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New Techbase Map of Mine (Techbase Intensity)

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ayeoo, made this over the course of last weekend and just finished today. Computer died on me, finally got it fixed and began mapping again. This map was sorta winged, just thrown together without any real solid idea of what I wanted to do. I suggest playing it on GZDoom, Zdoom was a bit buggy, and I've yet to test it on any other ports. Only UV difficulty atm, some bits can get intense, but not impossible. There's one secret, still have to do a few touch ups. It isn't 100% complete yet. Hope you enjoy!









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This is a prettily detailed techbase map. I do question why if there is only 1 accessible secret as you say what is with the 5 addition ones, but I guess it is unfished as of yet. I would have to disagree that this map gets intense, there were two berserks I didn't pick up! As it stands this could be the HMP difficulty and you could add some more difficult monsters for UV. My final note is that outside one of the windows there is a river I can see on the automap but can't see over a wall, and through another window there is nothing but sky texture.


Good map :)

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Hey good job, man. I love a good little techbase map and this is no exception. Well put together with an interesting layout/design, solid texture work, decent combat and some fun monster closests/ambushes. 



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Really cool level!  Nice pacing, clear layout, and good balancing.


I can tell you like the shotgun, because there are a TON of shells around the map, but comparatively few bullets, as my chaingun kept running dry, but I had full shells by the end of the level.


I also think the second berserk pack after the yellow keycard gate might be unneeded.


Very pretty architecture and great detail work, with a good flow and relative ease of difficulty.

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