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Has Doom made you lose interest in any other videogames you were playing?


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Doom made me like only the games, where I can modify it in any way I want and do whatever I want. Knowing that I can modify Doom, in 2013, I tried to set up an SDK to start modding Minecraft but it always failed to work. "You're too picky, mine." - thought I and abandoned it.


I want to rule the game, not the game to rule me

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It's usually the other way around for me, other games make me lose interest in Doom, until I get bored enough and decide mess around with modding and mp again.

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I'd say yes and no. Yes because when I started playing Doom I also played Animal Crossing on Switch, (wasn't because of this dumb Doom Eternal meme, I played AC before Doom) and I lost interest in Animal Crossing a few weeks back.  And no, because I don't really know what else to play when I'm sick of playing one, and Doom stuffs the 'game void' for me. Last year during Lockdown I re-played Super Mario RPG, because I just didn't know what else to play. And then came Doom and I played it to shreds.


Doom is just that fun.

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Absolutely. Over the past year and a half, Doom has consituted >90% of my total playtime. Before then, I had a handful of regulars (Crusader Kings II, Rimworld, Stalker: Call of Chernobyl, Victoria II) and a larger number of semi-regulars (inc. Dark Souls IIIDistant Worlds: UniverseHollow KnightMedieval II: Total WarMinecraftRome: Total War, Star Wars: Empire at War, Stars In Shadow, Total Annihiliation). As anyone familiar with the listed titles my have guessed, I used to be primarily a strategy gamer, and an elitist one at that. FPS was a genre that I occasionally dabbled in via CoD SP or Stalker mods, but otherwise disdained.


Ironic, then, that it was the game that popularized that genre which ended up holding my attention in a way no other has before or since. Community content alone is responsible for this: the iwads are of little interest to me now, having been exceeded in every imaginable capacity by fan content. Actually, the degree to which Doom's fan content eclipses the source material is astonishing, possibly even unique.

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Not over a long term period, but when 2016 and Eternal released I dropped everything I had and focused on them (2016 especially.)

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although I play classic doom and someday I will start playing a new dilogy when the Internet is powerful, well, so I have not stopped playing other games like a stalker or minecraft, I rarely go to Minecraft in a slalker, I play more often, but not the point, I I love doom, but I try to play other games so that the interest does not disappear and the mods are also good, but they are not always interesting or of good quality, I'm still in pb 3.0 and eoa these are my favorite mods so far.

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15 hours ago, TheLippyServer said:

Not really. I've always kinda bounced back and forth between Doom, TES 3, Roller Coaster Tycoon 2, and older Nintendo stuff, depending on what I have a hankering for at the time. Getting into mapping for Doom has taken away some of the time I had available for the other games, but I wouldn't say I've lost interest in them.

Pretty much the same for me. I love TF2 and playing Doom, but I've been mapping so much recently that I haven't played all that much of anything.

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15 hours ago, Nikku4211 said:

Though I am beginning to lose interest in Minecraft for some reason.


5 hours ago, RetroAkaMe said:

I kinda lost interest in Minecraft, i was bored of it anyway.


Since Minecraft was in alpha, I've had a pretty consistent schedule of:

obsessed with the game for a few weeks -> forget it exists for a couple years


To respond to the OP: Doom barely registers as a game to me, it's just something you do. As such, no.

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The opposite is true for me, sometimes I overload a little too much on Doom and play other games to relax.

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Not really. Of the games I play regularly, DOOM might be the one I play the least. I have over 500 hours of The Binding Of Isaac, 350 hours of Tetr.io and my lowest possible estimate for Minecraft is about 1500 hours, but it could easily be more than double that.


DOOM and DOOM II combined I would be surprised if I played for even a third of the time I have on Tetr.io, so there you go.

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Doom has made me drop the entire Unreal franchise, the whole Dark Souls series, every Bethesda RPG I had even the slightest interest in, and many other games I used to play regularly. I've also been severely neglecting my massive Steam backlog because I spend more time playing and modding Doom than doing anything else.

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29 minutes ago, Marisa Kirisame said:

Doom has made me drop the entire Unreal franchise, the whole Dark Souls series, every Bethesda RPG I had even the slightest interest in, and many other games I used to play regularly. I've also been severely neglecting my massive Steam backlog because I spend more time playing and modding Doom than doing anything else.

About your pfp, did DOOM made you drop Touhou as well?

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11 hours ago, Gibbon said:

I still play other things, but almost exclusively 90's games.

Yeah I've also been finding myself interested in only 90's games as of recently.

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Just now, Yandere_Doomer said:

I only played like, two touhou games, and I still don't understand what they are supposed to be

touhou is the most confusing thing i've seen to date (atleast to me)

Edited by drjpeg

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For a while, Doom was really the only thing I played, neglecting other games as well as my Switch. But till recently I've started to play on my Switch more, play through some of my unfinished games and play other games as well.


So to answer the question: Not really.

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I mean, when Doom arrived, it was 1993 and most other PC games were simply blown the fuck out. What was I going to play instead of Doom, Disney's Aladdin?


Nowadays? Way too many excellent games around, both old and new. I probably won't be playing any of these games 25+ years from now, because there isn't an infinite treadmill of super high quality custom content for them, but I can't imagine dedicating all of my game time ever to a single game, no matter how good it is (and I do think Doom is the best game ever).


The way this thread is presented, tho... makes me believe OP, huh, wasn't around for Doom's release, and on top of that, possibly discovered it very recently? That would make such an extreme proposition a lot easier to understand.

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Yes. Even if I am not playing Doom I can't stand games with horrible fps combat after experiencing it. Those games where you have a bow and oneshot dragons are boring as all hell to me.

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