64" into the console) and it should work.

Edited by Wavy

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11 minutes ago, Wavy said:

On Windows, you need to go to C:\Users\[username]\Saved Games\Nightdive Studios\Quake\ and copy the \q64 directory into your Spiked install. Load q64 as a mod (like with "game q64" into the console) and it should work.


Turns out that the shortcut I made had "-q64" instead of "-game q64", and that's why it wasn't working. Though I hope there's a way to replicate the CRT filter from the remaster, looks kinda weird not having it.

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Finished Dissolution of Eternity last night. Now, on to Dimension of the Machine. I went to the secret level.

Edited by FireballCaco

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I just noticed they didn't even add lit files or fog effects for the DoE maps. (Not to speak of models.) If you compare the ent files of DoE vanilla and Enhanced maps, the only difference seems to be the changed messages for localization. I guess they also did watervis, but that's probably it. (<-- They did not.)


There's really still some work to be done here.

Edited by NightFright

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1 hour ago, NightFright said:

I just noticed they didn't even add lit files or fog effects for the DoE maps. (Not to speak of models.) If you compare the ent files of DoE vanilla and Enhanced maps, the only difference seems to be the changed messages for localization. I guess they also did watervis, but that's probably it.


There's really still some work to be done here.

My understanding is that the source .map files for Dissolution were not in the possession of either Id or any former Rogue employees that they asked, so altering and recompiling lights wasn't quite viable. Hopefully they figure something out in the future!

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Well, there are quite good custom lit files out there. Maybe colored lighting is a bit overdone in those compared to Enhanced, but it's better than nothing.

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Has anyone else noticed audio stutter when going through any portal/teleporter in Spiked? It only happens when going through any type of portal or teleporter, no matter if it's the base game or the expansions. 

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On mardi 7 septembre 2021 at 11:22 PM, NightFright said:

As much as I understand the urge to play especially DOTM with a non-Kex port: Do yourself a favor and do a full playthrough on its native port the first time at least.

I would if I could actually run it; my lappy is not Vulkan-capable.

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12 minutes ago, Gez said:

I would if I could actually run it; my lappy is not Vulkan-capable.


Given your laptop can run DirectX11, you could try "+r_rhirenderfamily dx11" in launch commands. Though my laptop can run other games on Vulkan just fine, the remaster doesn't run well at all on my laptop with it. The DirectX11 renderer runs a lot better for me, all graphical glitches aside, so it might work on your laptop.

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On 9/8/2021 at 12:10 AM, Wavy said:

Just tried the rerelease in Spiked and it works pretty well. I'm really happy that the MD5 models work in Spiked and I might put them in its own PAK so I can use it in my regular Quake install.


Of course it would work well.  Source ports usually do a better job than anything Bethesda does with Quake or Doom.

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Well, that’s Dimension of the Machine down! Time to beat it all again on Nightmare. Also, I think Civvie might be doing another Pro Quake episode soon.

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6 hours ago, Master O said:


Of course it would work well.  Source ports usually do a better job than anything Bethesda does with Quake or Doom.

Gee, fuck us I guess. :/

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45 minutes ago, Edward850 said:

Gee, fuck us I guess. :/

Yeah, that was a real low blow. I admit at first it didn't feel right. But as I said before, I restarted, changed a few settings and it feels like exactly like Quake. You guys did a damn fine job at faithfully recreating Quake. I'm not sure why so many people are pissy about it.

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1 hour ago, Jello said:

You guys did a damn fine job at faithfully recreating Quake.

Granted, Nightdive/id didn't "remake" Quake, they just ported the original engine to the KEX framework. But either way it's still an awesome remaster.

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I noticed today that I'm now able to log into Bethesda.net through Steam! Had to celebrate with a few rounds of crossplay deathmatch with my friend who only owns a Switch. It was so easy for us to drop into matches and start fragging. Many thanks!

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12 minutes ago, Wavy said:

Granted, Nightdive/id didn't "remake" Quake, they just ported the original engine to the KEX framework. But either way it's still an awesome remaster.

Tomatoes tomatohs, I'm sure it wasn't easy getting it ported. And it's clearly a labor of love and enthusiasm. I'm just kind of tired of seeing "When can I play it in a source port that it wasn't designed for!?". There is absolutely nothing wrong with it, I would say it feels the same or better than Quakespasm. And if DOTM is meant to be played with it, at least play it that way before you do it with Quakespasm.


Quakespasm is an excellent source port, I have certainly recommended it to people. And I still would. But DOTM is meant to be played with the KEX version, that's what it was made for.


It's like people getting mad because they can't play a gzdoom specific map in Chocolate Doom.

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12 minutes ago, Jello said:

I would say it feels the same or better than Quakespasm.

I agree! It feels more smoother and snappier yet not feeling slippery.

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On 8/27/2021 at 7:12 PM, hfc2x said:

Throughout the entirety of the base Quake campaign. Started noticing it in E1M6 (The Door to Chthon), where for reason, I kept finding Super Healths I was sure I picked up. I thought my memory was just playing tricks on me.

Thank you for getting back to me, and I'm sorry it took me so long to respond!  I don't recall running into the issue in DOPA but I did observe it at least once with DOMA.  (I can't remember the episode/mission, unfortunately.)  I'm going to play through the main campaign next so I'll keep an eye out for it.  (Xbox One X user, here.)

On 8/29/2021 at 12:29 PM, scalliano said:

I stand corrected, DoPa has 2 secret exits.

I still feel like the achievement should pop for finding the wind tunnel.  Maybe the description can be updated to better reflect which secret level you need to find?  That'd mean more localization, though.

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Maybe there could even be another (new) achievement in DOPA for finding that other secret exit. Title suggestion: "Gone with the Wind". 


BTW, after playing through DOTM with Quakespasm-Spiked for the first time yesterday, I gotta say that the Nightdive port still looks better. Without those dynamic shadows, the levels are ofc still very impressive and play just the same, but it's missing those special moments I had during my first playthrough whenever I encountered these huge shadows cast by the fanblades. At least they got the mirror effect of the stain glass windows in MGE3M1 right.

Edited by NightFright

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Might have found the first map that doesn't work with Quake Enhanced: "The Elder Reality" (retrojam4dlc_pulsar) by Pulsar. This is a user map from the "RetroJam 4" community project which comes without any custom code (progs.dat), it's maps only.


The problem happens quite early on, in the start area. Outside of the first room with the red window you drop into after pushing a sword button, one of the fenced gates with buttons is supposed to open. However, it doesn't with Quake Enhanced's pak0.pak file. If you place a progs.dat from vanilla Quake into the mod folder and load the map with that instead, it works. Therefore, it needs to be assumed there's something in the new progs.dat from Enhanced which breaks vanilla compatibility to some degree.

Edited by NightFright

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13 hours ago, FireballCaco said:

Also, this port makes Nightmare harder than Hard, let's not forget that.


Since 2019, the Copper mod has altered the Nightmare difficulty so that you have 50% health, rather than messing up the enemy AI. And no, I'm not sponsored by the Copper mod. 

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4 hours ago, [McD]James said:


Since 2019, the Copper mod has altered the Nightmare difficulty so that you have 50% health, rather than messing up the enemy AI. And no, I'm not sponsored by the Copper mod. 


It makes more sense. I've always preferred playing quake on hard since nightmare just makes enemies annoying turrets. 

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