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Do you ever think of dying?


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8 minutes ago, Misty said:

Well, everyone will die in the end, it's unavoidable. Also it's part of life we need to accept, no matter how scary and sad it might feel for you. People say enjoy every moment of life, because things can change so drastically. I agree with them, take everything what you can so, when your end comes there won't be lots of regrets. 



I only think about the pain while dying. That scares me. How can I stand the pain?

Edited by Grandeur

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1 hour ago, Grandeur said:


They say that there is such a thing called Hell after death. And they say ''God will punish the non believers and those that take commit suicide in Hell after Death''

It's not guaranteed. Considering that God is omnipotent and merciful, he has absolutely all the power to forgive the person for all his sins in life. It is very likely to happen, sure, but at the same time, God can forgive and help all the people that need him if they look for him. At least that's how I see it, I don't want to put words in God's mouth

Edited by Lol 6

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2 hours ago, Jayextee said:

I try not to think of death. It gives me a panic attack almost every time I do; as I'm not religious and don't believe in any kind of afterlife, the idea of just not-being freaks me out immensely; it'll be as if I never existed at all, every memory I ever had gone, every thought I could've had rendered as nothingness -- I will know nothing of what will be after, and nothing of my life as it happened, just as I knew nothing before. Myself, as I know them, and the universe around me, will be as if they never existed.

I need a hug and perhaps some immortality serum.

I feel ya on all that. I used to get into those thoughts even as a wee kid. That dark dread after thinking those thoughts is hard to shake off.


As someone who is off and on suicidal, I think of death quite often. It kind of scares me and also sort of puts me into a nihilistic state.

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10 minutes ago, Lol 6 said:

It's not guaranteed. Considering that god is omnipotent and merciful, he has absolutely all the power to forgive the person for all his sins in life


But it is stated in all the one single God religions that those who don't believe in God will be in hell forever.


It is stated in all of the 3 one single God religions which are Jewish, Christianity and Islam

Edited by Grandeur

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5 minutes ago, Lol 6 said:

It's not guaranteed. Considering that God is omnipotent and merciful, he has absolutely all the power to forgive the person for all his sins in life. It is very likely to happen, sure, but at the same time, God can forgive and help all the people that need him if they look for him. At least that's how I see it, I don't want to put words in God's mouth

quick reminder that "god" as christianity understands the concept is a spiteful cunt and a sadist... that is if he even exists...


if you think that somebody who just lets people die as a result of natural disasters, even though he surely could do something about it by virtue of being all-powerful, is in any way shape of form benevolent, then you're also putting milk and cookies out for santa clause...


and for those of you around here who say their life fucking sucks, and they'd kill themselves if only they were brave enough: consider fixing what can be fixed, for example go see a therapist...


1 minute ago, Grandeur said:

But it is stated in all the one single God religions that those who don't believe in God will be in hell forever.


It is stated in all of the 3 one single God religions which are Jewish, Christianity and Islam

everything about this is wrong, because those 3 aren't the only monotheistic religions that exist today...

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2 hours ago, Jayextee said:

I try not to think of death. It gives me a panic attack almost every time I do; as I'm not religious and don't believe in any kind of afterlife, the idea of just not-being freaks me out immensely; it'll be as if I never existed at all, every memory I ever had gone, every thought I could've had rendered as nothingness -- I will know nothing of what will be after, and nothing of my life as it happened, just as I knew nothing before. Myself, as I know them, and the universe around me, will be as if they never existed.

I need a hug and perhaps some immortality serum.


Think of it as a clean slate; Mother Nature's recycling program; a hard drive reformatted, refreshed, and refurbished; a breath of fresh air untainted by your lungs; an infinity outside your nothingness; an infinity to spend with nothingness; a chance to finally use that overpriced KISS coffin; a full-forgiveness on your crippling student loan debt from 40 years ago; a good first step in curbing your carbon emissions footprint; an executive gold membership card to the 27 Club; a Travel Abroad program with full green card status; a Black Friday sale, one free Halloween decoration with every purchase; the gift that keeps on giving (for pink dotted Driver's License holders); a case study on the epistemology of metaphysical realities; the console command "--respawnTickets;" in Battlefield 2021; a contributing member to the Bureau of Health Statistics.


