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Favorite weapon combos?


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So basically, what's your favorite weapon combo? As an example: chaingun then super shotgun. But whatever combo you use.

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None, because switching weapons takes too long.


But if I had to pick one, rockets into super shotgun, with the SSG blast finishing off the monster right after the last rocket hits.

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Super Shotgun and Rocket Launcher, or Super Shotgun and chaingun or Super Shotgun and Plasma rifle, that's as much as I can boil it down. Assuming that I know the level I'm playing ahead of time, I will adjust based on how open or claustrophobic the situation is going to be. The super shotty is always the dominating room cleaner, the choice of a ranged weapon has to be considered more carefully, again - assuming you know the level - if I don't know the level yet, I avoid leaning into any one doctrine as a matter of policy or style. You've gotta be responsive to the environment, to the level of resistance you're encountering and to the probable availability or scarcity of ammo.

Edited by Sergeant G

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Rocket Lawnchair for softening them up then SSG for mopping up. I hardly ever use the BFG, using the cells for the Plasma gun is more satisfying. 

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I use all the weapons at least in some scenarios (except normal fist, I only use that when forced to) but my favorites to switch between (which I assume you mean by combo) are probably Rocket Launcher and Super Shotgun. Thin out the horde with rockets and splash damage and clear out the remaining tougher enemies with the SSG.

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Out of 2? Super Shotgun and Rocket Launcher in that order. When I start a map I haven't played, my anxiety about running out of ammo or being able to deal with some sudden large fight is at a high until I have exactly both of these weapons. If I only have the rocket launcher I worry about running out of ammo or encountering close ranged fights underarmed. If I have the super shotgun but no rocket launcher then I worry about dealing with large crowds closing in or enemies past the range of the super shotgun that won't go down to chaingun sniping. Plasma is not a substitute for either because I am still entirely way too stingy with plasma cells and worried about running out or not having enough bfg shots later in a map cause I wasted it on plasma. I'll reach the end of the map not having used a single cell at times feelin stupid.

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