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Let's discuss the term boomer shooters....

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On 9/3/2021 at 6:05 PM, Sergeant_Mark_IV said:

I don't see this as "tension", it's just a way to classify generations in which games came out. I made this image to explain:

generations explained.jpg

I'm curious about your argument. Why are you attaching Person Generations to the console generations? Are you saying that those are the persons who played the games? When you say "it's just a way to classify generations in which games came out", what exactly do you mean?

Edited by Rytrik

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On 9/4/2021 at 12:05 AM, Sergeant_Mark_IV said:

I don't see this as "tension", it's just a way to classify generations in which games came out. I made this image to explain:

generations explained.jpg

I was a teenager during the 4th generation. It was a lot of things, but "silent" wasn't one of them...

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On 9/5/2021 at 1:52 AM, VisionThing said:

I don't like or understand the term. I'm a "millennial" who was playing so-called "boomer shooters" as a kid since the mid 1990s.


I also don't like these weird generational identifiers like "boomer" or "milennial" for what it's worth.

These identifiers are a good way to divide and conquer. All of us who not only engage in using them but worse, form our identities around them, are just useful idiots.


Edit: Also I always thought the “comparing console generations to human generations” thing that Mark posted was just a joke. You know, lampooning the stupid “omg game theory!” type stuff.. reading too far into something that isn’t there.. that sort of thing.

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On 8/31/2021 at 8:20 AM, LadyMistDragon said:

I can first remember seeing this term probably 3-4 months after subscribing to Civvie11's channel near the end of last year. And honestly, I find it terrible. I've read some (probably) retroactive reasoning that claims it refers to the sound guns make in retro shooters. But how could anyone deny it came from the increased use of 'boomer' in reference to old people? After all, it's all about a style of shooter whose mainstream popularity probably ended for the time being at some point in the early oughts. I've become desensitized to it slowly and don't complain when I hear it. Still, every time I see it, I'll sigh slightly at the implication that anyone who's over 30 who remembers these games is somehow an old person. I don't know when it was first used, but it kind of sounds like the sort of thing someone from PC Gamer or something dreamed up. Maybe I'm wrong, but honestly, if you don't shudder the first time you hear it, well...I'll just keep my thoughts to myself.


Yeah I don't like the term either. Part of me wishes I could have been a boomer and young when they were young. But definitely the 90s and 00s can't feel old to me...still feels like that's normal/present and the now is the future.

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On 9/4/2021 at 8:52 AM, VisionThing said:

I don't like or understand the term. I'm a "millennial" who was playing so-called "boomer shooters" as a kid since the mid 1990s.


I also don't like these weird generational identifiers like "boomer" or "milennial" for what it's worth.


They do tend to have negative stereotypes associated with them, people assume a thing or two about your generation.

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15 hours ago, Rytrik said:

I'm curious about your argument. Why are you attaching Person Generations to the console generations?

Generation numbers. It's a simple direct comparison to the number of the game generation that came from
Start with the last generation.
What's the last generation of videogames? 9th.
What's the last generation of people? Gen Alpha.
So Gen 9 is Gen Alpha.
Now count backwards.
Boomers equals to 5h gen (generations ago).
This is a reflection of how fast gaming generations moves. If compared to people, 5th gen games would be equal to boomers.

This is the third time I explain this on this thread. Is it so hard to understand?

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3 hours ago, Sergeant_Mark_IV said:

Generation numbers. It's a simple direct comparison to the number of the game generation that came from
Start with the last generation.
What's the last generation of videogames? 9th.
What's the last generation of people? Gen Alpha.
So Gen 9 is Gen Alpha.
Now count backwards.
Boomers equals to 5h gen (generations ago).
This is a reflection of how fast gaming generations moves. If compared to people, 5th gen games would be equal to boomers.

This is the third time I explain this on this thread. Is it so hard to understand?


I think I understand what you are saying. You are saying that they are boomer shooters because they came out at 5th gen console era and the boomer people are the also the 5th generation (since the generation naming convention started)


... but with that being said, I still don't agree with you that they are called boomer shooter because they are "5th generation" games. The most likely scenario is that Boomer shooter are called that because the general audience of these games (which ironically are mostly millennials) tend to act like boomers when it comes to modern fps games (these Gen Z don't know what REAL shooters are, they only play trash like CoD or Fortnite). Stuff like that.

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Boomer became the insult du jour for anyone reacting positively to any idea not teenage in scope, roughly 2018-2019. It rhymes with shooter. The rest wrote itself.


I groan and roll my eyes both then and now at anyone vapid enough to use a generation's name as an insult (millennial and zoomer included). I've become desensitized to the term "boomer shooter" because our subculture did what subcultures do best: take a pejorative and wear it as a title and badge of honor.

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