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Large drawings I made and music.


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Here are a few drawings and a track that I'd like to share to get opinions on them.


I'll log off my account and go back to lurking now.



Edited by Urgelle

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Those drawings are fantastic, I really love the dendritic like structures at the bottom of the drawings. The music suits the images well. Very impressive stuff.

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Woah, these are amazing, so surreal and beautiful!

I really like the music track, really adds a whole lot to the surreal nature of these drawings, great job!

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And here's more music : https://urgelle.bandcamp.com/album/la-mer-blanche ( It's a compilation album of my favourite tracks from the EPs that i released with one new track)

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So, after a day or two, the drawing felt empty, so i drew a little bit more, then more, then more, then it became a completely different drawing.
I still need to do the background and add some stuff on the right so i'll probably post the last update in a week or two but at least, it doesn't look empty anymore.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Now it's really the end, it's getting too big to get a proper picture. Higher quality picture here to see how pleasing to the eye small circles can be : https://urgelle.fr/images/8.JPG.
More weird synth sounds here : https://urgelle.bandcamp.com/track/instruction



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  • 3 weeks later...

https://urgelle.bandcamp.com/album/quedl-quedl Here's even more music, the worst track of the bunch is probably the title song, it's the only song that i find boring. Quelher and Tonhere are probably the best ones.

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