LorD BaZTArD Posted February 18, 2003 I thought Unreal II's ending was good. I mean, it may of been anti-climatic, but it WAS different. I liked it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted February 18, 2003 Who says the big bad guy has to be an endboss? A game mag article already gave us a hint that you go to Hell, and then you return to Mars to hunt down this mad (or demonically corrupted) scientist. Maybe the game's climax and hardest part lies in Hell and after that, there's only left for the player to hunt down and kill the last demons (and this Betruger scientist). Have the game getting harder and harder and more and more challenging until it reaches its climax - from there and until the actual end, it lowers down to a challenging, yet not "insanely hard" (like it was in Hell) level of difficulty. If that were the case, I'd think it'd be extremely cool. Not only because it'll be something new instead of the usual end battle against the big bad boss, thus breaking a bothersome tradition, but I've always felt that a true Doom game should have the "final showdown" against the bad guy in Hell. I still feel that Doom 3 would be a little disappointing if the final boss battle takes place on Mars.well.. this isnt a "how to make doom3 monsters fun" topic :) It isn't??? Dude, that's kinda part of the topic - you wouldn't want to have a game where the monsters suck now would ya? And having this topic is a nice way to tell who would be best suited to make monsters for a mod.Make the marine fight Satan himself. Make like a giant Barren of Hell. That is all fire red, with bloody horns. Make this thing really hellish and scarry. Give him the power to become invisable for like 30 seconds or so. That would be truely cool. Uhh, no. Fighting the Devil would be kinda cheesy in a way. I mean, when the Devil dies, there's no more evil in the world. Wouldn't that be kinda lame? When I interpret the Doom universe and bring in the Devil in my speculation, I like to think of the Devil as some sort of "God" who has no physical form - he's like the very soul of Hell itself, so he's like everywhere at once and he cannot be killed, but he can be weakened by having the Demon Lords under him killed >:-] 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Johnatone Posted February 18, 2003 well, i'm not going to really make any comments about monsters because all the ideas have been taken :). plus i have no original ideas now that i think about it. i do want to see a return of the dopefish. does anyone have any info concerning the mancubi's return? holy shit, haven't been on at the same time dsm is on for a long time. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted February 18, 2003 monochrome said:i do want to see a return of the dopefish. does anyone have any info concerning the mancubi's return? Ditto to the 'Dopiefishie'. Indeed. It was revealed in a PC Gamer mag article that the new mancubus will be female - its weapons were described as 'some sort of rocket launchers'. I assume that it still fires explosive fireballs - there goes my hopes for a medium-range "flame spraying" attack (a la the flamethrower in RtCW but with shorter range)... :-( Sorry, but I can't link you to the material as it has become forbidden to display scans of the article on DW. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
EVIL Posted February 18, 2003 dsm said:It isn't??? Dude, that's kinda part of the topic - you wouldn't want to have a game where the monsters suck now would ya? And having this topic is a nice way to tell who would be best suited to make monsters for a mod. me Grabs SuperShotgun.... BLAM!!! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tyockell Posted February 18, 2003 dsm said: Uhh, no. Fighting the Devil would be kinda cheesy in a way. I mean, when the Devil dies, there's no more evil in the world. Wouldn't that be kinda lame? When I interpret the Doom universe and bring in the Devil in my speculation, I like to think of the Devil as some sort of "God" who has no physical form - he's like the very soul of Hell itself, so he's like everywhere at once and he cannot be killed, but he can be weakened by having the Demon Lords under him killed >:-] [/B] Very well put :-) couldent agree with you more on that one. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Johnatone Posted February 18, 2003 dsm said:I mean, when the Devil dies, there's no more evil in the world. Wouldn't that be kinda lame? actually, man creates a lot of his own evils. even if the devil wasn't around, there'd still be the evil that already existed, and man could come up with his evils still. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
