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Linux Jank: A Collection of Maps Made With the Eureka Editor [Now on idGames!]

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Had to test this... on Linux, of course.


While the layouts are a little rectangular and claustrophobic, there's plenty of action without being sadistic. The small spaces make pinkies shine here, and I love your attention to detail: it looks great all around.


This may inspire me to use Eureka too.

Edited by Rakuen

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Played this in Chocolate Doom on HNTR difficulty.


These maps are surprisingly good for something make in Eureka. The janky way Eureka is makes me glad I'm still using Windows.


But yeah, this is why I wish Doom Builder never relied on Microsoft .NET in the 1st place, because it makes it Windows-exclusive.


Also, cute birb.

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Eureka is an interesting choice. I use the SLADE map editor all the time. It seems Eureka has sound propagation mode and a visplane explorer? Maybe I have to give it a try. Thank you for making vanilla maps! 👍

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5 hours ago, Nikku4211 said:

But yeah, this is why I wish Doom Builder never relied on Microsoft .NET in the 1st place, because it makes it Windows-exclusive.

I think nobody anticipated what a shit show Windows would become post '7'. If it hadn't, I'd still be using Windows today. I struggle on with GZDB/WINE and a native build of GZDB on Mono, but for the simpler stuff, this shows what can be achieved in a simpler editor. (Let's face it, id had to work with DoomEd).

Edited by Martin Howe

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7 hours ago, Nikku4211 said:

this is why I wish Doom Builder never relied on Microsoft .NET in the 1st place, because it makes it Windows-exclusive.


You've been misinformed. .NET is cross-platform.

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33 minutes ago, Clippy said:

Download link is broken

Works for me.

Mirror 1

Mirror 2

File size 69655 sha1sum 9afdfc243bd5203c87bee350a465900a0349f384 if you're paranoid enough to want to check.

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I lack a comparison of your other layouts so I will just assume that the simple layouts and aesthetics are a result of Eureka lacking some of the more advanced options present in Doombuilder derived editors. This does make me wonder what the final maps would look like if a community project forbade Doombuilder and its forks from being used.

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8 hours ago, Denim Destroyer said:

I will just assume that the simple layouts and aesthetics are a result of Eureka lacking some of the more advanced options present in Doombuilder derived editors.


Eureka is capable of just as much as Doom Builder or any other map editor when it comes to the complexity of what one can make. The actual practical limits of detail and whatnot are determined by the engine, not the editor. The only fundamental difference between each map editor is the workflow, and learning a new editor after years of using another one is admittedly a challenge. But ultimately, it's the person using the editor that's responsible for any apparent simplicities, not the editor itself.

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On 9/19/2021 at 11:21 AM, MFG38 said:


You've been misinformed. .NET is cross-platform.

But Windows Forms isn't and all the P/Invokes won't work on Linux; indeed the fragile nature of Mono Windows Forms has held it back. What the world needs is a cross-platform GUI toolkit for .NET Core.

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  • 1 month later...

I just completed the mini-episode. To be honest, I finished these maps a little over two weeks ago, but I procrastinated and didn't bother to post it until now. My D2ALL run took 13 minutes. I also quickly ran through it with Chocolate Doom to make sure there were no visplane overflows. Be warned that MAP06 gets slaughter-y at the end.




@sectrslayr I had this strange problem with SLADE's map editor where it would crash whenever I tried to save changes to a map. I can still use the program for adding custom textures and music, though. And besides, Eureka is good enough for what I want to do.

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Just played through the new version (pistol starting each map on UV) and had a good time with it. Simple, clean fun, makes for a nice "coffee break" sort of wad. Each map took me just a couple minutes to complete. Had enough going on to keep me on my toes but wasn't hard either thanks to ample supplies (I only died on the final fight in MAP06). Might be fun to see how fast one can push a D2ALL of this.

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8 hours ago, E.M. said:

I just completed the mini-episode. To be honest, I finished these maps a little over two weeks ago, but I procrastinated and didn't bother to post it until now. My D2ALL run took 13 minutes. I also quickly ran through it with Chocolate Doom to make sure there were no visplane overflows. Be warned that MAP06 gets slaughter-y at the end.




@sectrslayr I had this strange problem with SLADE's map editor where it would crash whenever I tried to save changes to a map. I can still use the program for adding custom textures and music, though. And besides, Eureka is good enough for what I want to do.

