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doom levels that you rather set up a slip and slide over a ruptured septic tank then play anymore of it

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Doom 1 - The entirety of E3. Because I find it sloughish, cryptic, ugly, and amateurishly designed compared to E1 or even some parts of E2.


Doom 2 - Monster Condo. Because I always felt like the rooms were just added on top of one and another without a real concrete idea of what the progression in the level should be.


TNT - I dislike most of TNT, but I the only level that really drives me wild would be Habitat.... because its really cryptic an amazingly unfun. 


Plutonia - Tombstone, because of the small corridors, the obnoxious track and becauses it drags on for too long and I get lost and I never really know were I'm going. I think I get short on ammo too I remember punching my way through some parts.... my memory is fading.



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Someones been watching AVGN.


For me, the 'master levels' for Doom 2.  They just don't mesh well and are a damn chore to play..  they got paid for those maps?!

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E2M2 - Containment Area.
MAP24 - The Chasm.

I'd happily eat the contents of a discarded colostomy bag over having to play through those 2 maps again. Hated them both in 1994, still hate them in 2021.

Edited by Doom-X-Machina

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Exit to MAP08 of Doom 2. Drove me mad. Probably took me 50 times to get it right, was playing on keyboard. Luckily I was saving often. And yes MAP24, carefully walking those tightropes.

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A few of the master levels particularly Fistula. It is like the author intentionally set out to be annoying. 


Doom 64. Some solid maps but i think map05, map13 and map15 were awful. Map13 killed my first playthrough, 15 my second. Just too many obtuse, dickish design choices.


Pretty much all of Plutonia. Hate the gameplay design.

Edited by Murdoch

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17 minutes ago, Murdoch said:

Pretty much all of Plutonia.

Lately I've been feeling the same way. I can never push myself to finish it. It isn't half as difficult as it is irritating to me. I also find it tastefully bland in terms of visuals. Not a huge fan of TNT either but Mt. Pain is one of my favorite maps.

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I love Plutonia, it is more professionally designed than TNT imo. The combat, though it is challenging, is not that hard at all really, compared to Ancient Aliens or Sunlust.


The map are very inventive, and really push the design of doom maps in another direction : less realism, more abstraction. With a geometry that complements the combat, not the opposite.


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6 hours ago, RonnieJamesDiner said:

Long story short, I don't think there are any Doom levels that would motivate me enough to use a slip-n-slide in, around, near, or overtop a ruptured septic tank. 




Id rather play some Doom rubbish than end up playing with a reeking sewer.

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58 minutes ago, Doom_Dude said:




Id rather play some Doom rubbish than end up playing with a reeking sewer.

You haven't played enough maps by Gene Bird

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1 hour ago, Doom_Dude said:

Id rather play some Doom rubbish than end up playing with a reeking sewer.

Fortunately, there are plenty of rubbish sewer levels, so you can have both.

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There are a lot of terrible levels out there so it would be a bit redundant to pick one that's so terrible that you know within 30 seconds you're dealing with manure.


Though I'm not going to be too original here. While there have been levels that feel unfair in their difficulty (TNT MAP29 is a good example), or too long, or too slaughtery, I can usually appreciate what the map maker was going for even if it's not always my own jam.


Subspace from the Master Levels, however, is just crap, and it doesn't even seem as if it's trying to be. It's trying something, but the end result leaves nothing to compliment, and after a while you realize that there's probably not even a single LineDef in the entire map that you wouldn't leave a scathing review for. I hate that map.

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4 hours ago, Gibbon said:

You haven't played enough maps by Gene Bird


I've played plenty of shitty Doom, Duke and Quake maps before I got online in 2000.


Have you ever opened up a sewer that needs to be pumped by a guy in a big shit sucking truck?


I'll take the shitty maps. To hell with playing / slip and sliding and or just hanging around sewers.

Edited by Doom_Dude

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13 hours ago, RonnieJamesDiner said:

A septic tank is an underground chamber made of concrete, fiberglass, or plastic through which domestic wastewater (sewage) flows for basic treatment. Settling and anaerobic processes reduce solids and organics, but the treatment efficiency is only moderate (referred to as "primary treatment"). Septic tank systems are a type of simple onsite sewage facility (OSSF). They can be used in areas that are not connected to a sewerage system, such as rural areas. The treated liquid effluent is commonly disposed in a septic drain field, which provides further treatment. Nonetheless, groundwater pollution may occur and can be a problem.


The term "septic" refers to the anaerobic bacterial environment that develops in the tank that decomposes or mineralizes the waste discharged into the tank. Septic tanks can be coupled with other onsite wastewater treatment units such as biofilters or aerobic systems involving artificially forced aeration. The rate of accumulation of sludge—also called septage or fecal sludge—is faster than the rate of decomposition. Therefore, the accumulated fecal sludge must be periodically removed, which is commonly done with a vacuum truck.


Long story short, I don't think there are any Doom levels that would motivate me enough to use a slip-n-slide in, around, near, or overtop a ruptured septic tank. 


Now anyone should make a map called Septic Ruptured. Just do it. Sold.


If I have to take a map, I personally despise Mount Pain from TNT.

NOPE. I rather play the next map, Heck, over Mount Pain.

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41 minutes ago, leodoom85 said:


Now anyone should make a map called Septic Ruptured. Just do it. Sold.


If I have to take a map, I personally despise Mount Pain from TNT.

NOPE. I rather play the next map, Heck, over Mount Pain.

Bonus points for a Nerd sprite sliding over it too

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1 hour ago, leodoom85 said:


Now anyone should make a map called Septic Ruptured. Just do it. Sold.


30 minutes ago, Gibbon said:

Bonus points for a Nerd sprite sliding over it too


Bonus points for corrupted sewer truck driver monsters. haha.

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Friendly reminder that the point of the thread is to talk about the level you dislike...The septic tank part was hyperbolic.

(And surely there is one level that you disliked at some point, and don't feel like replaying...)


I therefore propose we rename this thread : "Which doom level you dread replaying or hate, and why is it e3m2 ?"


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I would rather slip and slide on a broken septic tank, receive a nasty wound and contract a nasty infection than play through most of Doom II’s brown brick libraries. 

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1 hour ago, Doom_Dude said:



Bonus points for corrupted sewer truck driver monsters. haha.

Septic pinkies!

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I mean, if it's ruptured, but underground, it's just leeching into the ground anyway. The top would still be dry.


So it'd just be a slip-and-slide on dry ground.


Sounds like an exotic way to wax your chest, really.




Unless you're a lady.







Unless you're a particularly hairy lady.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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14 hours ago, Gibbon said:

Someones been watching AVGN.


For me, the 'master levels' for Doom 2.  They just don't mesh well and are a damn chore to play..  they got paid for those maps?!

Mostly agree, I really like Jim Flynn's and Cranium's, and Tom Mustain's maps, but cannot STAND Klye's maps. They are awful. I actually love most of Dr. Sleeps levels though.





I hate, yes truly hate Mephistos Misspelled Mausoleam


Purposely spelled wrong, I have no respect for that map.


Edited by Dusty_Rhodes

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2 hours ago, Xaser said:

Upping the ante here: If riding a slip-n-slide into a septic tank were somehow part of a magic ritual that would prevent these sorts of hatefest threads from appearing, I'd don a swimsuit right the fuck now.

re-enacting SEPTIC 5 AWESOME in a bid to make the needless negative vibes go away

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