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Dread's reworked sprites coming to Freedoom?


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I have noticed that the Doom clone project for Amiga 500 has reworked some of the enemy sprites.



Are there any plans to officially bring them to Freedoom?

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They look very cool! But it's obvious from the video that these sprites were created for a more limited engine and palette, and lower resolution than what Freed∞m works with. If they have full rotations, perhaps one could be used as the Wolf3D SS officer replacement? (e.g. their new shotgunner)


Anyway, I've been following this project on and off for some time, the guys are doing a great job with a lot of interesting insights into how the development process goes on.


I think that, once it is complete, it would be a cool thing to back-port the resulting game to other platforms as a separate title.

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