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Is there any video tutorial of the "zero press" trick?

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Hump a wall until you magically press the switch? IDK how to do it either, neither the Zero press nor the Squeeze glides

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6 minutes ago, Lol 6 said:

Hump a wall until you magically press the switch? IDK how to do it either, neither the Zero press nor the Squeeze glides


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  • 1 year later...

Having difficulty finding explanations and tutorials myself, I looked into the subject to see if one could easily reproduce the zero press. I don't like Doom2 Map 7 (because I haven't mastered the rocket jump in Doom2 yet), so I was looking for a lazy way to end the level.

In fact, it's quite easy to reproduce once you know how to do it!


I will also give my configuration, as it is difficult to find a post that clearly states which bindings/port etc. to use.

I've discovered dsda-doom, I recommand it. It's a fork of prboom which is pretty close to vanilla doom for the rendering. dsda-doom's default setup is a little different however (textured minimap) but there are a lot of cool features such as autorename of the demos, and the possibility to display the doomguy's coordinates. We won't use them, but it was helpful when I was trying to understand what was going on, and how to reproduce consistently the zero press.

There's also a useful setting in dsda which is the "Mouse strafe divisor" (in Options > General). I set it to 256. Basically, it will decrease the mouse sensity when strafing with it, allowing to adjust the position precisely. It has no impact on SR50, which is important.

Once last thing: set "movement_shorttics" to 1 in the config file. This is the default when recording demos, but if you want to practice otherwise, you'll need to set it. It reduces the angle step to 1, meaning you can face only 256 directions and it's much easier to set the player at the right angle.


My bindings are: WASD, mouse right click for strafe (makes SR50 easy to achieve). The rest is not important. Also, I use the dot crosshair, once again to adjust position.


Now, the zero press in MAP07:

Press the switch and move forward until you reach the pedestal with the rocket launcher. Stay close to it, and face south. If you display the angle, it should be 192. There's also a visual hint: your crosshair should be a little left to the rocket in front of you (if you turn right a little, with the shorttick your crosshair would be right to it).

Now, keep your mouse button pressed to lock the angle and move towards the central pedestal. Your goal will be to have your crosshair on the right edge of the exit cube (the one with an eye). To achieve this, strafe with the keys and do the final adjustment with the mouse strafe. The "Mouse strafe divisor" allows you to fine-tune it.
It works better if you aim just a little to the right of the edge.
Now press forward. Since you're heading south, you shouldn't move at all, but the small fractional errors make you move to the left very slowly. Keep hitting the use button until you press the exit button (in fact, its right side due to a fractional rounding bug).

If you move to far on the left, readjust your position with a right strafe with the mouse.

If you display your coordinates, the trick works when the X is between -640 and -640.01545 (roughly). Y doesn't really matter as long as you stand the closest to the pedestal (it should be betwen -47.62000 and -48).


I've attached a small demo file to illustrate this. Enjoy!


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EDIT: I didn't even realise it was a massive necro -.- Yet another reminder to self to not post while at work :)

Edited by Doomy__Doom

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15 minutes ago, Doomy__Doom said:

EDIT: I didn't even realise it was a massive necro -.- Yet another reminder to self to not post while at work :)

Necro-ing in this subforum is fine imo, as long as it isn't some 10 year old topic theorizing about someone cheating or something. This video belongs in this thread anyway, it just wasn't in existence when the OP was first asking.

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On 2/28/2023 at 1:07 PM, Maribo said:

This video belongs in this thread anyway, it just wasn't in existence when the OP was first asking.

And I didn't find it when looking for hints or tutorials about the subject.

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