It’s a bit buggy at times. I had no crashes recently. Are you using the most recent version or the ones from the official repositories?

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Gave it a play, pretty fun. Generally its a bit dull until the last map, but its inoffensive and scythe-esque, so I dug it.

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I was also thinking about d2all so here's a max in 9:51: ljall-951 (v02)

I guess a good time would like a low 8 minutes, I just wanted to see a proof of concept.


Anyway, really fun maps, it's simple stuff that flows well and just feels chill to play. I really liked the vile fight that teleports spectres into the corridor behind you, that was fucking hilarious.

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On 9/20/2021 at 7:00 PM, Martin Howe said:

But Windows Forms isn't and all the P/Invokes won't work on Linux; indeed the fragile nature of Mono Windows Forms has held it back. What the world needs is a cross-platform GUI toolkit for .NET Core.

Sometimes when I’m high on fresh air during a nice walk outdoors, far away from work and other stress, I’m dreaming of implementing a Cross-Platform editor in Java or JavaScript (which I have no experience in). In my dreams this editor would support versioning mapping progress and allow cooperative online editing. Also layers would be a nice feature, where you can edit a different set of linedefs and the editor would combine all layers automatically. 😌

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i absolutely enjoyed this wad so so much.  it feels like an older wad and i love the use of traditional (for lack of better words) secrets and layout.  with all the complex wads about right now, this was neat to sit down and play for a few minutes.  the linux logos on the maps were pretty cute, too.  i run linux as my daily driver and this made me want to pick up eureka to tinker a bit.  thanks for making this!


quick edit to say that slade is super crashy for me when i build it from source or use what's in my repos.  ultimate doom builder works well enough but i've not done anything grandiose with it so maybe i've not yet hit its limits.

Edited by granggg
extra info

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Fun levels, played all the way through in under 15 minutes.  Not too easy, not too challenging.  And sometimes it's fun to blast through a level in just a few minutes.  I've never heard of Eureka, and I've used some version of Doom Builder for maps for like 16, 17 years now.  I don't think I could get used to another editor at this point :). 

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  • 1 month later...

played in uv and had a blast. simple map layouts (compared to like sunder) but with awesome gameplay. loved how the map was designed to cater different player types. slightly hidden vantage points for those who prefer to avoid slaughtery situations, or just join the fray for slaughter enthusiasts. superb work. love it :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/1/2021 at 2:46 AM, Shepardus said:

Just played through the new version (pistol starting each map on UV) and had a good time with it. Simple, clean fun, makes for a nice "coffee break" sort of wad. Each map took me just a couple minutes to complete. Had enough going on to keep me on my toes but wasn't hard either thanks to ample supplies (I only died on the final fight in MAP06). Might be fun to see how fast one can push a D2ALL of this.

Totally agree with this... As a father of youngins, I don't have the time to sit for more than an hour and crank through a map...


These were incredibly fun to play through. Thank you for making them! My "coffee breaks" were great these past couple days!

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  • 1 year later...

// Thanks for the permissions! here's what i did with it.



// Welcome to:
// "Baby's Frist DoomWAD: Half a Loaf of MegaWAD Edition"
// LoatharMDPhD : Andrew M. Kruchoski
// 2022-2023-2024
// Music By Muddsheep, etc. Used by Permission CCL NC-ND 3.0
//  creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
// Rights of music owner Reserved, non-Comercial Distrobution Only
// users may NOT modify the Music, download links and attributaion in README's
// users may redistrbute in unmodified state provided all credits are respected
// Font Creator Curtousy of ::  https://eev.ee/

// Stoned Tux Graphic Used by Permisson from :: "E.M."
// Smoke 'em if you got 'em!!

// Doom2.IWAD required
// GZDOoM tested, several versions replaced from current.

