drjpeg Posted September 18, 2021 Title. I had 5 games that I used to play routinely, however when Doom came in, I just lost all interest in them 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheLippyServer Posted September 18, 2021 Not really. I've always kinda bounced back and forth between Doom, TES 3, Roller Coaster Tycoon 2, and older Nintendo stuff, depending on what I have a hankering for at the time. Getting into mapping for Doom has taken away some of the time I had available for the other games, but I wouldn't say I've lost interest in them. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Nikku4211 Posted September 18, 2021 I've also always bounced around games, and the Doom duology just happens to be 2 of them. I still occasionally play the odd console game. Though I am beginning to lose interest in Minecraft for some reason. Maybe it's because I've been having bad Dreams? 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
doomguykiller69 Posted September 18, 2021 Before doom I played sandbox, minecraft terraria gta series, but when doom arrived, I put everything aside, I don't know what doom has, it's like a sadbox, you can do anything with it, assembly, disassemble, modify it, there is always something new to do with Doom! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Hawk of The Crystals Posted September 18, 2021 I wouldn't really say that doom has killed my interests in games that I've played previously, but I would say that it's made me stop playing at least two different games, mainly since I've been trying to work on my let's play series. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
i suck at nicknames Posted September 18, 2021 Maybe this is blasphemous, but I dropped my first ever playthrough of OG Final Fantasy 7 because all of my time was consumed with playing Doom and Pokemon. Wanna play all the FFs from 4-10 at some point tho, so lets see. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
maxmanium Posted September 19, 2021 Pretty much, but I don't mind. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
drjpeg Posted September 19, 2021 2 minutes ago, maxmanium said: Pretty much, but I don't mind. To be honest I've started to not mind as well. Been such a long time that I really don't care as much now as I did then for the other games. I just play one game aside from Doom now, GMod. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Nine Inch Heels Posted September 19, 2021 playing Doom constitutes a mere fraction of the time I spend playing video games... and I don't even spend a lot of time playing video games, for that matter... so, the answer is "no"... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Zirtonic Posted September 19, 2021 It's honestly become a bit of a problem for me lmao. DooM makes up probably 85% of my total game playing and I have to consciously and deliberately choose to play non-DooM games. Between whatever WAD I'm playing through DooM 2, my seemingly endless playthrough of Plutonia, the occasional Ultimate DooM WAD, my weekly launching of Eternal, and my intermittent replays of 2016 there's not a whole lot of time for other games. A lot of that is because I mostly stick to single player campaigns and it's a lot easier to justify a 15 minute DooM 2 session than it is a 30-60 minute chunk of a game with an actual narrative. I still co-op with my friends when they're on (mainly Risk of Rain 2 and Vermintide 2) and might pop in to a Team Fortress 2 lobby here and there but DooM is something I launch virtually every day in one form or another. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Snaxalotl Posted September 19, 2021 Playing doom didn't make me lose interest, but mapping pretty much replaced all of my time spent playing videogames. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Mayomancer Posted September 19, 2021 I usually cycle through the games and types of games i'm interested in on a monthly-ish basis, these last few months i haven't played much Doom at all 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Sena Posted September 19, 2021 Nah. Not like I play new games anyway. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Biodegradable Posted September 19, 2021 It's definitely overtaken everything else for me right now. I actually have to make the effort to peel myself away from Doom to play other stuff I had previously wanted to play. I think, for me, it simply stems from just how incredibly diverse community-made WADs tend to be so there's always something different to play. Plus, I really enjoy playtesting for mappers and helping them complete their projects for everyone else to eventually enjoy too. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
HLRaven Posted September 19, 2021 Not really, I sometimes have an off and on status with Doom, but when I get the itch for Doom it stays for a long time and I end up finishing about two megawads (or 4 9 map wads) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Yandere_Doomer Posted September 19, 2021 (edited) I didn't really lose interest in them per se, but I just devote a lot of time to doom, currently i am playing Quake 2 though, great game. Edited September 19, 2021 by Yandere_Doomer 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted September 19, 2021 Since I was about 10, my time spent playing video games (or doing game-related stuff) has always been "80% Doom, 20% everything else". Still true to this day.. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Yandere_Doomer Posted September 19, 2021 1 minute ago, Doomkid said: Since I was about 10, my time spent playing video games (or doing game-related stuff) has always been "80% Doom, 20% everything else". Still true to this day.. Hehehe, I can relate to that 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
