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Monster from doom that terrified us

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Hello there all my favorite doomworld lurkers, which monster from the doom games are you terrified of, mine is the Pinky, I remember encountering them in map 3 of doom 2 the gauntlet  and map 8 tricks and traps 





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First time encountering the Barons was scary as hell lol Also, at that time I was like 5 too.


When Doom 2 came out, revenants were pretty scary to me too

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I used to find pinkies really terrifying as a kid. Their roaming sounds and speed made me feel uneasy.


Didn't help matters I played with a Gravis Gamepad, which plays Doom about as well than someone with their hands stuck in cement blocks. Also now of all times, I'm bugged by the fact they had 4 buttons but only 2 of them were unique buttons? That meant I could only bind two actions on the gamepad, which was shoot and open. Back then I'd consider strafing an advanced strategy. 

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I think that both cybies and archviles are easily on top for being experts to terrify you good.


Cybie's one-hit potential kill takes the cake and...it can happen silently if the monster tries to sneak up on you. Archie on the other hand, the interval time for the flame is enough to scare you, basically because it's shown on screen. To top it off, it can also kill you in one hit because of the massive damage....


But....you know....nothing is more terrifying than a lost soul on kamikaze mode and you use a rocket to kill yourself...

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Just now, DuckReconMajor said:

E2M8 seems specifically engineered to make the cyberdemon terrifying and I think it accomplishes that quite well

Even the manuals which nonchalantly describe the Cyberdemon as "A missile-launching skyscraper with goat legs. 'Nuff said." still comes across as intimidating because of the physical description alone.

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As a kid I was scared as hell (pun untended initially but now it is) by pinkies as well. To me they looked like bulls and these gold eyes staring at you didn't help. Plus they just run at you when you're doing a 4 hand run of the shareware version with like 1 fps. Of course when I saw the barons in E1M8 my brain interpretated their appearance as giant pinkes (because pink) and I fully panicked. I didn't understand why the rocket launcher didn't one shot them like it did to everything else. Then when walking on the teleporter we died, obviously it's intended ; but we didn't know about it, so my dad and 9 year old me spent the evening arguing over whose fault our death was (plus our god mode had disappeared which neither of us understood). Ah well, good times :)

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As a child I was particularly scared of Cyberdemons and Cacodemons, and to a lesser extent Barons of Hell.  I remember back in 1995 progressing through E3 while maintaining a save game on E2M8, having put off completing it until later because of how scary the showdown with the Cyberdemon was at the time.

Edited by ENEMY!!!

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The cyberdemons in Memento Mori map28. 
Those who know the map will understand the wtf moments that occur in this one.

Jens Nielsen, you utter bastard/genius…

Edited by cannonball

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For me it's definitely the Cyberdemon.


One of the scary things that can happen with the Cyberdemon is when it fires at you when you least expect it to. You'll be staring at a Cyberdemon that you think is infighting some other demons but then it turns to you in a flash and starts shooting at you.

Edited by KubaloBlackMT

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Seriously though, no monster in Doom really "scares" me. Only one would probably be fast Pinkies

Edited by Wavy

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If you count Doom 64, to this day I'm quite scared of the Doom 64 Pinkies, despite not being bothered by those in Doom 1/2.  Especially the Nightmare versions.  Not sure exactly why, but they do have more intimidating faces.

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If you count all Dooms, the cherub is the  real underpant stainer for me. But I still have actual nightmares with archies.

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2 hours ago, TheEvilGrin said:

As a kid I was scared as hell (pun untended initially but now it is) by pinkies as well. To me they looked like bulls and these gold eyes staring at you didn't help. Plus they just run at you when you're doing a 4 hand run of the shareware version with like 1 fps. Of course when I saw the barons in E1M8 my brain interpretated their appearance as giant pinkes (because pink) and I fully panicked. I didn't understand why the rocket launcher didn't one shot them like it did to everything else. Then when walking on the teleporter we died, obviously it's intended ; but we didn't know about it, so my dad and 9 year old me spent the evening arguing over whose fault our death was (plus our god mode had disappeared which neither of us understood). Ah well, good times :)

Yet I have reoccurring nightmares about them running towards me, clawing at me and biting me, never have been terrified of such a creature

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When I first played the shareware episode, the Barons scared the crap out of me. They kept throwing slime and refused to die. ;D Then the Cyb in Tricks 'n Traps traumatized me big-time. 


The Cyb is the one best able to scare me to this day, especially when I first hear the moo of the Siege Cow and I'm not expecting it. Another thing that can send a tingle up my spine is the sudden roar of a chaingun in full throttle when a Heavy Weapon Dude drills me from behind. 

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Spectres used to scare the shit out of me. I just got damaged randomly out of nowhere and I could hear it but not see it lmao

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The Spider Masterminds in Redemption Denied. My first encounter with these giant monstrosities in an already frightening map.

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Revenant for sure. Yeah, they seem goofy and funny now, but that first Doom 2 encounter where you open a level in a super dark room and hear that blood-curdling scream followed by a rocket you CAN'T RUN AWAY FROM...chilling stuff as a kid.

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As a kid, the Cyberdemon. I vividly remember a nightmare I had when I was a little kid about being chased through a maze by a Cybie. 

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When the Cacodemons first hissed at me in E3M1, luckily they were helpful, good reliable Imp killers.

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The only one that really scared me was the pinkie in E1M5, I was at a sleepover and we were playing the Doom Shareware, and it was my first chance to play. Near the beginning of the level you can look through a small window and there's multiple zombiemen, shotgunners, and a pinkie, and that was the first time I had ever seen a pinkie. Long story short, it started infighting with a shotgunner, and someone blew up one of the barrels nearby, which exploded the shotgunner. 


So yeah, I was scared shitless of pinkies for quite awhile because I assumed they were powerful enough to explode you with a bite. I think I was eight. But after that, nothing in Doom really scared me, even the Arch-Vile and Cyberdemon when I played Doom 2 when I was 9 or 10. Although the Arch-Vile did make me a little nervous at first, but I followed that timeless quote "If it bleeds, we can kill it".

Edited by Jello

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