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Doom Timeline Question


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So I am doing a complete play through of all Doom games for my YouTube channel. I'm completing every level at 100%. I was wondering if there should be a particular order to these games. I've seen this as an order to storyline:


The Timeline of Slaughter: From Doom 1993 to Doom Eternal!


#1 - Doom 3: Slayer's first canonical encounter with the forces of Hell; the game is functionally a prequel hinted at by lore from Quake Champions

#2 - DOOM 1993: Slayer's adventure continues on Phobos, a direct follow-up to the unresolved invasion from Doom 3

#3 - DOOM II: again, a linear continuation of DOOM 1993

#4 - DOOM 64: Slayer continues his one-man-war against Hell, and stays there to fight the horde until a mysterious unknown force pulls him onto the Night Sentinel homeworld

we know this is the case because Slayer wears the same armor he wore in 64 when Sentinels dragged him to their leadership

Slayer gets horrific PTSD sometime during his first long stint in Hell

the mysterious Seraphim (Samur Maykr, hinted to be Samuel Hayden) grants Slayer "terrible power and speed" as well as functional immortality

waging war alongside the Night Sentinels, they are eventually betrayed and decimated, and the Slayer ends up getting trapped in a casket of cursed hell-rock

a direct lead-in to DOOM 2016

#5: DOOM 2016: Slayer awakens on Mars, begins a new reign of terror against the forces of Hell

ends up getting trapped aboard the Fortress of Doom at the very end

#6: DOOM Eternal: finally released from his new prison, the Slayer returns to rip and tear in his latest adventure


How true is this? Where would Final Doom and Sigil fit in or do they? I'd just like to have some order to my gameplay.


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It could be that Sigil comes after Doom I, cause its the sixth episode of Doom I and Final Doom could be after Doom II.

An other scenario could be that you could discard Sigil entirely as its a more recent addition to classic Doom.

The other scenario is the one were you decide. (Not helpful at all I know it.)

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28 minutes ago, DeathWalkerGT said:

It could be that Sigil comes after Doom I, cause its the sixth episode of Doom I and Final Doom could be after Doom II.

An other scenario could be that you could discard Sigil entirely as its a more recent addition to classic Doom.

The other scenario is the one were you decide. (Not helpful at all I know it.)

No worries. I've been thinking about finishing up Ultimate Doom. Then moving to Doom 3 as a "prequel". Then moving to Doom 2, then Doom 64 and the DOOM and DOOM Enternal.

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Yeah I'm going to play it separately....my play order is Ultimate Doom, Sigil, Doom II, No Rest For the Living, Final Doom, Doom 64, Doom 64 Lost Levels, Doom (2016) and then Doom Eternal.


I'll do Doom 3 on the side somewhere.

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16 hours ago, LinkinForcer said:

Where would Final Doom and Sigil fit in or do they? I'd just like to have some order to my gameplay. 


Trying to establish a single timeline is kinda fun, but unfortunately the Doom series makes that rather difficult betw Doom 3 and Final Doom. I would just go with the cop-out answer they use in Doom Eternal, which is that "the doom slayer has traveled across universes and timelines before reaching the Night Sentinel planet", or something like that. Trying to make a "canon" order with that in mind is rather difficult, and it's probably why they didn't besides having Doom 64 lead into Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal.

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I don't know if this order is correct with all the "timeline" bullshit that people come up with but I'd suggest this.


1. Ultimate Doom and SIGIL

2. Doom 2 and No Rest for the Living

3. Plutonia

4. TNT Evilution

5. Doom 64

6. Doom 2016

7. Doom Eternal


Forget Doom 3. It's a retelling of Ultimate Doom.

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5 hours ago, Nevander said:

I don't know if this order is correct with all the "timeline" bullshit that people come up with but I'd suggest this.


1. Ultimate Doom and SIGIL

2. Doom 2 and No Rest for the Living

3. Plutonia

4. TNT Evilution

5. Doom 64

6. Doom 2016

7. Doom Eternal


Forget Doom 3. It's a retelling of Ultimate Doom.

That's what I thought. The best way I could come up with incorporating Doom 3 was to just end things at Doom 64 and then 100 years later the UAC starts its BS again and then because of the incidents that took place in Doom 3 the UAC collects Doom Slayer thus beginning Doom 2016.