VoanHead Posted September 19, 2021 Nope. I bounce around a lot with the games that I own. Sometimes I feel like I'm up for some Doom, then I have the sudden urge to play GTA the next day, then on weekends I just laze about and play some easier stuff like Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 (just barely started getting into this). Then there's Quake, A Hat in Time, Enter the Gungeon, Minecraft, etc. If anything I get burnt out from playing Doom after clearing out megawads, I'm just a guy who likes variety ig. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
xX_Lol6_Xx Posted September 19, 2021 Not really, I just get a bit bored in very long and very, very, very linear video games, like Half Life, I bought it with Opossing force and Blue Shift, and I haven't even finished the first of them. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Astronomical Posted September 19, 2021 When I had finally started to sink my teeth into custom wads I was playing San Andreas, this was back in April. I just picked the game back up only to loose interest and stopped playing it. I will finish it at some point but that isn't any time soon. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
RHhe82 Posted September 19, 2021 Not really, no. Doom (Classic Doom, that is) has always just been there, I've played every now and them, and after two decades I'm back playing it (and the countless Pwads I've been missing on) on the PC. Back in the early 2010s however another game made me lose interest in other games, and that was Dark Souls. I initially didn't like it, in other words it was too hard for me. I quit it, but came back some months later and played it through. It was refreshing, and for quite a long time after other games felt far too casual or pampering that I found hard to get invested in anymore. That was back then. Early last year I lost interest in games altogether. I just couldn't find the time and motivation to play anything anymore. I kinda was missing video games, but I had other stuff. And I still do, I haven't played much anything since april 2020 or so, but last month I came back to Doom. I had bought an external keyboard and a (decent) external mouse for my writing stuff, when I discovered I could also try out the modern PC ports (instead of the Unity port on Xbox, which was decent as well, but Xbox controller just seems not to suit Doom very well). So... games are back in my life, thanks to Doom! Or at least one game... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
BaileyTW Posted September 19, 2021 I guess sort of but that's just how I play games. When I hop from one game to another the current one tends to make me lose interest with the last one, so this is sort of a general thing for me and less so specifically for doom. However, when I'm going through a new megawad then this goes up even more. I tend to not play any other games until I finish the wad or when I sorta hit a wall of sorts and fear burning out on the wad, though I usually try to avoid doing that probably longer than I should sometimes burning out a little and not playing for a week or so. So I guess while I tend to get pulled into specific games a lot like this, I do so for Doom a little more than other games. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Zulk RS Posted September 19, 2021 Sort of. Doom didn't kill interest in a game I was already into but rather stopped me from playing games I might have otherwise played. Doom was the first FPS I played. After that I played a few more FPS games but my luck with those were terrible as I learned the ones I played after Doom were generally not that good. The games in question: Corridor 7 and Ice Nine (GBA). When Doom and all its mods came in. I just don't feel like playing any FPS game other than Doom. So not really stopping interest but not making me interested in FPS games in general. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Teo Slayer Posted September 19, 2021 Well, both DOOM and Touhou made me lost interest to every videogame I used to love 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Teo Slayer Posted September 19, 2021 8 hours ago, doomguykiller69 said: Sunglasses Doomguy = Funny Doomguy lmao 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
RetroAkaMe Posted September 19, 2021 I kinda lost interest in Minecraft, i was bored of it anyway. I started playing Doom because my father did. Same for Duke3D. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gibbon Posted September 19, 2021 I still play other things, but almost exclusively 90's games. Duke, Shadow Warrior, Witchaven, Quake etc.. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
yakfak Posted September 19, 2021 I kinda play whatever's on xbox games with gold lol my taste for Doom comes and goes deeper this time cos I realized I don't like watching my stuff get played on stream, just get so nervous and frustrated about it my real gaming energy goes into making my own little games in pico-8, designing card game rules n stuff 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
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