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GZDoom needs some benchmarking help

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Since GZDoom recently added a new low end GLES2 render backend we are currently running a benchmark test to see how this code works on different hardware.

So far we got good coverage for everything from OpenGL 4.0 and upward.


What's currently missing is some results from vintage GL 3.3 hardware, i.e. Geforce 8xxx, 9xxx, 1xx, 2xx series or AMD 4xxx-6xxx.

Since this is the primary target of the new backend we really need some numbers there.


So if there's anyone here interested in helping, please visit



run the benchmark and then post the numbers, either directly in the benchmark thread or here.

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You'd have to run the tests manually, so it's probably not worth doing it on non-Windows systems.

What kind of graphics card do you have?


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21 minutes ago, Graf Zahl said:

You'd have to run the tests manually, so it's probably not worth doing it on non-Windows systems.

What kind of graphics card do you have?


i dont have a dedicated graphics card i just use the integrated graphics on my 2nd gen i5 so yeah my pc is pretty low spec

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Computer Specs:
Windows 10
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz

NVIDIA GeForce GT 730


1280x720 Resolution


Edited by D4NUK1

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34 minutes ago, omalefico32x said:

i dont have a dedicated graphics card i just use the integrated graphics on my 2nd gen i5 so yeah my pc is pretty low spec


We already got results for such systems so it's probably not worth going through all the hassle of running the tests manually on Linux. It's really just those old cards I listed in my first post where we haven't seen any results for yet.

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Thanks. That's precisely the kind of hardware I'd like to see results for - where the GLES backend shows a clear performance advantage and we can do a reasonable check how it stacks up to LZDoom.


BTW, what's up with Darkest Hour and GZDoom? Those checks are missing. Did it crash or what?



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There's probably no reason to post with a newer, upper end system but I just like running benchmark tests and wanted to participate, even if it's redundant.


Intel Core i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz



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21 minutes ago, LucasRafael132 said:

I use lzdoom so i can't help.


Unless you still have a true GL 2 card you'd be precisely the kind person whose numbers I'd like to see. The GLES backend is supposed to replace LZDoom on the hardware it can run on.


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3 hours ago, Graf Zahl said:

BTW, what's up with Darkest Hour and GZDoom? Those checks are missing. Did it crash or what?

they crashed, yes.
I tried to save the logs, but my pc crashed twice, and had to restart it when i tried that.
Probably something bad on my back, not on the benchmark.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Graf, thanks for implementing the GLES2 option.
It works like a charm on my old computer.
Not even an slowdown on mapset that i wasn't even able to play on 1366x768 with all the lights and brightmaps activated.
Now i can play Winter's Fury without problem thanks to this :D

But i found something interesting, probably this is not the bug reporting place, but i didn't find other.
Here is a screenshot of the first level of Cold As Hell: Special Edition.
It supposed to be a mirror, but i can see through it as it wasn't there.

Edited by P41R47

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4 hours ago, P41R47 said:

But i found something interesting, probably this is not the bug reporting place, but i didn't find other.
Here is a screenshot of the first level of Cold As Hell: Special Edition.
It supposed to be a mirror, but i can see through it as it wasn't there.


Proper place is here: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=363

How does that place look in the full GL backend for you? And what`s your hardware spacs?


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9 hours ago, Graf Zahl said:


Proper place is here: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=363

How does that place look in the full GL backend for you? And what`s your hardware spacs?


Actually, i found that even OpenGL and SoftPoly had the same issue.
The best way to see it is on Madrill Ass Project, since the starting point has a mirror at one side.
I tested GLES, OpenGL, SofPoly and they all show the same issue, the players is reflected, but you can see through the mirror like there is no wall, making possible to see other areas of the map.
Latest release of GZDoom, v4.7.0


Other versions of GZDoom, up to v3.3.0 showed mirrors without problem.

my specs:
AMD A10 1gb integrated graphic card.

4 gb ram

win 7 32 bits

No dedicated graphic card.

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Confirmed, it happens with the 32 bit version. But that problem also appeared with MinGW in old versions (32 bit), seems that code is a bit temperamental.

Edit: LZDoom is not affected, must be a compiler issue. I still use VS 2017.

Edited by drfrag

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