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What is the best Duke Nukem 3D source port?

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eDuke is far and away the best and most mature. Voidpoint used it as a base for Ion Fury. Given how hard that game pushes Build, I think that pretty  much says it all.

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There's generally no "best" port; they follow different roadmaps based on different objectives.


EDuke32 kind of fills the "GZDoom" niche: greatly enhanced modding capabilities, allowing to basically turn Duke 3D into something completely different, e.g. the AMC TC or Ion Fury. If you want to play some crazy Duke 3D mods, that's the one you'll want.

RedNukem kind of fills the "PrBoom" niche: a lot less extra modding features, but a lot more accuracy to the original game's behavior, but also featuring built-in support for Duke Nukem 64.

Raze kind of fills the "Doomsday" niche: the focus currently is on refactoring the engine and updating the renderer. It does offer pretty good performances, though.


I'm not sure what the Doom equivalent of DukeGDX would be.

Edited by Gez

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I'd rank DukeGDX as Duke's Crispy Doom and RedNukem as its DSDA equivalent (as it incorporates RR and WW2GI in pretty much the same manner as DSDA incorporates Heretic and Hexen.) GDX is a mostly pure port focussing on UX mainly so Crispy is a good fit.

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8 minutes ago, ducon said:

I also like Jonof’s duke port even if eduke32 is packaged in Debian.


I thought they don't package any non-free software, and Build with its non-commercial license perfectly fits that bill...


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Raze for playing in general (original levels and vanilla compatible custom maps) and EDuke32 for the fancier TCs/Mods


I would fully use EDuke32 over Raze for Duke Nukem 3D if only the framepacing/stutter wasn't so terrible. Raze just feels so much butter smooth in comparison.

Edited by ReaperAA

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1 hour ago, Graf Zahl said:


I thought they don't package any non-free software, and Build with its non-commercial license perfectly fits that bill...



They package non-free software, it’s in the non-free repository (that you can remove if you don’t want non-free software).

In it, you can find nVidia drivers or Doom1’s demo.

They also have a repository for free software but that need non-free data of software to work, for example Doom ports when Freedoom didn’t exist. This repository is called contrib.

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I previously used eDuke but i never liked the menus one bit. Luckily due to a mod incompatibility with Blood: Fresh Supply, i recently got into Raze and i'm never going back to eDuke ever again. It's lovely.

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The Jonof’s port has a Shadow warrior version but no Blood version (boohoo). I compiled them both a long time ago.

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EDuke32 is generally pretty reliable, but then again that's the only one I've ever used. Can't speak on others, but it's good for fancy mods and stable gameplay (well, as stable as you can get with the Build engine), so I'd say give it a shot.

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On 9/8/2021 at 9:43 AM, Graf Zahl said:

I'd rank DukeGDX as Duke's Crispy Doom and RedNukem as its DSDA equivalent (as it incorporates RR and WW2GI in pretty much the same manner as DSDA incorporates Heretic and Hexen.) GDX is a mostly pure port focussing on UX mainly so Crispy is a good fit.

What about your own, ;) hahahaha


But really, it's good. The cameras have good quality in it.

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