// Graphical Errors are intended
// HOM via software rendering is ideal,dark lighting prefered, non-legacy mode
// Freelook is Optional but not required
// Jump is not allowed unless your in a bad mood, crouch is not needed either

// Loveingly ( // and Jank-illy ) Crafted on Linux - Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
// using SLADE 3.2.1 and now 3.2.4
// on a 2010 Lennovo AMD Potato....

map MAP01 //"What Fresh Hell"

//levelnum = 01
levelname = "What Fresh Hell"
next = "MAP02"
partime = 30

episode = clear
episode = "", "The Thrilla' In ''Vanilla''", "1"

map MAP02 //"Container Area"
//levelnum = 02
levelname = "Container Area"
next = "MAP03"
partime = 120

map MAP03 //"Transfer Station"
//levelnum = 03
levelname = "Transfer Station"
next = "MAP04"
partime = 45

map MAP04 //"Former Human Resources"
//levelnum = 04
levelname = "Former Human Resources"
next = "MAP05"
partime = 155

map MAP05 //"Assholes Inc."
//levelnum = 05
levelname = "Assholes Inc."
next = "MAP06"
partime = 180

map MAP06 //"Ground Zero Cafe"
//levelnum = 06
levelname = "Ground Zero Cafe"
next = "MAP07"
partime = 260
skytexture = "sky1"
episode = "", "Things Have Taken a Turn...", "2"

map MAP07 //"So I Came Out Blastin'"
//levelnum = 07
levelname = "So I Came Out Blastin'"
next = "MAP08"
partime = 130

// intertext = "",


map MAP08 //"E Pluribus Unum"
//levelnum = 8
levelname = "E Pluribus Unum"
next = "MAP09"
partime = 108 //What do the numbers mean?!?

// It's a copy and paste job, whole romms, hallways....



map MAP09 //"Tearing Reality"
//levelnum = 9
levelname = "Tearing Reality"
next = "MAP10"
partime = 45

map MAP10 //"Sanctum Santorum"
//levelnum = 10
levelname = "Sanctum Santorum"
next = "MAP11"
partime = 520


map MAP11 //"Down In The Hole"
//levelnum = 11
levelname = "Down In The Hole"
next = "MAP12"
//secretnext = "MAP31"
nextsecret = "MAP31"
partime = 260

intertext = "... Oh... I Get it... e-X-it...",
    "Guess You've Won",
    " Maybe a little time-off",
    "         might help the Nerves..."

intertextsecret = "",
    "Goddamn Nazis",
    "Reminds you of your Grandfather's Stories",
    "About the Blitz",
    "That time He Escaped From that Hell Hole",
    "Prison Camp Science Facility...",
    "Where did The U.A.C. Get the idea to teleport anyway...",
    "Wonder Who Your Friends in this Corner of Hell Will Be...",
    "Well Your Not Going Anywhere Untill you get me 100 Nazi Scalpes",
    "I'm Very Perticular About My Scalpes..."


map MAP12 //"The Battle of Stalingrad"
//levelnum = 12
levelname = "The Battle of Stalingrad"
next = "MAP13"
partime = 500
skytexture = "sky2"
episode = "", "The Filler Levels", "3"

// silent transition

map MAP13 //"The Battle For Stalingard"
// Levelnum = 13
levelname = "The Battle For Stalingrad"
partime = 666
music = "D_RUNNIN"
skytexture = "sky3"
next = "MAP24"
intermusic = "D_RUNNIN"

map MAP14 // "Operation Paperclip"
levelname = "Operation Paperclip"
//levelnum = 14
music = "D_AMPIE"
partime = 259 //test me
next = "map24"

map MAP24 //"I Got No Dick But I Like To Bone"
//levelnum = 24
levelname = "I Got No Dick But I Like To Bone"
next = "MAP25"
partime = 105

episode = "", "MadneSS", "4"



map MAP25 //"Digital Charnel House"
//levelnum = 25
levelname = "Digital Charnel House"
next = "MAP30"
partime = 142



map map28 // "His House"
// jeremy's house a la myhouse
//levelnum = 28
levelname = "His House"
//music = null
partime = 260
next = "map29"


map map30 //Icon of Sin Default
levelname = "We'll Just Recycle The Boss Level From The First One"

map MAP31 //"Evil Incarnate"
//levelnum = 31
levelname = "Evil Incarnate"
next = "MAP24"
nextsecret = "MAP32"
//secretnext = "MAP32"
partime = 196
intermusic = "D_READ_M"
episode = "", "SecretS", "5"

interbackdrop = "GRASS2"
intertextsecret = "Great a Lift!",
    "Now to run like Hell Out the Front Door...",
    "Of A German Fortress...",
    "Bet There's An Assmonkey Load of Dudes Waitin'",
    "For Me Up Top...     Hope There's More Guns Layin' Around...",
    "And Maybe Some Energy Dranks;",
    "Schwartzwald'll get me Parched in NoTime...",
    "         Need....    Electrolytes..."