Moral of the story? Don't Fear the Reaper. Romeo and Juliet are together in eternity. You can be like they are. C'mon baby, don't fear the reaper. Take my hand, we'll be able to fly, don't fear the reaper, baby I'm your man...



Edited by QuaketallicA

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don't particularly enjoy life, but I also can't be asked to do anything to actually make it better

that's how it goes mandem

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2 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

quick reminder that "god" as christianity understands the concept is a spiteful cunt and a sadist... that is if he even exists...


if you think that somebody who just lets people die as a result of natural disasters, even though he surely could do something about it by virtue of being all-powerful, is in any way shape of form benevolent, then you're also putting milk and cookies out for santa clause...


and for those of you around here who say their life fucking sucks, and they'd kill themselves if only they were brave enough: consider fixing what can be fixed, for example go see a therapist...


everything about this is wrong, because those 3 aren't the only monotheistic religions that exist today...

tried it, several times... didnt fix anything

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2 minutes ago, Arrowhead said:

Anything that is inevitable is not worth worrying about.

Why bother, am I right?

Because no one will revive us after death.


Not even "God" is in the equation for this situation. We accept that we die and, the more you guys think about death, it can be more painful.


Also, we aren't therapists for death thinking issues...

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17 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

if you think that somebody who just lets people die as a result of natural disasters, even though he surely could do something about it by virtue of being all-powerful, is in any way shape of form benevolent, then you're also putting milk and cookies out for santa clause...

IDK, I've always been told that he lets some things to happen to test our faith on him. And, now that I think about it, it makes a lot of sense, I've seen a lot of people, both friends and family that get out of the religion because a relative died or they had a bad time. It's a way to prove our faith at him. But, yeah, going back to my previous point, things happen for some reason, there's always something that happens next, and most of the time it's a good thing. Now, of course, I don't like it when people die, and I don't aprove human deaths, but if things happen, it's usually for something bigger 

Edited by Lol 6

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4 minutes ago, leodoom85 said:

Why bother, am I right?

Because no one will revive us after death.


Not even "God" is in the equation for this situation. We accept that we die and, the more you guys think about death, it can be more painful.


Also, we aren't therapists for death thinking issues...


Hello? Painful? How about fun? Am I the only one having fun discussing a macabre topic? Bunch of prudes. Man, it's like a morgue in here. Geesh, who died and made you a killjoy? May as well take a little pleasure, since we won't live forever.

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23 minutes ago, Grandeur said:


But it is stated in all the one single God religions that those who don't believe in God will be in hell forever.

Like I said before, it's not guaranteed.

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If I die, I die because of things beyond my control, otherwise I keep living because life is full of opportunity. I don't really think about death beyond that :p

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What is death? A scary mask. Take it off – see, it doesn’t bite. Eventually, body and soul will have to separate, just as they existed separately before we were born. So why be upset if it happens now? If it isn’t now, it’s later.

— Epictetus


No evil is honorable: but death is honorable; therefore death is not evil.

— Zeno of Citium


I cannot escape death, but at least I can escape the fear of it.

— Epictetus




These 3 stoic quotes are my favorite.

Here's mine: Be good person & do good deeds. Before your death, you won't regret leaving this world.

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3 minutes ago, Lol 6 said:

IDK, I've always been told that he lets some things to happen to test our faith on him.

ah yes, the classic... "god's ways are mysterious"... christianity's most boring and hollow defence when they're running out of arguments....


4 minutes ago, Lol 6 said:

And, now that I think about it, it makes a lot of sense, I've seen a lot of people, both friends and family that get out of the religion because a relative died or they had a bad time. It's a way to prove our faith at him.

how do thousands of people who die during a tsunami on the other side of this planet test your faith, exactly..? hint: they don't...


I'll give you some actual advice: if you ever want to be taken seriously anywhere, you'd better not talk "faith in god" with anybody who is capable of even the most rudimentary logic....

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11 minutes ago, QuaketallicA said:


Hello? Painful? How about fun? Am I the only one having fun discussing a macabre topic? Bunch of prudes. Man, it's like a morgue in here. Geesh, who died and made you a killjoy? May as well take a little pleasure, since we won't live forever.

well, as I pointed out in another thread, I think we will experience an afterlife and we will possibly also be reincarnated.


Some people have demonstrated knowledge from past lives under hypnosis that they couldnt possibly have

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1 minute ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

ah yes, the classic... "god's ways are mysterious"... christianity's most boring and hollow defence when they're running out of arguments...

