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Vulkar 04

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It´s funny the many times I see my score. The first time I completed TNT EVILUTION was awesome because I went through really hard maps!! What Was your score?

Mine was almost 10 fucking hours!!


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Unfortunately the original Doom releases didn't record time across levels, so it's likely most people never really knew what their total play-time was.


Also, no need to shout in your thread title.

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The last time I played Doom, over  a year ago, I noted down my final times. They probably all suck.


TNT - 10:31:00
Memento Mori 1 - 10:35:45
TVR! - 4:50:00
BTSX Episode 1 - 11:59:48
Rebirth - 6:50:00
Flashback To Hell (15 levels) - 4:56:00
VileFlesh -  16:27:53
Memento Mori 2 -  13:42:00
Hell Revealed 2 - 13:22:26
Icarus - 7:12:00
Doom 2 The Way Id Did It - 8:53:00

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38 minutes ago, Bauul said:

Unfortunately the original Doom releases didn't record time across levels, so it's likely most people never really knew what their total play-time was.


Also, no need to shout in your thread title.

I wasn´t shouting. Only because I wrote in Capital Letters doesn´t mean I wanted to shout my ideas. Thanks anyway, bro! 

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34 minutes ago, Chopkinsca said:

The last time I played Doom, over a year ago, I noted down my final times. They probably all suck.



TNT - 10:31:00
Memento Mori 1 - 10:35:45
TVR! - 4:50:00
BTSX Episode 1 - 11:59:48
Rebirth - 6:50:00
Flashback To Hell (15 levels) - 4:56:00
VileFlesh -  16:27:53
Memento Mori 2 -  13:42:00
Hell Revealed 2 - 13:22:26
Icarus - 7:12:00
Doom 2 The Way Id Did It - 8:53:00


Holy mother! They look great for me haha

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33 minutes ago, N2Roficial said:

I wasn´t shouting. Only because I wrote in Capital Letters doesn´t mean I wanted to shout my ideas. Thanks anyway, bro! 

Capitals usually mean screaming.

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7 hours ago, Chopkinsca said:

The last time I played Doom, over  a year ago, I noted down my final times. They probably all suck.



TNT - 10:31:00
Memento Mori 1 - 10:35:45
TVR! - 4:50:00
BTSX Episode 1 - 11:59:48
Rebirth - 6:50:00
Flashback To Hell (15 levels) - 4:56:00
VileFlesh -  16:27:53
Memento Mori 2 -  13:42:00
Hell Revealed 2 - 13:22:26
Icarus - 7:12:00
Doom 2 The Way Id Did It - 8:53:00



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Used to have a screenshot of my first playthrough of Doom 2. It was about 1 hour and 40 minutes I remember, beat it on August 28th last year, the 2nd of that month being when I beat SNES doom for the first time though definitely don't got the screenshots for those times. Went through discord cause I like to take screenshots of my playthroughs of wads on this server i'm on but seems I didn't start doing it for each level till I played plutonia.


As for my first playthrough of Plutonia. It took me 6:20:38, 30th of October of last year, but that was without doing the secret maps cause I didn't think I could at the time, but then I did the secret maps directly after on the same day and factoring those in (12:11 for cyberden, 38:41 Go2It) it took me 7:11:30 my first time playing Plutonia. Back then was just playing keyboard, so I think that's a nice time for the first time. Went on to pistol start 100% it afterwards and I do got the screenshot for those but obviously not the times added up. Same with TNT, I pistol started that one in february of this year once i got a mouse, but never did a continuous playthrough so dont have a time for that just the individual levels. That goes for any wad I played after too, stopped doing continuous playthroughs and did pistol starts at that point.

Edited by BaileyTW

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This is an estimate, because I never noted it down but I do roughly remember the times.

Doom 1: Around 8 hours in total

Doom 2: Around 7 hours

Tnt: Between 5-7 hours

Plutonia: Also between 5-7 hours (both should add up to 12 hours)

Alien Vendetta: 9 and a half hours (excluding save scumming so should be atleast 12 hours)

Plutonia 2: 7 hours and 30 minutes

And I forgot the rest

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Bold of you to assume I care enough to even look at the time it took me to finish any given map.


I mean, I finished DOOM at least three years after having played for the first time (of course I didn't play in the intervening time, and I had to start it over), but I wouldn't be able to tell you what the in-game time was.

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