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What were the first three PWADs you downloaded?

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On 8/18/2021 at 6:47 PM, Wavy said:

I first played Doom through DsDoom SVN v1.4 so I was really stuck with vanilla WADs. But I barely remember what my firsts WADs were, so here is a possible list:

  • Doom 4 Vanilla
  • Jaguar Doom TC
  • Chex Quest (along with the DeHackEd)

Where can I find the Jaguar TC mod?

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Its been too long, no way can I remember the exact first three.


But I do know the four things that first wowed me.


Sverre Kvernmo's Cabal maps, I swear I had these on a shovelware disc that I no longer own; I distinctly remember playing through crap after crap, then I have Image of Evil utterly blowing me away with its complete automap image. I was absolutely floored many many years later upon finding the Cabal maps again, and learning this same guy did some of the Master Levels, the expansion missing from Doom Collector's Edition that I always wanted, and none of his Cabal levels were present in the PS1 port of Final Doom, so I never got to actually see the missing Cabal levels till I got Master Levels off Steam.


Fifth Project of Doom is a very little known episode replacement for Ultimate Doom, with E1 being an atmospheric jaunt, with the other three episodes filled with scraps of development fragments. I only had Doom 95 at the time, so I could only play the wad without its extra graphics, and I was stunned later when I got ZDoom, how the wad was *supposed* to look, and that it still looked good with stock textures.


Vilecore was the first megawad I ever had, and it was mindblowing at the time. 'Oh wow, someone replaced ALL 32 LEVELS?' 'Wow, this DEH thing actually changes the level names!' 'Wait, why is the Vilecore map Map 32 instead of Map 30!?'. I never fully finished it, as I was enamoured with TNT Evilution and playing Go 2 It with cheats


Herian 2 was my first advanced mapset, when I upgraded from Doom 95 to ZDoom. I never knew Heretic or Hexen existed till I played this, and Herian 2 is the reason I bought Hexen on the PS1 when I found a pre-owned copy


Funnily enough, @BeeWen has remade two of these. Half expecting him to drop onto the forums with a fully-realised Cabal megawad or a remake of Fifth Project of Doom at this point xD

Edited by Devalaous

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Well it was 11 years ago and I don't really remember exactly (you know I'm very forgetful) but pretty sure the Master Levels, the very first PWADs I played right after TNT and Plutonia. All played in ZDoom, with freelook+jumps/crouch, haha that was lot of fun :D Then I think I downloaded Zone 300 and Whispers of Satan or Vanguard.

Edited by Yousuf Anik

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Back in 1994 a few from a shovelware CD (few people in the UK had access to internet in those days and BBS were expensive to use due to phone charges); I most remember the one with the 'cigarette smoking skull' cursor, 'Glaxia' I think it was called. Can't remember any of the others by name after nearly 30 years :P

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Don't remember the third, but first two were definitely Alien Vendetta and Sunlust. Still haven't completed the latter :p

Edited by Tiramisu

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