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I don't think there's one doomguy, or "doomslayer", or whatever, just a human possessed  by the HOLY WRATH OF DEMON DESTRUCTION that turns up when needed. Like Link isn't one guy saving the same Zelda over and over again, just someone who, in fact, gets "sacrificed" as a necessary entity to destroy evil. Which is why majora's mask is such a sad game, by the way. There are countless doom wads where "Our Hero" dies at the end, which makes sense, since he is of no use to the greater powers any longer. A martyr, if you will.

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17 hours ago, Nevander said:

I don't know if this order is correct with all the "timeline" bullshit that people come up with but I'd suggest this.


1. Ultimate Doom and SIGIL

2. Doom 2 and No Rest for the Living

3. Plutonia

4. TNT Evilution

5. Doom 64

6. Doom 2016

7. Doom Eternal


Forget Doom 3. It's a retelling of Ultimate Doom.

I like the idea that doom 3 is the story of doom ultimate from the eyes of other marines

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I remain of the opinion that Doom 3 takes place in a parallel universe, one of many. '16 and Eternal play into this notion pretty heavily and validate it as a possibility. I also believe the ancient Martian Hero (*not* the protagonist of Doom 3) was the Doom Slayer, and that he was at some point present on ancient Mars in the Doom 3 timeline as part of "his terrible rancor between worlds and through time", a period of unknown duration evidently after he was sealed back into Hell by the Hell priests in their conquest of Argent D'Nur.


Though this must be regarded as apocrypha, I am so strongly enamoured with the multiverse hypothesis that I wrote this into the story of Doom 64: The Lost Levels as subtext. The first level takes place on an abandoned UAC base on Sedna. But why Sedna?


In Doom 3, the Hyperspace News reports that a mysterious "dark light event" was recently detected just outside the orbit of Sedna. In my reckoning, this dwarf planet had an outpost on the edge of the Solar System built by the ancient Martian race as they were fleeing in the wake of sealing the portals on Mars. The UAC later happened to also build a base nearby for supporting outer Solar System exploration efforts. The rift left behind made it a place one step closer to the other side. What the UAC detected, unknowingly, was Doomguy being teleported there by the Sister Resurrector when she needed a place to send him.

Edited by Quasar

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On 9/20/2021 at 1:15 AM, Nevander said:

I don't know if this order is correct with all the "timeline" bullshit that people come up with but I'd suggest this.


1. Ultimate Doom and SIGIL

2. Doom 2 and No Rest for the Living

3. Plutonia

4. TNT Evilution

5. Doom 64

6. Doom 2016

7. Doom Eternal


Forget Doom 3. It's a retelling of Ultimate Doom.


Yep, i am supporting this Order.


Lets see if they some Day tie in Doom 3 as a parallel Universe Thing officially or let it stay in the Dark, if it is just a retelling in a different Style



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  • 2 months later...

*hits blunt*

Doom 3 could potentially fit, There are just a few problems.

Doom 3 depicts the first attempt to colonise mars. However, mars is already shown as colonised in every other doom game, yes, even in the readme for doom 1.

Because of this doom 3 will only properly fit either before doom 1. Only issue, the Doom Slayer is shown on an ancient tablet. How could he be ancient if he hasn't even gone to hell yet.

Alternatively Doom 3 could take place after Eternal. Doom 3 mentions how the Doom Slayer had to sacrifice his people to defeat the demons, his people could've been old humanity. That would also explain how the humans in Doom 3 evolved from the ancient civilization. It would also explain the ruins as Old humans have already built bases on mars. On top of that it would also explain how the humans are using lesser technology compared to the ancient civilization. The ancient artefacts could be argent powered which humanity would have discovered.

In conclusion, Doom 3 would only properly fit either, with the same marine before Doom 1 (Implying the slayer is a time traveller.) Or, Millions of years after Doom Eternal with a completly new species of human and (Obviously) with a different marine. Just one Issue with this, It would mean the new organisation would also be called UAC, (coincidence?) and that the soul cube appearing in Olivia's ofiice wouldn't make sense. (Unless the soul cube is incredibly ancient, not purpose created in which case it would make total sense.)

Personally I think the "Millions of years in the future with a different humanity" Explanation makes more sense, since before doom 1 would require time travel.

This took 30 whole minutes to type, damn.

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