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Best level in Quake?

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Subterranean Library. 


Honorable mentions: Red777, The Marcher Fortress, The Ivory Tower, Honey, Day of the Lords, Fallen from Grace.

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Episode 1: E1M5 - Gloom Keep

Episode 2: E2M1 - The Installation / E2M4 - The Ebon Fortress

Episode 3: E3M6 - The Fortress of Death

Episode 4: E4M1 - The Sewage System


Overall: E3M6. It's nice, large, and non-linear. Though episode 3 was my favourite out of the 4.

Edited by Wavy

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I can't pick just one, so I'm going to give a bit of a cop-out answer and just say all of E3. I just love all of American McGee's maps in that one. The layouts, the designs, the texture work, the traps, just all so damn lovely. :^)

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I don't think it's necessarily the best map in Quake but E2M5: the Wizard's Manse was always my favorite. 

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"Favorite" is DM1 since I mostly played "death-match".

In single player it was "The Necropolis" that impressed me the most.

Overall the authors made some really cool maps especially when taking into account that their tools were not that luxurious.


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Favorite level would be a tie between two stages.


First is E2MS, The Underearth. It has my favorite quad damage rampage of the whole game. There's nothing more satisfying than butting heads with the incoming zombie horde, only to mow them down to gibs with the super nailgun. Then there's still a lot of fighting ahead so you kill dozens of monsters in mere seconds. I also like the ominous atmosphere of the map and its unique traps.


Other level is E4M7, Azure Agony. Its architecture is very simple, yet flows very well and offers an abundance of quad damages in order to keep you on your toes and sprinting forward for more enemies to kill. Not exactly a big challenge for the penultimate level of the game, but I enjoy playing it a lot.

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Any of the iron-themed levels, so E1M6 and all of E3 (except The Wind Tunnels).


Also Elemental Fury from DoE.

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Satan's Dark Delight? Idk, it's been years since I played it, though I remember liking Ziggurat Vertigo, Ogre Citadel, and the Grisly Grotto.

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E1 - Ziggurat Vertigo is my favorite level overall by a pretty significant margin, with Gloom Keeping being my favorite of the regular E1 maps.
E2 - The Installation is the most okay map in the worst Quake episode.
E3 - Chambers of Torment is my favorite normal level overall.
E4 - The Tower Of Despair is the most okay of the E4 levels.

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Episode 1 - E1M2: Castle of the Damned

Episode 2 - E2M3: The Crypt of Decay

Episode 3 - E3M6: Chambers of Torment

Episode 4 - E4M3: The Elder God Shrine

Deathmatch - DM6: The Dark Zone


Scourge of Armagon - HIP2M2: The Black Cathedral

Dissolution of Eternity - ??? (Need to playthrough that)

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  • 2 weeks later...

E4M6 The Pain Maze

E4 is my favourite Quake episode and this map is the best. It's like a tactical puzzle box, with multiple different approaches to all of the encounters and set-pieces. You can replay it endlessly trying out different routes and doing things in a different order. I never get tired of it. 


Honourable Mentions

E1M4 The Grisly Grotto

E2M7 The Underearth

E3M3 The Tomb of Terror


E1M2/3/4 are like a neat little mini-episode. The Underearth is probably my second favourite map; it's fairly obvious and linear but the gameplay is fun. E3M3 is maybe too small and too easy, but I love the architecture, style and set-pieces. 

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On 8/26/2021 at 1:00 AM, FireballCaco said:

In my opinion, the best level in Quake is probably E2M3 for the Dopefish. What are your favorite levels?


Is there an episode 2 in Quake? Wasn't it an one episode game like Doom 2?

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On 8/28/2021 at 12:29 AM, THEBaratusII said:

Scourge of Armagon - HIP2M2: The Black Cathedral


Played that for the first time last night, it is a really cool level. 

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