The_Aeromaster Posted February 18, 2003 monochrome said:actually, man creates a lot of his own evils. even if the devil wasn't around, there'd still be the evil that already existed, and man could come up with his evils still. He's got a point^ True Satan was responsible for creating evil in the first place, but I'm sure we could do without him by now. We all have a little evil in us [eyes roll over and drools] 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted February 19, 2003 The_Aeromaster said:He's got a point^ True Satan was responsible for creating evil in the first place, but I'm sure we could do without him by now. We all have a little evil in us [eyes roll over and drools] The question is...who put that evil there? Hmmm? :-Pme Grabs SuperShotgun.... BLAM!!! This guy has issues I tell ya! Issues! :-P Taking a Super shotgun and toyin' around with it without checking it first is bound to cause one to blow his own head off like what happened to poor HAMMER-STROKE here ;-) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Job Posted February 19, 2003 dsm said:The question is...who put that evil there? Hmmm? :-P Mmm...could it be...the devil? I had to say it. :P Just got done watching Saturday Night Live, so I was just reminded of the Church Lady skit. Anyway, I am sure we could carry on a legacy of evil ourselves without any trouble indeed. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Rotting Corpse Posted February 19, 2003 Baron-Of-Hell said:Resident Evil 2 has Impish things that crawl on the walls and ceilings... I think they ware called the licker. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tyockell Posted February 20, 2003 Demons Hand said:I think they ware called the licker. Yep sure are. ugly bastards if u ask me but still be cool for a pet....*come on kiddys pet it CHOMP..oh sorry. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted February 20, 2003 Demons Hand said:I think they ware called the licker. Hah, when I first saw that thing I just thought: "Doom 3 imp - meet my shotgun!" 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Rotting Corpse Posted February 20, 2003 BlueSonnet said:If there's an end boss it has to be be a giant of course. I had an idea for a giant end boss. The floor of the pace you fight it in would be made up of dead bodys, blood and intrals. The floor in frount of you starts to bubble and shake. A square of the floor in frout of you shoots up. It turns to a demon. So ya got a demon made up of copres and intrials ozzing blood and stuff. That is what the devil is in a story i made up. IM thinking about posting it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted February 21, 2003 Demons Hand said:I had an idea for a giant end boss. The floor of the pace you fight it in would be made up of dead bodys, blood and intrals. The floor in frount of you starts to bubble and shake. A square of the floor in frout of you shoots up. It turns to a demon. So ya got a demon made up of copres and intrials ozzing blood and stuff. That is what the devil is in a story i made up. IM thinking about posting it. That's a pretty neat idea - well, the idea about a monster made from flesh and organs etc. The idea about him popping up through the floor wouldn't be anything new really, but it'd still be kinda cool though. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Rotting Corpse Posted February 21, 2003 Ya well in my story hell is is made up of the people sent to it. They have be riped apart and thrown all over the place. Hell is half a planet heven the other half. The devil looks like an man but he makes a body of the people around him. Becouse he thinks that him looking human makes him weak. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Amaster Posted February 21, 2003 dsm said:Uhh, no. Fighting the Devil would be kinda cheesy in a way. I mean, when the Devil dies, there's no more evil in the world. Wouldn't that be kinda lame?Satan did not create evil, he tricked Adam and Eve into eating from the tree of knowledge. Their eyes were then opened and they were no longer innocent. Essentially, God created evil, and Satan allowed it to run free. LETS KICK GODS ASS!!! However, I do agree that having Satan as the end boss would be lame. It's more than anyone could accomplish. No matter what Id made, it would not fulfill our expectations as much as if it were called something other than Satan. EDIT: Whoa! This is post 666 for me! Freaky! