Ragu Posted August 25, 2021 I was also afraid to face down the cyberdemon in E2M8, and I didn't beat a cybie without cheats until well into my teens. It was the THUMP THUMP of his hooves that got me. Over the years I've had more than a few dreams of being chased down by a cyberdemon. When I finally exorcised that fear by way of several dozen rockets (i did not know about the splash damage immunity back then), I never let up from there -- I will fuck up a cyberdemon if I see one. I'm not scared of any of the Doom cast now, though there's been some monster placement that could, in that moment of panic, maybe make me shit myself. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gaia74 Posted August 25, 2021 The Icon of sin gave me nightmares when I was a kid 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
MrTAD Posted August 25, 2021 (edited) It's hard to not point at most of the Monsters, especially when playing Doom 2. The Barons, Hell Knights, Revenants, Cyber Demon, Spider Mastermind. All scared me when I first played the games over 2 years ago now but now the only way they scare me is if I am caught totally off guard while playing. Or there are so many I wake up at once the scream blows my ears out. Edited August 25, 2021 by MrTAD 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Telemassacre Posted August 25, 2021 (edited) 6 hours ago, OniriA said: A cacodemon and a pain elemental on legs riding on a revenant who is riding between a chaingunner and an imp who's bodys are generated by a psychic connection between a zombieman and a shotgunner both being supported by the top armpits of an archvile with a manbus for a head who is riding on a cybermastermind with a lost soul for a head, two noble demon arms for an arm, and with a pinky hiding underneath it. Ah yes, i was scared by that too, but as a map creator, i've grown to appreciate it. Edited August 25, 2021 by Telemassacre 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
CBM Posted August 25, 2021 6 hours ago, Bridgeburner56 said: I still scream like a small child if a cyberdemon pops out at me in a tight space. Doubly so if it's dark I feel like if you make some doom map playtrough videoes with commentary in the near future, then you have just tempted some mappers :-D I am not scared of any of the doom monsters as such 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Archanhell Posted August 25, 2021 to be honest, no monster on DooM 1, 2 or 64 are scary per se, unless you exploit your creativity and use them well on a more tense way, but vanilla-wise, none, even when I played as a kid. DooM 3 is a different thing though, the monsters there were much worse thanks to their physical and sound design as well as the ambience they were found in, specially enemies like the spider things, the pinkies and, obviously, the weird babies, because babies are always scary. though even them did not always scare me, I guess. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Nikku4211 Posted August 25, 2021 (edited) Archviles, due to the fact that can hit you from anywhere as long as they can see you, plus resurrect the dead(and if they were crushed before resurrection, they are more of a pain to get rid of), and in MBF, turn your dead pets evil. :( Edited August 25, 2021 by Nikku4211 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Okej5722 Posted August 25, 2021 The spider master mind still kinda creeps me out till this day, especially since I'm an arachnophobe. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gez Posted August 25, 2021 But the spidey is only half of a spider! Just four legs instead of eight, and no abdomen. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Bridgeburner56 Posted August 25, 2021 4 hours ago, CBM said: I feel like if you make some doom map playtrough videoes with commentary in the near future, then you have just tempted some mappers :-D I am not scared of any of the doom monsters as such Mate, it's happened live on stream :D 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
DevilMyEyes Posted August 25, 2021 (edited) Probably this one, the sounds that it makes and the way it moves is creepy af. Edited August 25, 2021 by DevilMyEyes 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheOrganGrinder Posted August 25, 2021 Spectres. My first Doom experience was as a kid of around... 10 or 11? And a local computer shop had Doom II set up on one of their demo machines, and while my dad was in looking at supplies or peripherals my brothers and I would take turns mucking about on said demo machine. One day we got to MAP03: The Gantlet, and there's the bit where you cross the large room and go down into a darkened room with spectres in it, and I swear we didn't know what was down there or what was going on. Was it a force field? A ghost? Some kind of bug? That was a genuinely baffling, disarming, and scary encounter. More recently, revenants. Between their wake-up scream, their fast movement, their angular bodies that are all knees and protruding elbows and bones silhouetted against a brightly-lit backdrop in an otherwise darkened room... yeah, they're lovely little shock engines aren't they? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Major Arlene Posted August 25, 2021 Definitely remember the two barons in E1M8 scaring the crap out of me the first time I played it. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Swordofdanu Posted August 25, 2021 Hell Knights, knowing they were tougher always sent me running to safety, I've always loved the alert sound out of all the demons. Eternal always had good placements (dead ends with a horde behind you) now I like to play the Super Shotgun tango with them. