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[WIP] Dementia - an incoming megawad (maybe)

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Hey guys, i'm proud to announce that i'm currently working on a mapset (megawad or 9-map episode, idk) for DOOM II.

This is my second map ever and my first big project ever, my first map AORTA.WAD (https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/122354-aorta-a-simple-doom-ii-level-and-my-first-wad-ever/) was very good, so i'm really sure of what i'm currently doing (AORTA was terrible, a freaking disaster, please help me, idk what i'm doing).


But let's see the important stuff!


Name: (Dementia.wad) (file here:Dementia.zip) EDIT: Thank you Astro X, you discovered a bug that ruined the run, now i fixed it, here's the bug-free wad!

Map Format: UDMF

Ports Tested: only GZDoom


Map(s): MAP01

Music: Revolution MIDI pack - James Paddock (the song you hear in the level is labeled as D_ROMERO, idk what's it's original name, please let me know)

Gameplay: Single play

Difficulty Settings: HMP and UV are slightly different from eachother.

Multiplayer Placement: No

Build Time: 1 week and half (only for this map)


Requirements: all is permitted!




Please let me know if this map is fun and let me know if there are any bugs.

(also if someone wants to help me with the megawad, please let me know, i'm so lonely.)


That's it, have fun!



Edited by eoomu
Bug fix

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Cool little opening map. I dig the texturing and the styling. May inspiration stay with you as you make more. 


My advice is aim for episodes before a full megawad. Even though Doom 2 itself is a megawad, it is still divided into episodes of 10 levels per episode. 

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7 hours ago, Astro X said:

I enjoyed what you had for me :)



Thank you man, you discovered a heavy bug, now i fixed it <3

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