It's just the truth, we don't know how is he going to act, as we don't know how will a random guy act when he sees us, or how will our body react to a disease for example. We can't see the future, and God is very unpredictable, like most things in our life


4 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

how do thousands of people who die during a tsunami on the other side of this planet test your faith, exactly..? hint: they don't...

Simple: Still believing and praying. There's a commandment (The first one) That , in spanish, says "Amarás a dios sobre todas las cosas", which would translate to

"You shall love God before anything else", so, no matter how shitty or horrible the situation is, a christian person must show his love and faith to God. Now, like I said before, I'm not a fan of human deaths, but things happen for a reason. 

9 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

you'd better not talk "faith in god" with anybody who is capable of even the most rudimentary logic...

Why not? I think it's actually a good topic to talk about with anybody, whether the person believes or not, besides, I'm not afraid of showing my faith, even if I get insulted or being taken like a lunatic.

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4 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

ah yes, the classic... "god's ways are mysterious"... christianity's most boring and hollow defence when they're running out of arguments....


how do thousands of people who die during a tsunami on the other side of this planet test your faith, exactly..? hint: they don't...


I'll give you some actual advice: if you ever want to be taken seriously anywhere, you'd better not talk "faith in god" with anybody who is capable of even the most rudimentary logic....


You know, I used to have that sort of reflexive militant atheism to militant evangelicals, but over time (and thankfully no more religious assholes around me--not most religious people, just the ones that are assholes about it) I've come to understand all of religion is really a mirror into man's own psyche. All of the attributes one gives to God are really just the manifestation of your fears and longings. The emotional need for parental/familial comfort when in pain, for example; a need to find some meaning or purpose to horrible loss of life, even when there obviously isn't one. Regardless of your intellectual thoughts on the matter, these are emotional needs within all of us, and since humans are guided by our emotions, not logic, religion is never going to go away, no matter how infantile or superstitious the doctrine of choice. I don't hold anything against theists (except those who force their beliefs on others or limit others' rights) because we're all the same, and we all need our own ways of coping with the stresses of the human condition. Just don't be the one who takes those coping mechanisms way too seriously. It's all fun and games till somebody flies an airplane into the World Trade Center.

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Before this thread goes too far off the tracks... I have to say one thing.

I'm getting a case of deja vu here. Just spitballin here, but @Grandeur do you perhaps like Pepsi? Like a lot? And when you play Doom, do you normally play UV-fast keyboard only? Just curious really... 

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30 minutes ago, QuaketallicA said:


Hello? Painful? How about fun? Am I the only one having fun discussing a macabre topic? Bunch of prudes. Man, it's like a morgue in here. Geesh, who died and made you a killjoy? May as well take a little pleasure, since we won't live forever.

Then I'll wait for an archvile to revive me, if that's what you want. Hell, you MIGHT send that archvile as a gift for me. Thank you very much, appreciated it :)


Edit: hey...since I'm at my job and doing nothing, I might die out of boredom. 


Edited by leodoom85

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23 minutes ago, Lol 6 said:

"Amarás a dios sobre todas las cosas", which would translate to

"You shall love God before anything else", so, no matter how shitty or horrible the situation is, a christian person must show his love and faith to God.

stock home sin drome

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17 minutes ago, Lol 6 said:

It's just the truth, we don't know how is he going to act, as we don't know how will a random guy act when he sees us, or how will our body react to a disease for example.

you know... there is some small part of me that hangs on to a tenuously thin straw as I'm hoping you're just trolling instead of actually believing the nonsense you're saying here...


not only do you not know how a supposed god is going to act, you don't even know whether or not "god" actually exists - that's why it's called "believing" instead of "knowing"... you have no proof for god's existence, nobody has, and you better believe that the first person to find proof of god's existence is going to see their face broadcast on every news channel ever...


next up: we know how our bodies react to a disease, and the main reaction for just about any and all diseases out there is the build antibodies to fight off the disease, if possible... if they teach you anything other than that in church, go get a better teacher, who knows wtf they're talking about...moving on...


