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Does Vanilla Doom support a MIDI loopstart?


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Does Vanilla Doom's DMX sound engine support a method for its MIDI music to start their loops in the middle of the song, rather than looping from the beginning?


I could not find any information or previous thread clarifying whether there's support for this in Vanilla Doom or not.


From what I know, having a loopstart control command is not a standardised MIDI feature, so multiple different MIDI-based sound engines ended up having their own control commands for loopstarts that vary from sound engine to sound engine.

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Loopstart is indeed not a standardized MIDI feature (that's why it's only found in non-standard MIDI variants like Apogee's EMIDI, or XMI, HMI/HMP, etc.) and since it's not present either in MUS either, it's not a vanilla Doom feature.


But it is a vanilla Duke Nukem 3D feature!

Edited by Gez

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