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted February 21, 2003 Assmaster said: Satan did not create evil, he tricked Adam and Eve into eating from the tree of knowledge. Their eyes were then opened and they were no longer innocent. Essentially, God created evil, and Satan allowed it to run free. LETS KICK GODS ASS!!! ...except that twas the snake(th) and not God(eth) :-P Lucifer was the Archangel who wanted to take over God's "throne" - naturally, as that power mad bastard that God is, he got pretty angry, constructed this reeeeeaaaally horrible and totally evil place and threw Lucifer (don't recall what he was called as an Angel) into this place that God called "Hell".... ...but not until after he had had his personal bodyguards beat Lucifer to a bloody pulp and running away with his g/f :-P Of course, you could still say that God is the true creator of Evillll in this case. ;-)However, I do agree that having Satan as the end boss would be lame. It's more than anyone could accomplish. No matter what Id made, it would not fulfill our expectations as much as if it were called something other than Satan. Damn straight, The Devil would, according to my idea of him, be able to constantly change his form into just about anything. He would be able to take any conceivable form of Evil - I doubt even the most advanced game engine could ever fulfill that. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted February 21, 2003 Y'know, we have a forum set aside for this kind of discussion... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
BlueSonnet Posted March 2, 2003 If Id are bringing most of the enemies from the original dooms you know what would probably scare me shitless? A nightmare imp. Why? Because the imp in the alpha is much more dangerous than the original imp. I could imagine how much more dangerous an imp would be if it could have near invisibility which it can turn on and off at will like the predator (and to avoid making it too predator-ish, near-invisibility should be in a way that it is faint like the spectre in the old dooms rather than blurry like the predator). I could imagine a scene in which i turn to briefly look at box or something and i don't notice the camourflaged nightmare imp just sitting there. I hear a hiss, i turn around and see the nightmare imp switching it's near invisibility off before pouncing. Had an idea for new monster as well, for the hell levels of doom3. Something that has a Rams head with blood oozing out of it. Now that would look freaky. In terms of what it can do it can claw and throw fireballs, but it's main attack would be like Scorpion's harpoon attack. Providing that you are in range (say 8-10 meters) and you are not hiding behind anything it uses some kind of hell magic to drag you towards it so it can maul you. You can't move or jump, but you can still shoot, be shot at by other enemies and fall into whatever pits that happen to be in the enviroment. In the short run it will be like "it's using his powers to drag me towards it, but that's ok. I'll get it with my chainsaw!". In the long run it would be difficult because there would be several enemies around you and you had to kill them first or you would lose more damage from their attacks. And of course it could drag you into pit of lava which would be deadly. I suppose this could be an annoying really, but no one said doom3 is going to be a walk in the park, and we all seemed to manage with enemies like the arch vile and the lost soul. To balance things out this enemy should be rare and it's drag attack won't be used instantly. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ghost Posted March 2, 2003 christ, something just occurred to me after reading something someone just said about satan changing into whatever... what if the bods at id could have the game study the way you play, all your techniques and quirks, and create an ai out of it? then use it against you at the end when you are made to fight a clone of yourself, like an evil you. that would be quite hard since it'd use all your dirty cheating little tactics against you. probably make a better pre-end boss than a big ol' end boss. it'd sure be different. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tyockell Posted March 2, 2003 That be deffinatly different but how the hell could they do that? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted March 2, 2003 ghost said:christ, something just occurred to me after reading something someone just said about satan changing into whatever... what if the bods at id could have the game study the way you play, all your techniques and quirks, and create an ai out of it? then use it against you at the end when you are made to fight a clone of yourself, like an evil you. that would be quite hard since it'd use all your dirty cheating little tactics against you. probably make a better pre-end boss than a big ol' end boss. it'd sure be different. Interesting but... /Me is reminded of bots in Q3A 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Jello Posted March 6, 2003 http://www.geocities.com/pseudopsycho000/sickanddying.html May get broken fairly fast, as it's a crappy geocities site, but I don't care enough to get a real server. Anyways, I'd like to see something like these guys in a game, I may have to learn how to model for doom 3 and get these guys made :)I think they might fit in in doom, at least in the hell areas, what with their decaying flesh and deformed bodies. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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