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What do you think of Doom 3?


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I think of it as a meh game, it's pretty slow to get the guns, etc.

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Ah, about Doom 3. Back then, I used to despite this game so much because it looks different than the other Doom games. But after searching deeper, I loved it.


It's a pretty good damn survival horror game. It makes Doom look like a badass horror shooter and it's basically why I love this game. It may be slow, but it is its own thing. The details at the graphics look very good for a 2000s game too. I also love how they introduce the monsters into the best way as possible. Plus Hell looks amazing


Doom 3 may be different, but it's a good game. I regret for hating it and I recommend to others to give it a try

Edited by Teo Slayer

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I like it a lot, all the more so in retrospect.  As others have pointed out, the typical criticisms of it ("it's too dark/slow-paced/survival-horror-y to be a Doom game") are basically ignorant of history, in that it actually plays very much like most of us experienced Doom 1/2 for the first time, creeping slowly around dark mazes afraid of what would leap out at us next. 


My main criticisms of it are:


-The whole thing with locker access codes and related gimmicks.  I love that all the datapads and such were there, the same way I enjoyed the dossiers in Doom 2016.  I don't love that you had to actually comb through them for necessary information.


-Not nearly enough time spent in Hell.  I think this is a pretty common criticism.  Doom 3 is probably tied with Doom 2016 for most evocative and atmospheric depiction of Hell in the series and it's a shame we didn't get to spend more time in it, even with the two add-on campaigns.

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I like Doom 3, but it is my least favourite Doom game, largely due to the different tone & vibe it goes for.  In some respects the tech behind it is still impressive today & it gave my PC of the era quite the workout back when it first released.


But damn, that shotgun is so unsatisfying to use :(



At least the Super Shotgun in 'Resurrection of Evil' was much better!  ^_^

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The first reason I don't like Doom 3 as much as the rest, is the typical: it's not a Doom game.


The second one is that I believe it kind of fails in the different ball game it plays. It tries to be a survival horror experience, but it's that in atmosphere and presentation only. In terms of gameplay you are too heavily armed to ever feel threatened.

Edited by Ofisil

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There is a Doom 3 sub-forum for this, no?


And for what it is worth, it was a visually encaptive game, but the horror aspect is grossly overstated.

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Thought it was terrible at first before an fairy whispered to my ear to enter the following into the console: pm_walkspeed 280

                                                                                                                                                         pm_runspeed 450

                                                                                                                                                         pm_jumpheight 80

Now im loving it. And prefer it over DOOM(2016)

Edited by Doomdude89

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Best Hell levels in the series.

Choice between flashlight and weapon is actually kind of fun and makes encounters tense.

Cool monster redesigns (Lost Souls are my fav)



Intro takes FOREVER to start and is filled with useless characters and shit nobody cares about.

Overreliance of monster closets that all start the exact same way. 

Mars levels are endless grey hallways and rooms, less visual diversity than F.E.A.R. and that's saying something.

Imps and Zombies aren't scary after you shoot 50 of them but the game thinks they are so the intended atmosphere falls on it's ass halfway through the game.

The worst shotgun imaginable.

PDAs are the worst way to tell a story and if you say otherwise you are lying to yourself. 



First sign of id's decline. From pioneers to trend chasers. Blech. 

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I personally felt it was the best follow up that could have been made. It built off of the design ideas of doom and built off in a different direction. 

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I think focusing on horror rather than action was a wrong move, Doom games have action-based gameplay at its core, though a horror atmosphere could work well in hell levels

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Personally it holds a special place in my heart. When I heard about it coming out, I spent all summer mowing lawns to gather enough money to buy a computer that could run Doom 3. Long story short, the IT at my school (shout out to Wayne) convinced me to build a computer. It was my first build and I still use that same case I bought nearly 20 years ago. 


But on to the game, it was a good game. The hell levels were just the best. The switching between flashlight and weapon gave the game a different feel from all other shooters at the time. I liked almost everything about the game... almost. 


The shotgun was garbage and I will die on this hill. Fight me.

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It's alright, just painfully average, first mars city level with hell breaking loose, first delta level and hell level were okay though


The ancient martian civilization stuff was kinda neat.

Edited by sluggard

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I liked it but:


I didn’t like the shotgun. It feels like every crappy modern FPS shotgun’s worst traits all merged into one. It is essentially useless beyond point blank range, and even then it still sucks.

The soul cube weapon was really stupid powerful, but a lame weapon in general.


The final boss was a disappointment.


While the game starts off very slow, I didn’t initially notice that the first time around. It’s from replaying the game that has led me to see just how slow the beginning is. All those obnoxious “look a new demon you didn’t see until now” cutscenes don’t help either. By the time you get to the dying marine and things get twisty, that’s when the game starts to pick up a bit, and by the end it really does feel like a Doom game. 

Something I want to address is the flashlight thing. I think having to switch between gun and flash light was kind of lame but added more tension. I think a chest mounted rechargeable light is just as lame but less tedious to deal with. Did nobody at Id realize you can mount lights to guns? Or that batteries last longer than a few seconds?

The pistol, shotgun, SMG, and plasma rifle could’ve been fitted with weapon mounted lights. The other weapons would make sense to not have a light with. That would’ve been the best compromise of having to go with or without lights based on which weapons you’re using and not having to deal with switching to an individual flashlight or using a recharging chest mounted one. 

Otherwise, I quite liked it. 

Edited by TelicAx7

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I never take much of a liking to modern fps games. I like the Classic Doom myself.


