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The hole in the wall

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Because it is there? who left it there? Is it so that the imps in the secret room find out about the marin by the roar of the imprisoned imp? Why is that imp locked up?


Many questions few answers



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its for spreading the sound for activating the imp closet trap, so the player fires his weapons, the imps hears him and starts chasing him, and then the imps open the closet and start attacking him.

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My guess is that it's for sound to propagate from the caged imp room to those 2 imps. Maybe the wall that opens up would otherwise block sound from going into that room. I'm not sure because I know very little about this sort of thing.

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Yes, that's what it's for. Due to how sectors are handled in Doom, a sector doesn't need to be continous so you can easily do without an actual tunnel, but id games employees didn't use this technique - not sure if there was a reason or they didn't realize the implication of their logic at the time.

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They didn't use it because their editor wasn't capable of creating non-continuous sectors.

Remember: the editor was purely linedef based and used a textual map format that had to be compiled into the final output. Sectors were only generated in this step without any chance for the mapper to link two parts together.


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9 minutes ago, Graf Zahl said:

They didn't use it because their editor wasn't capable of creating non-continuous sectors.

Remember: the editor was purely linedef based and used a textual map format that had to be compiled into the final output. Sectors were only generated in this step without any chance for the mapper to link two parts together.


Doesn't Dead Simple have a joined secret sector though?

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3 hours ago, Graf Zahl said:

No. It's just one of the sectors around the exit switch. What makes you think it's joined?


I thought there's a secret multiplayer start joined with secret at the exit, but seems I dreamt it up.

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