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Jumpity Jumpy Doomguy


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In source ports such as GZDoom and LZDoom, jumping is enabled by default.


But is it fair to use this feature?  As far as I know, the original Doom and Doom II DOS programs never used/had this feature.


I'm not 100% sure about Final Doom, which ran on Windows 9x.


You don't see people using it in speedruns, but is it allowed?


What about vertical mouse movement?

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Bottom Line: If you enjoy jumping and looking up and down, then it's fair for you.

The original IWADs, including Final Doom, were not designed with the intention of these mechanics, no.

The majority of wads for Doom I+II tend to be designed without jumping intended, similarly with looking up and down. 

The reason one may say this stuff is 'unfair' to use is that they are often used outside the scope of the author's design and as a result can be exploited to skip or sequence-break, or otherwise "cheat" your way through somebody's meticulously designed levels.

In regard to speedrunning, you might want a speedrunner guy from here to answer the technical details, but my short answer would be: if jumping/mouselook were allowed in speedruns you would see them in nearly every speedrun.


Edited by kwc

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For speedruns, it's not going to be allowed in the usual competitive categories, but it may be allowed in the "other" grabbag category along with TAS, cheated demos, and such like.


Of course, if the level is actually designed for jumping (e.g. some ZDoom mapset) then jumping would be allowed, but those tend not to attract many speedrunners due to the lack of backward/forward compatibility in *ZDoom demos (meaning the demos are only expected to play back correctly if you use the exact same version of the engine that was used to record them).

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Thanks for the input, gents!


Indeed, I play with jumping enabled.  I tend not to use it to get the secret items, mostly because you can go look on the Doom Fandom site and find all of those.


I just like to jump😎

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Jump all you want, just bear in mind a lot of maps aren't designed with that in mind and you can risk sequence-breaking and fuck up the level progression and your experience playing it.

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I've never gotten much use out of the jump feature. I have experimented with crouching but...eh...the only modern convience I allow myself is mouse look. I tried a cross hairs briefly but somehow it got in the way. 

Mainly, I would yet again second what everyone else has already been saying. Your DOOM, your controls.

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I dont use nor like jumping, because it can break a level and it's not intended. But if you like jumping you should play with jumping enabled.

Edited by Toad
Spelling mistake

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Some mappers really don't like when you jump in their vanilla maps. To this, I'll say: dear author, you won't stop me from enjoying your map, even I prefer to play in an unintended way.


I will always prefer jumping to give myself a little more time to get to a timed elevator, or to pass through an obnoxious platforming section.

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1 hour ago, m8f said:

Some mappers really don't like when you jump in their vanilla maps. To this, I'll say: dear author, you won't stop me from enjoying your map, even I prefer to play in an unintended way.


I will always prefer jumping to give myself a little more time to get to a timed elevator, or to pass through an obnoxious platforming section.

I don't think people care if players jump in their vanilla/boom maps, I personally don't. People will get annoyed if you break stuff and then complain tho.

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Jumping was something that used to be cool back in the 2000s. That has changed with the prevalence of vanilla mapping in later years...

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48 minutes ago, Liberation said:

I don't think people care if players jump in their vanilla/boom maps, I personally don't.

What does that look like to you..?



49 minutes ago, Liberation said:

People will get annoyed if you break stuff and then complain tho.

This I find agreeable...

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5 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

What does that look like to you..?



This I find agreeable...

Yep I think this is fair.

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Vertical aiming is something I don't like when I play Doom myself, even in multiplayer. I have found the autoaim and the turning control of the mouse to work just fine in handling demons as well as human combatants. It's what I'm most familiar and comfortable with since it's how I've always known the game to be played. I think some people claim that vertical aim makes you more skilled, but I feel it just makes aiming without auto-aim easier and that's about all there is to it. It definitely doesn't make you better at shooting without vertical look. It doesn't give you as big as an advantage as one may be led to believe. I feel that while I don't care for this myself I don't find this to really be a big deal if one prefers to use it when playing the game.



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2 hours ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

What does that look like to you..?



I'm sorry to say it Romero but...





Edited by Teo Slayer

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2 hours ago, Liberation said:

People will get annoyed if you break stuff and then complain tho.

Is this a common thing? Sure, there are plenty of complaints about stupid things but I've never seen anyone complaining "This map is shit because I jumped here and (beat the map too easily / got stuck)".

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43 minutes ago, Mr. Freeze said:

Jumping is mega lame. 

I kinda agree with this. You can break almost the entire map with it since Doom's maps weren't designed for jumping

But it's fun

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Play how you want, but I don't recommend jumping unless the map was specifically designed for it.


Same goes for crouching and freelook.


ZDoom isn't the only source port family with jumping, of course, so look out for any Eternity maps made for the Eternity Engine(not Doom Eternal or Eternal Doom), or Doom Legacy maps, or even DOSDoom (the source port, not the original vanilla DOS Doom) and EDGE maps.

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I generally avoid jumping unless I'm playing a map or a mod that specifically requires it, but as others have said, as long as you're aware of the potential downsides (unintended skips, jumping into areas you can't get out of), use jumping if you want to.  No harm in it if you're just playing casually.

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For any remotely modern map, if the mapper gives a shit then they should be disabling jumping in their mapinfo.


Conversely, if the map is old enough that the mapper wouldn't have thought to do that, then it's old enough that no one should give a shit.  This includes the iwad maps.

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@Nine Inch HeelsSome rando on twitter isn't enough to debunk my sweeping statement based on personal bias. :-)

3 hours ago, dmslr said:

Is this a common thing? Sure, there are plenty of complaints about stupid things but I've never seen anyone complaining "This map is shit because I jumped here and (beat the map too easily / got stuck)".


More of a generalisation tbh, but I have seen that happen over the years.


Jumping and crouching I normally have set off, I don't tend to play much GZD specific stuff (with one exception). Mouse look is my guilty pleasure however, but if it breaks stuff, I'm happy to live with that. 

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Jumping is in the same category as using cheat codes, loading gameplay mods, or other similar swim-at-your-own-risk things: if it's not intended by the map, but the player acknowledges it and goes "nah, I'mma do my own thing anyway", then all is well. Play it yer way. :P


The one wrinkle with this is that ZDoom-based ports have a binding for Jump in their default config, which is a bit of a newbie trap. Most game-tinkering options require the player to do something explicit, e.g. type in IDDQD, enter a console command, or load an additional wad -- but jumping is kinda already Just There(tm) so it may not be immediately obvious to someone new to the game that it was never there in the original. Doesn't help that it's a standard feature in games these days, so the reality is very non-bvious.


That said, there are plenty of ZDoom mods out there that do require jumping, so it's sort of a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation there. For better or worse, the nojump/nocrouch MAPINFO keywords are the band-aid we've got, so it's at least possible to set up some guardrails, even if it pushes the burden on the wrong group of modders, in hindsight.

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Jumping would fun if it allowed you to bhop around, but you can't, so I don't really see a need to jump.

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