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Maes Posted August 25, 2021 (edited) 13 hours ago, PsychEyeball said: I'm bugged by the fact they had 4 buttons but only 2 of them were unique buttons? That meant I could only bind two actions on the gamepad, which was shoot and open. Back then I'd consider strafing an advanced strategy. Just a bit of retro-correction here.... Game Ports were notoriously limited for, among other things, only allowing two buttons per controller, for a total of four on one port, and many weren't even fully implemented (some only offered two axes and two buttons, instead of four & four, intended to host two joysticks on one port). I think you couldn't even have two fully implemented gameports on one system: it would either be a single fully-implemented one, or two crippled ones (to connect two joysticks to the former, you had to use a splitter cable). If you stuck a 4-button joystick/gamepad in a partially-implemented gameport, only two of the buttons would even register. I don't know if the Gravis had a remapping function that remapped buttons 3 & 4 to 1 & 2. In any case, playing Doom with a DOS-era gamepad sucked. No USB, no mixed analog stick/D-pad controls, limited to 4 buttons, etc. Edited August 25, 2021 by Maes 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Naarok0fkor Posted August 25, 2021 Cyberdemons...especially when there are more than one or the big pink with two launchers in Brutal Doom... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Teo Slayer Posted August 25, 2021 Before it was the Cyberdemon. Later I played Doom 2 and it was and still is the Archvile 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Zulk RS Posted August 25, 2021 Though nothing in the Doom 2 roster actually terrify me at present, kid Zulk was super scared the first time he encountered the Mancubus and the PE. Currently I still have "Oh fuck" moments when a bunch of Revenants or Archies show up because of the former's homing rockets and the second's zap and resurrection potential. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
BCHQ Posted August 25, 2021 (edited) In Doom, none really. Cybie introduction Tower of Babel was scary, but it's more of a moment than the monster himself. I truly dreaded Parasites in Quake 2 (Hi, body horror!). Being chased by Shamblers in some Q1E4 maps was pretty terrifying too. Never played Dead Space, I'm a nervous wreck enough as it is :) even Doom 3 is too much for me these days. Oh, and I also VERY carefully avoid Barnacles. Edited August 25, 2021 by BCHQ 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Hells Kitchen Posted August 25, 2021 Back when I was a kid, my first encounter with the lost soul just about traumatized me. Seeing those scary flaming hate-filled skulls for the first time in that pitch black tunnel in Doom 2 Map 05, and then when they attacked, I had to look away and cancel the game. I literally couldn't sleep because I thought they were going to appear outside my bedroom window at night. My parents told me "you are not playing that game ever again"! I didn't touch Doom 2 for a long time after that, because I was afraid of seeing the bastards again. Ofcourse, these days, they are merely the annoying mosquitoes of hell. But, the lost soul is still an undeniably creepy looking creature. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Sergeant G Posted August 26, 2021 Archviles. Really freaked me out the first time I saw one and for the first couple of months I would turn the sound off to fight them. Their growling really got to me and messed with my head. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
out_of_service Posted August 29, 2021 (edited) Playing Doom as a kid way back in the day it was Barons of Hell and the Cyberdemon that scared the hell out of me. Both powerhouses outclassed the other. I often would chant "I didn't see that. Not dealing with it. Nope. NOPE" while running away. Then a little bit later the Archvile arrived onto the scene and brought a new form of terror that still unnerves me to this day. Not only that, but the creature design for the vile is definitely reminiscent of the creature feature Pumpkinhead which also scared the bejesus out of me. Another monster that scared me was the Nightmare Spectre from PSX Doom. That inky, translucent, amped up Spectre took a few good chomps out of me. In Doom 64 it was the Cybrdemon that horrified me, it was even more intimidating then the original version. To me, it seemed much larger and more oppressive somehow. That and the Pain Elemental. That damned thing looks like it came right off the pages of an H.P. Lovecraft story. I wish that design would make a return in future games. In Doom 3, I think everything terrified me. The whole game is like one giant Halloween scare house at an amusement park where something is always jumping out of the shadows (but in this case will kill you in the most horrific ways). In Doom 2016 and Eternal, nothing terrifies me. Cool creatures of course, but by this point, as by design, you are the SLAYER. Everything that is demon is going to ripped apart like taffy. So it's THEM that's terrified. And while the 2005 Doom movie is a bucket of hogwash, the creature designs are ace IMO. Absolutely grotesque in every way conceivable. It's like their bodies become twisted, bloated, or their skeletons want to push out of the muscle tissue. Hard to describe but amazing at the same time. Edited August 29, 2021 by PSXDoomer 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Bri Posted August 29, 2021 The Archville left a lasting impression on me since I was young. I remember the first time running into one and I didn't know what was going on. Suddenly I'm on fire and there's this gaunt, alien-looking thing standing there with its arms outstretched. And it takes a lot of damage and it's like the thing won't die, but then when it does die it goes out laughing. Pure evil, those things are. I remember it took me a while to get the courage just to face them, haha! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
RHhe82 Posted August 29, 2021 No individual foe scared me as a kid, but: I very clearly remember playing E2M2, being a little lost, and hearing imp snorts and zombiemen noises all around, not exactly knowing where they are other than somewhere nearby. That was scary, and I wish I could still experience that ”safe horror” again! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
TuomasGaming Posted August 30, 2021 I fear no man... But that thing... *insert picture of Mother Demon here* ...it scares me. Spoiler Not even the Archvile comes close. The Mother Demon made me go insane the first time I fought her. She is so damn hard without the Unmaker upgrades. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
FireballCaco Posted August 30, 2021 The revenant scares me for its war cry. That shrill shriek. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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