If I am gonna play a modern fps games, I think I would prefer Serious Sam 1's First and Second encounters (2001-2002) to Doom 3.


I would still prefer Doom 3 to the newer Doom games. The newer it is, the worse it is.

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I replayed Doom 3 recently, for the first time since it was released and thoroughly enjoyed it. I mainly wanted to grab a few screenshots because of the map I was working on. I like the PDA's and getting codes for lockers. I love all the neat machinery and the way the levels themselves are structured. The monsters, the gore... yeah it's a fun game. Not my favorite Doom but not the worst either.

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I don't really like more modern games than Doom2. Sure the scenery & storyline are great, but all these details can drown the occasional player. Without cheatcodes, Doom3 isn't for me, especially with the weapon load. Brutal Doom is a better "advanced" platform for the guns. In the end, I really need a game that can be easily modded like Doom2...


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There are a lot of different approaches towards understanding what Doom 1 and 2 were "doing", and so when trying to reimagine the gamefeel of Doom 1 and 2, there are equally many different approaches.


Doom 3 posits that Doom 1/2 were about a tug-of-war of heartpounding, fast action and slow, contemplative exploration. Combat in Doom 1 and 2 was parenthesized by lengthy key-card hunting and backtracking, often-times resorting to wandering. Doom 3 takes that idea of "stop and go adrenaline" and adapts it both into the overall expression of its mechanics (sprint meter, reloading, flashlight) as well as the immediate presentation of its levels and encounters. But when it comes to level design, the imprecise stop-gaps of "wandering" is streamlined into regular intervals of puzzle solving, moody set-pieces, audiologs and emails, etc, slotted into otherwise linear levels. It's less arcade-y than Doom 1/2 by a mile, but by focusing its attention towards particular aspects, it's able to saturate elements of the original games which were otherwise easy to let whither away through familiarity and changing standards in gaming. Doom 3 is, as much as it has ever been, a heavy, fast, relentless shooter which displays an innovative marvel of lighting, audio and architecture. Doom 1 was all of those things too, and arguably still can be, but the pivot to a heavy horror focus allowed Doom 3 to pull those aspects into the spotlight, as well as the original game's particular touch and go pacing.


I love seeing Doom through Doom 3's eyes, personally, and it's one of the reasons I always found the criticism that it's "not really a Doom game" to be, in an abstruse sense, missing the trees for the forest. There are lots of elements in Doom 1 and 2 which were totally contradicted or abandoned in Doom 3, for sure. For instance, it virtually forbids sincere investment in speedrunning, which was an activity which was heavily championed by the prior entries. The winding, puzzle-box like layouts of the OG games' levels were uniquely satisfying to take control of, mastering the maze allowing you to blaze through repeat playthroughs. The levels of Doom 3, in contrast, defy mastery, which can often render as linear slogs for those trying to play it quickly, heavily punishing players for trying to push ahead at their own pace. Combat is also significantly less about horizontal movement. You're forced to be on your feet in Doom 3, but speed is tied to precision and being capable of knowing when the best times are to back away or to close in for the kill. But despite this focus on precision, Doom 3's skill ceiling for precision is artificially low, guaranteeing some level of sloppiness to almost every encounter, whereas Doom 1 and 2, which often allow the player to act quite sloppily, also offer the potential for highly precise play.


Doom 3 is very different from Doom 1 or 2, but it's also very much about Doom. It's a game that can only, in my opinion, be properly understood when you listen to what it has to say about Doom, and you believe that its voice on the matter is valid. For me, self reflection and pointed innovation are what sequels are for. Those are the traits that Doom 2016 also provided, gifting fans with a reinvention that is in many ways an even more significant departure from Doom 1/2 than Doom 3 was. I won't speak to which one understands "Doom" better, because I think that's the wrong question. Playing Doom 2016 and Doom 3 both give me a better understanding of "Doom" than playing Doom 1 or 2 ever did, and I can't help but love them for that.

Edited by OliveTree
typo :P

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loathe Doom 3. Its level design is boring, the AI is primitive, all of the weapons feel like nerf guns (except the shotgun, which is easily the most horrifying thing in this "horror" game), and the entire thing is clearly just a tech demo for Carmack's reverse. The Hell levels are a 6/10 at best and are far and away the best parts of the game. Most fights involve monsters spawning in behind you which is cheap the first few times and, worse yet, predictable all the rest. The "Imp behind door" trope also falls into this trap but manages to be even more annoying thanks to the tectonic plate shifting screen shake that occurs every time you take damage. The final kicks while you're down are armor being next to useless and there being a stamina system for some reason.


I've put too much time (~30 hours) into Doom 3 trying really hard to like it because I love everything else DooM but outside of the Hell levels and the expansion pack (which is admittedly a lot of fun and way better than the base game) I don't think it has any redeeming qualities. 

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I dislike Doom 3. It's too slow, dark, and every area looks the same. Absolutely hated the flashlight thing. The BFG edition is 10x better because you can see what you're shooting.

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Love the aesthetic, hate the gameplay. I hate how your screen shakes from even the slightest bit of damage, even a single point will cause your character to have a mini-seizure. 


The pacing also feels sluggish, it feels like a whole eternity before you get to the hell levels. A level/episode select screen would've helped.

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Gonna be honest with you chief - find it pretty lame overall. The thing that kills it for me is that the shooting just feels... so... bad. The fact that it was instantly made obsolete by Half Life 2 also left it in a weird position.

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