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Favourite video games


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Rather self-explanatory, let's just see what Doomworld's into. Usually with this stuff I like to limit myself to one entry per series, but it's all up to you.


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Can't be assed doing a graphic. Some tough choices to make but this is a best guess.


All time favourite: Probably Skyrim Special Edition.

Favourite Series: Doom

Soundtrack: Quake II.

Protagonist: Lara Croft as depicted in Legend, Anniversary and Underworld.

Villain: Deathshead in Wolfenstein: The New Order. Hated him violently and offing him felt sweet.

Best Story: Bioshock

Haven't played but want: Nothing.

You love everyone hates: Can't think of one.

You hate everyone loves: Dark Souls

Best Art: Bioshock

Favourite Ending: Bioshock 2: Minerva's Den.

Favourite Boss Fight: Time Crisis. Once completed the game on a single credit and did the entire final boss fight with no hits left. Talk about adrenaline rush.

Childhood Game: Speedball 2

Relaxing Game: Skyrim. Lulls me into a trance almost.

Stressful Game: Doom Eternal. A lot to like but some really, really frustrating moments.

Game You Always Come Back To: Skyrim and Classic Doom.

Guilty Pleasure: None. I hate this term and am not ashamed of the things I like.

Tons of Hours Played: Skyrim, Classic Doom.

Edited by Murdoch

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God this was hard, but here ye go:



Edited by Wavy
Quick tweak 2.2: Electric Boogaloogaloo

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17 minutes ago, msx2plus said:

all yall touhou mfs they should rename this place to touhouworld (jk touhou 9.5 and 10 own)


You're welcome

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5 hours ago, doomguykiller69 said:

I'm too lazy to open GIMP, that image would be all doom for me xd

Not only do you love DOOM, but you apparently hate it, too. 



My list in spoiler



Didn't realize I had that pic selected. now you know I made it on Google Slides. I decided I'm too lazy to go back and retake it. :P


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"Always come back to" is Doom/Doom 2.


Everything else?  No idea.  I like some stuff and I dislike other stuff, but I couldn't pick out a specific favourite franchise or bad guy as my 'best ever', and I have multiple 'I love, everyone hates' games.  I also have multiple 'I hate, everyone loves' games, but I don't care to spend time thinking or talking about those.

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I feel like some stuff was left out (no metroidvanias there although i like some quite a bit for example), but i think that's it overall:




Edit: If there was an "enemy/monster design" slot, the winner would certainly be the monster hunter series... Sometimes the fight mechanics can be a bit clunky, but the monsters are def the coolest all around in the video game world, in my opinion.

Edited by Mayomancer

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Did a really half-assed job resizing these images but I think it should still be readable. Have like, 3 or 4 answers for most of these categories (except for "favorite game", "favorite series", and "stressful") so I just went with the first thing that came to mind - catch me on a different day and I might have different answers!

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3 hours ago, Sergeant G said:

Perhaps with a grain or two of salt...


Why the hell is Disciples II a guilty pleasure? It has a good story, a good atmosphere, great music, great art design, and simple but fun gameplay. I'd rather put Skyrim there. Otherwise, this is probably the closest to my list, especially with TDP as the best game of the series and Halo hate.

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I can say beyond a doubt that SS2 has my least favorite ending in any video game, which is a shame considering how good everything leading up to it was.


Also, who on Earth hates Thief: Deadly Shadows? Most of us would agree that it wasn't on the same level as the first two games, but it was still very good and did an excellent job in wrapping up the story. 

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14 minutes ago, rzh said:

Why the hell is Disciples II a guilty pleasure? It has a good story, a good atmosphere, great music, great art design, and simple but fun gameplay. I'd rather put Skyrim there. Otherwise, this is probably the closest to my list, especially with TDP as the best game of the series and Halo hate.

TBH, there's no video game I truly feel guilty about liking. Something had to go in there. I agree with everything you've said about Diciples II btw. I probably have the same amount of time in with it as I do with Skyrim, which is to say about 1000 hours. Too much. But, somehow by the end of my second campaign, I feel every bit as close to my Nigosh The Nosferat as I do with any of my Skyrim characters. I think it's the upgrades and leveling plus the potions. That and how unstoppable the Undead Hordes get once they're leveled. The music IS amazing in that game, isn't it? Got the whole OST backed up.

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21 minutes ago, [McD]James said:

I can say beyond a doubt that SS2 has my least favorite ending in any video game, which is a shame considering how good everything leading up to it was.


Also, who on Earth hates Thief: Deadly Shadows? Most of us would agree that it wasn't on the same level as the first two games, but it was still very good and did an excellent job in wrapping up the story. 

Well I'm glad to hear it. If you go surfing back into TTLG's archives from way back in 2004 and 2003, right before Deadly Shadows came out, you will find plenty of people who weren't even willing to give it a chance, and were happy to wallow in their self fulfilling prophecy when it did come out. It was indeed very controversial in the Thief fandom once upon a time. Back in those days there absolutely was a camp of purists who didn't want to accept any sequel that wasn't made in the Dark Engine. When they heard the new game was gonna be a modified version of Unreal, they freaked out. That was long ago, newer players with more open minds came along due to the Xbox release. It presents less of a problem for people just now getting into Thief. More recently there's been the divide between players who like THIEF (2014) and those who hate it. The old controversy about THief DS is largely forgotten. Still though, I look at my Let's Plays on YouTube. I am NOT saying that my channel is in any way some kind of barometer or weather vane of where the fandom is at, however, my Let's Plays of DS have not accumulated views at the same rate the older games have. I personally love DS, I defended it on TTLG when it came out and I've tried to find things to do with it on YT in addition to the Let's Plays. I dunno something had to go in that slot, that's the closest thing I could figure I had to a game some people hated.

Edited by Sergeant G

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Actually, there is another category I can answer.  Childhood game would be Lords of Midnight.


It is clear from other people's answers that my childhood is a lot longer ago than some of yours!

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This was nearly impossible, namely the all time favorite and soundtrack, but I can't say it wasn't fun to think about!

Edited by Lippeth

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7 hours ago, Chip said:

My list in spoiler

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Didn't realize I had that pic selected. now you know I made it on Google Slides. I decided I'm too lazy to go back and retake it. :P



I though I was the only one on this planet that enjoyed Red Faction 2 as their Guilty Pleasure game.

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