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Reloading or no reloading?


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I am making a doom mod and I've been wondering whether I should use reloads or not I'm pretty sure most people prefer to not have to reload their weapons. However I feel that it adds more challenge?

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It depends on how it's implemented. Imho fast paced classic Doom gameplay and universal reloading don't gel at all, it's just an annoyance that slows things down. If it's just specific guns like the pistol (Duke syle), I don't mind it, it's cute. That being said, if the mod is aiming for a slower pace it could 100% work.

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If you're going for more "classic" fast paced doom gameplay it'd probably be more frustrating to deal with. It could be a benefit in some cases though, like others mentioned before if you have really powerful weapons then it might balance things out to have reloading, or if you're also changing the enemies then its only fair you reload as well. I'd also like to add (I don't know what your mod is i'm just saying this an example) if you were making a more horror style mod, i think reloading would benefit in a sense that it would create more tension for the player, imagine being chased down by monsters and you're trying to kill them and then you need to reload. It really just depends but if you're aiming for.

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Reloading never bothered me, even for fast paced games and mods. I've always liked the mechanic as long as it matches the pace of the game. Though I think if you're going to add reloading to weapons, make them all do it, save for very special circumstances like melee or grenades, etc. Duke Nukem gets a pass with the pistol because it's only a cosmetic reload and it's very fast. Mods where only some of the weapons reload usually feel inconsistent, but if it's done well and you're confident in the balance then it's all groovy.


Depending on the port you're making the mod for, you can always let players toggle reloading on and off in the menu. I did it for a GZDoom weapon mod and it worked out well. Though the way I did it, the weapons still technically reload, just instantly and without the animation.

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On 8/15/2021 at 12:16 PM, IvanDobrovski said:

This is what I design around for that situation:


  • Reloading if the weapons are sufficiently powerful.
  • No reloading otherwise.

^^100% agree^^

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Reloading if it's a Doom 1 Mod, even when its a kind of Slaughtermap /mapset and you are planning to do a (G)ZDoom Wad.


It depends on the people you'll like to play your wad/map/s.


No Reloading of course for a boom/vanilla compatible .wad/mod.

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