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Could doomguy survive throughout WW2?


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Provided enough invulnerability powerups, Doomguy can survive anything that isn't a telefrag. There was no teleportation technology in World War II. Therefore, Doomguy could survive World War II. QED

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Just now, Pseudonaut said:

Provided enough invulnerability powerups, Doomguy can survive anything that isn't a telefrag. There was no teleportation technology in World War II. Therefore, Doomguy could survive World War II. QED

I'm sure that a soul sphere exists deep in the routes of germany.

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Doomguy has an arsenal of futuristic weaponry, and he can teleport, and he has killed a lot of Nazis in different mods (if you count those, I don't really but it's a thought) 

So I think he can, even if he isn't backed by Uac.

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He's gonna need to team up with B.J. Blazkowicz if he has no future technology.

Edited by DannyMan
Grammar mistake bruh

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I think he can handle WW2 considering he fought Cyberdemons, Spider Masterminds, and the WW2 arsenal isn't really that different from what he frequently uses

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No. He's been through fast, hungry demons, pissed off knights and barons, archviles, and revenants, and he's even killed Nazis, but he will never be able to survive a nuke, since there are no invulnerability powerups anywhere on Earth at this time.

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4 hours ago, Nikku4211 said:

 but he will never be able to survive a nuke,

Huh? Is Doomguy with the Allied forces or the Axis?
I don't think he would have to face off a nuke, especially considering the fact he probably won't be in Japan by that time

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He'll be fine, so long as he doesn't get blocked by any infinitely tall bomber planes.

Edited by Sena

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7 hours ago, Vaeros said:

No. I don't think so, He can barely survive from chaingunners. lmao

All he'd have to do is touch some random medical supplies in the nearest medic tent or from the nearest medic. He'd be fine!

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The question is primarily found in the definition of, "Survive."  We can be certain that the marine could make it to the end of the war as many soldiers did.  But the marine pre 2016 lacks strong melee combat, and he can not count on berserk packs lying around so theirfor his power can only be found in his weaponry and speed.  The Marine is fast, but as we have seen with chaingunnersm bullets are faster.  It comes down to bullet rng regarding the soldiers.  But if we account for powerups he most defiantly would survive, the guns were inaccurate enough.  With what we know about partial instabilities in doom and the zombie enemies.  He would be fine. 

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The BFG is nice, but it's not going to be much use without ammo. However, even disregarding combat potential, Doomguy would still be useful for his ability to carry 100 rockets and an assortment of other supplies at 50+ miles per hour, even across solid bodies of water. This assumes, of course, that he can figure out how to drop his inventory.

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1 hour ago, drjpeg said:

Huh? Is Doomguy with the Allied forces or the Axis?
 I don't think he would have to face off a nuke, especially considering the fact he probably won't be in Japan by that time

It doesn't matter. He could be the reason either force would decide to escalate the war to nukes.

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It certainly depends on who orders him. And a Doom guy isn't as tough as you'd think. Do you even know what WWII missions he'd be sent on? Because here's the thing: how often do you play a Doom campaign and win it with the same marine, without casualties? You can be sure that you're commanding a replacement marine on next attempt whenever your Doom guy is killed, and same again if that one dies again. Why else do you think the demons have time to regroup (up to only the territories you didn't conquer)? Meanwhile you, the command, remain with the knowledge obtained from the last fighter.


So the conclusion is this: unlikely for a single Doom marine to survive whatever mission he's sent on, unless his commander is competent enough.

Edited by printz

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1 hour ago, printz said:

So the conclusion is this: unlikely for a single Doom marine to survive whatever mission he's sent on, unless his commander is competent enough.

Or unless you utilise the power of the F6 and F9 keys.

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4 hours ago, drjpeg said:

especially considering the fact he probably won't be in Japan by that time

If he's on Mars, he'll be fine.

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Depends on these factors:


>How closely is he following Game Physics?

>How important is lore?

>Are the enemies following game physics?


That being said, here's my answer. I'm going to be following game physics but not as they are in the game and interpret them with how they would be IRL.


I'm going to assume that enemy bullets are not hitscan because there is no such thing has "Hitscan" in real life. Doomguy can probably run continuously and faster than most land vehicles at the time. During WW2, he'd probably be the fasting thing on the ground. He can't dodge bullets but he can tank a lot of them and real soldiers won't have the RNG-based aim  that the Doom enemies have. He'd get hit by bullets but I think he'd be able to find enough medkits and stimpacks to stay alive. Especially with how many bullets he can actually take before dying. He doesn't have his weapons and is relegated to whatever is available at the time. So he would be less effective against armored vehicles (Unless he finds a bazooka lying around) but he would be able to single-handedly take down large groups of enemy soldiers.


I think the only thing he has to worry about in WW2 to would be being in Japan during the nuke drops. Everything else, I'd say he'd survive.


If you give him the future weapons though, it's no contest.

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On 9/17/2021 at 4:26 PM, Pseudonaut said:

Provided enough invulnerability powerups, Doomguy can survive anything that isn't a telefrag. There was no teleportation technology in World War II. Therefore, Doomguy could survive World War II. QED

Invulnerability only protects Doomguy up to 1000 damage, so anything that does more than that and he's toast. Hard to say just how much 1000 damage is, but if we use Doom's pistol as a base and assume WWII-era pistols do a similar amount of damage (5-15 damage), something at least 200x as powerful as a pistol shot should suffice.

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To me, Doomguy has never been put in front of a challenge he could not overcome.


Edit: he is like an unstoppable force of determination. Every battle is a "Triumph of the Will" for him, if you'll excuse the reference

Edited by UnclePhil

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