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Seeking the source of this OST recording


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A long while ago, this recording of the Doom (1993) soundtrack was posted onto YouTube, and compared to all of the rips of the soundtrack online, I think it sounds the best: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gEkNVq1ct0

From what I can find, a user named LogicDeLuxe did these recordings a long time ago (2007), and even did the unused/early songs Romero released. But I can't seem to find any working links for this version of the music at all. Would anyone happen to have it in the best quality it was released in (FLAC or WAV, if possible), and know if the Doom 2 music was also done? I would be super grateful if anyone could help me out here.

Edited by DJ Luigi
Made the YouTube link work

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Those recordings were made with a real SC-155, which cannot be accurately replicated with any SoundFont.


Regarding availability, I still have the following PK3s of the LogicDeLuxe recordings in OGG format: "jdmu-doom-classic-20080930.pk3" (106 MB) and "jdmu-doom2-classic-20080930.pk3" (142 MB). I don't have recordings of the unused music.


I have uploaded the PK3s here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MdGRV-mURxhwgyCXZ-zusuGModbju5CD?usp=sharing


While LogicDeLuxe's recordings are by no means bad, they are somewhat inaccurate and outdated as something during recording caused the drum channel to have an unintended chorus effect. The issue is noticeable on the snares; they have a subtle "machine gun"/drum roll effect.


MusicallyInspired has created Roland CM-500 recordings that are more accurate.

Edited by TheUltimateDoomer666

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