map MAP32  //"The Ultimate Challenge/Conquest"
//levelnum = 32
levelname = "The Ultimate Challenge/Conquest"
next = "MAP24"
nextsecret = "MAP33"
//secretnext = "MAP33"10-line
partime = 180

map MAP33 //"10-Line"
//levelnum = 33
levelname = "10-Line"
skytexture = "sky3"
music = "D_IN_CIT"
partime = 120
next = "MAP24"



map OAR01 //"What Fresh Hell: OAR"
//levelnum = 41
levelname = "Nice Joke"
next = "OAR02"
partime = 260
skytexture = "sky3"
music = "D_RUNNIN"
episode = "", "Oops... All Revenants!", "6"


map OAR02 // "Container Area: OAR"
//levelnum = 42
levelname= "So This is the Gimmick"
next = "OAR03"
partime = 260
skytexture = "sky3"
music = "D_DOOM2"

map OAR03 // "Transfer Station: OAR"
//levelnum = 43
levelname = "So He Actually Went And Balanced This" //something sarcastic
next = "OAR04"
skytexture = "sky3"
music = "D_AMPIE"
partime = 260

//add barrels to cheese it

map OAR04 // "Former Human Rescources: OAR"
//levelnum = 44
levelname = "Just Got To Get That Invuln"
next = "OAR05"
partime = 260
skytexture = "sky3"
music = "D_STLKS2"
intermusic = "D_STLKS2"

map OAR05 // "Asshole's Inc.: OAR"
levelname = "Well good Thing I Like This Song"
partime = 260
music = "D_STLKS2"
next = "OAR06"
intermusic = "D_STLKS2"
skytexture = "sky3"

map OAR06 // "Ground Zero Cafe: OAR"
//levelnum = 46
levelname = "I'm a Want that Rough-Cat-Lawn-Chair Quick"
partime = 260
music = "D_IN_CIT"
next = "OAR10" //"OAR07"
skytexture = "sky3"
//intertext = ""
intermusic = "D_THEDA"

map OAR07 // "So I Came Ot Blastin': OAR"
//levelnum = 46
levelname = "//something sarcastic"
skytexture = "sky3"
partime = 260
next = "OAR08"
intertext = "error ::script cannot be parsed..."
music = "D_OPENIN"

map OAR08 //"E Pluribus Unum: OAR
//levelnum = 47
//music = "null"
//skytexture = "null"
partime = 260
next = "OAR09"
levelname = "null"

map OAR09
//levelnum = 48
music = "D_README"
next = "OAR10"
partime = 260
skytexture = "sky3"
levelname = "Why Do I Always Feel Like..."

map OAR10 // "Sanctum Santorum: OAR"
//levelnum = 49
levelname = "The Butt of a Joke"
music = "D_DM2TTL"
partime = 259
skytexture = "sky3"
//nextsecret = "MAP34"
intermusic = "D_DM2TTL"
//intertextsecret = "Fuck Your Framerate..."

endcast = true
//next = "OAR99" // single room full of revs with death exit then endcast = true

//map MAP34 //"40k Doomworld Users"
//{ // fuck your framerate 'eh...
//levelnum = 34
//levelname = "40K DoomWorld Users"
//next = "map30"
//extsecret = "map30" // map34 or 35 no monsters  
//or start with no-mon, switch = warp silently to the next map with the 40k,
// change player start on second to be at exit of 34
// needs secret switch
//skytexture = "sky3"
//music = "D_RUNNIN"
//intermusic = "D_RUNNIN"
//partime = 260

//endcast  = true //will crash under GZDOOM Intentionally!
// Design Is Law!


//* Copyright / Permissions *

// Music released under Creative Commons NC-ND 3.0
//::...See respective READMES'S for DETAILS...::

//Level design released under CC SA4.0 :: LOATHARMDPHD / ANDREW M. KRUCHOSKI

//This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
//International License. To view a copy of this license, visit

//You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format;
//and remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even
//commercially. If you do so, you must give appropriate credit, provide a link
//to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any
//reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you
//or your use. If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must
//distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.


Edited by LoatharMDPhD

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  • 5 months later...

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