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Adding Sniper Rifle

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In Doom builder if I add the sniper rifle pk3 file I can do an IDFA and use the sniper rifle. But, when I save the file and play the level in Doom rather then Doom builder I can't access the sniper rifle. How can I get the sniper rifle to appear in Doom?

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So when you load your map in doombuilder, you're (probably) loading three things:


1. the WAD with your map

2. the IWAD for Doom (or Doom 2)

3. the WAD/pk3 with the Sniper Rifle


If you exit doombuilder and try opening the WAD with your map normally (say via GZDoom), it will load that WAD along with whatever IWAD you tell it. By default though, it DOES NOT try to load any other WADs or pk3s, so it doesn't load the pk3 with the Sniper Rifle. This is what's causing the problem.

Edited by SMG_Man

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