21 minutes ago, Lol 6 said:

Simple: Still believing and praying. There's a commandment (The first one) That , in spanish, says "Amarás a dios sobre todas las cosas", which would translate to

"You shall love God before anything else", so, no matter how shitty or horrible the situation is, a christian person must show his love and faith to God. Now, like I said before, I'm not a fan of human deaths, but things happen for a reason. 

you can keep saying stuff happens for a reason, but unless you can tell me exactly why god does nothing to stop a tsunami or a hurricane that will thousands of innocents and their children, it's all just empty nothings.... and nothing is more dangerous and stupid than blind faith... so your god is saying that you ought to love him even though he does disgusting shit "for some arcane reason"..? if that doesn't sound utterly fucking delusional, then I don't know what does... if you were married, and your wife does some shit that hurts you, and she keeps doing it, you'd probably get divorced rather than keeping her, but sure... it's easy to preach faith in "something" and pat yourself on the back when you're living the illusion that there's no choice for you to make...


23 minutes ago, Lol 6 said:

Why not? I think it's actually a good topic to talk about with anybody, whether the person believes or not, besides, I'm not afraid of showing my faith, even if I get insulted or being taken like a lunatic.

there's a difference between being religious, and being a mindless zealot who believes everything somebody who claims to be represent "god's will" tells them... you are the latter...

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1 minute ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

there's a difference between being religious, and being a mindless zealot who believes everything somebody who claims to be represent "god's will" tells them... you are the latter...

See? This is what I meant, look how you're responding to my comments and who you're taking me for. I wouldn't call myself religious, but I do believe, and I know how to difference a person who uses the name of God for profit from someone that actually works for him and has good intentions. I'm not that stupid.

4 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

so your god is saying that you ought to love him even though he does disgusting shit "for some arcane reason"..?

Pretty much, yeah.

5 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

you know... there is some small part of me that hangs on to a tenuously thin straw as I'm hoping you're just trolling instead of actually believing the nonsense you're saying here...

Nope, I'm not trolling, I believe what I said, we can't know what is going on inside anybody's head, including God. In any case, I'm not in a position where I can critique why he lets those things to happen

6 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

why god does nothing to stop a tsunami or a hurricane that will thousands of innocents and their children, it's all just empty nothings...

IDK the reason, nobody but God knows why he does the things he does and why he lets things to happen. He has the freedom to choose whether to help or not, like we all have.

11 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

your wife does some shit that hurts you, and she keeps doing it, you'd probably get divorced rather than keeping her

Orrr, I can forgive her like a normal person would do with a friend or a family member.


23 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

you have no proof for god's existence, nobody has

And, do you have any proof of the opposite? Can you tell me why God doesn't exist?

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1 hour ago, Lol 6 said:

And, do you have any proof of the opposite? Can you tell me why God doesn't exist?

we have proof that creationism is a lie, so at the very least there's proof that christians, muslims and jews are wrong about who god is, what he did or didn't do, and therefore what his intentions may or may not be... I can't say if a higher being exists or not, but I damn sure can tell you for a fact that the bible didn't get it right even in the slightest... not to mention that everything you want to sell us here about how nice and caring your "god" is doesn't survive contact with reality...


if god is omnipotent and benevolent, if he exists, mind, then he should be able to test somebody's faith without killing them or their loved ones... so therefore god is either not omnipotent, or he is not benevolent... or he might just be neither (because he does not exist)...


1 hour ago, Lol 6 said:

He has the freedom to choose whether to help or not, like we all have.

either he is as benevolent as you people say he is, and he loves all people, or he doesn't give a shit and lets those who he supposedly cares so much about die ,  because he just didn't feel like lifting a finger...


it can't be both at the same time, and as long as people die for no fucking reason at all while you claim there is an omnipotent being out there that could make everything better without even breaking a sweat you are making yourself look stupid... whether or not you can tell the difference between "good christians" and "bad christians" is of no consequence... blind faith is always bad, unconditionally...

Edited by Nine Inch Heels

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Back on topic, I think of dying nearly every single day of my life. Not necessarily in a morbid way, but moreso in a purely hypothetical manner. I'm sure part of the reason for this were some very close brushes with death I had when I was a kid---when you're forced to confront the reality of death and your own mortality at a young age, it tends to shift your way of thinking. 


I suppose I think about it so much as a way to galvanize me to be more aggressive with life. It's easier to motivate myself when I keep in mind that I have a limited time window to do things. And it also helps me appreciate what I have. 


I don't think it helps me to fear death any less, though. Just to be more aware of it.

Edited by Caffeine Freak

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