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Theory: Icon of Sin Pacifist run


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So, i was watching a Decino video about manipulating sprite limits and clipping of bullets through walls in order to create an all ghost glitch. On the Icon of sin, you are unable to interact with john Romero's head, however if you spawned a number of enemies and played the lottery to have them create a projectile that happened to match the offset limit & clip through a wall, would you be able to have a monster's projectile hit the head and end the level. 


Theory laid out: 

If you had 146 enemies (Done by hiding in a corner), fired a pistol round causing the level to create all ghosts, it should cause the projectiles to be displaced by the same amount as the rest of the level meaning they're still active, or supposedly. Those projectiles might have a 1-20% chance of missing the clipping with the wall and hit John's head. I think to test this someone with the knowledge could create a save state just before they run to the area in front of where the head exists at and continually see if a projectile not only gets "Active displacement" but clips through a wall as well.


Am i just too drunk or does it sound plausible?


Update 1: Or after the monsters fire, you move directly under the head and hit it with splash damage hoping that the manipulation only moves the head a few paces away so its new location is close to where the active fireballs hit 

Edited by Nibs99

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7 minutes ago, BaileyTW said:

I think at this point it'd be easier to politely ask the icon of sin to leave.


This made me laugh so hard.

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6 minutes ago, Pure Hellspawn said:

It's already been done TAS - by utilizing arch-viles.


Damn, but good point, this one would be less effort and 100% luck if plausible.

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You need a lot of luck for such things, but you could try it. If you do it, you'll be a legend like the other Pacifist runners of hard maps.

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You'd need so much luck you'd only accomplish this in your Dreams. You'd be better off wearing a mask with a smile for hours at a time than trying to get the Doom 2 pacifist ending.

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If you're gonna try it, make sure you have recording software or are recording a demo for every single attempt. 

It would suck to pull it off with having evidence. I'm curious, would a demo capture this or would you need FRAPS or OBS running? 

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As far as Doom speedruns are concerned, only demos are valid. Ports such as DSDA-Doom should emulate all-ghost effects correctly.

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16 hours ago, Lewonx said:

Can a mancubus fireball clip trough wall and hit Icon of Sin?

It can go through the icon the sin, but It won't hit romero's head, beacause the head isn't placed directly infront of the hole. And even if it hit the correct angle to hit the head it won't do much damage so you will need a lot of fireballs to kill the icon of sin.

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I'm a bit of an optimist, so I have a little hope that a human run of it could be done, but in all reality, it probably won't happen and if it does it'll take a damn long time to happen.

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6 hours ago, Gangstalker said:

I'm a bit of an optimist, so I have a little hope that a human run of it could be done, but in all reality, it probably won't happen and if it does it'll take a damn long time to happen.


The level of effort required for a human to pull this off would be incalculable. Goodbye friends, family, job, and basic hygiene. It's so insanely precise. Sometimes you just have to draw the line and say we have taken this as far as we can.

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Doom 2's IoS would suck a lot if that theory is tested. Yet, a TAS run was done already using RNG manipulation to spawn archviles.


Plutonia's IoS on the other hand........

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8 hours ago, Doomkid said:

i already beat IoS pacifist back in 2003 no probz but I forgot to record a demo :'(

Gonna press X to doubt on this one 🤣

Edited by Muusi

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15 hours ago, Murdoch said:


The level of effort required for a human to pull this off would be incalculable. Goodbye friends, family, job, and basic hygiene. It's so insanely precise. Sometimes you just have to draw the line and say we have taken this as far as we can.

Hey, I imagine there's SOMEONE out there willing to put in that time.


That someone would not be me, but I'm sure they're out there.

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