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Earworm Thread - What Song Is Stuck In Your Head?

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Every god damn ska song I've ever heard in my life. I only need to hear a ska song once in order for it to imprint itself into my memory for the rest of my life. I really hate ska. 

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I was listening to the collection of dwango midis yesterday while I was working on a map, and the midi version of when I come around is currently embedded in my brain.

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Was stuck in my head, the Bill Nye theme song was also stuck in my head.


@Doomkid Another Lee Jackson midi is in Ray Mohawk 2, in the current Map11.


1 hour ago, Faceman2000 said:

Isn’t that the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny guy?

Yes he is the guy who made that song

Edited by Hitboi

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I've been reading a few books about the USSR, and was shocked to discover that my wife had never heard of Trololo Man.

I had never questioned the narrative that this was a wordless protest of Soviet censorship. Turns out the guy writing the lyrics was being a dick and the singer/composer decided to ditch him.

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9 hours ago, Jello said:

I've never really been a Beatles fan, but I can relate. The first time I heard Billy Corgan singing Christmastime I was ready to walk out of my holiday job at K-Mart. I mean, being subjected to nothing but Christmas music in the middle of November was bad enough, but I loved The Smashing Pumpkins. To hear Billy singing that tripe four or five times a day was demoralizing.


Which actually brings up kind of an interesting question:


Does anyone here actually enjoy Christmas music? If you've ever worked retail during the "Holiday Season" I'm sure you hate it. Two months of the same twelve songs covered by different people.


But does anyone on Doomworld actually enjoy it? Do you feel like it gets you in the Holiday Spirit? I can think of one relative that possibly likes it, but I don't count her opinion because of reasons. All of the rest of my relatives, my friends, past coworkers, none of them actually likes Christmas music. My Grandparents couldn't stand it, never in either of their households was Christmas music ever played. My Great-Grandparents didn't like it. It is just obnoxious and irritating. Even before I worked any retail jobs I hated going to stores and having Santa Baby, White Christmas, or Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer blasting in my ears. And the hot mess that is "Baby It's Cold Outside". So why the Hell do stores play it for two damn months?


Okay, tangent/rant over.

I can't stand it. And I love Christmas, I love the traditions, the weather, the food, the decorations, etc.


But I hate the music. I mean really hate it. There's a distinct lack of creativity or interest in a lot of Christmas songs. I'd say a few that I like are Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree and the Charlie Brown soundtrack. But that's because that is my favorite cartoon of all time. Other than that I can't stand the stuff, and I've never worked retail. I don't really know what it is. Perhaps it's over exposure? I mean it's the same ten songs for two months, so maybe people just want variety? Who knows.

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My Favourite Things from The Color of Music, but Coltrane's version.

Moanin' by Art Blackey & The Jazz Messenger

and for some reason, this one been stuck on my head since...2007? :/
For some reason, whenever i get into an elevator or go into a stair, my head start singing this song.





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I have had that “Everybody Wang Chung Tonight” song stuck in my head for two days and I’m prepared to bludgeon my head against a concrete wall to make it go away

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Doing some speedruns which means time for me to listen to the same song, not the in game music, and then like not change to another song for a few hours and then get the song stuck in my head. Yesterday it was A Fool's Paradise by Symphony X, which I first heard in Scythe's map 26, Fear. Been playing that map a lot for some reason so I've been hearing the song a lot and it is now stuck in my head at the moment.


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I've been in a filk rut this whole year. You know, nerd folk. Sci-fi, D&D, swords & sorcery, that kind of stuff. This is just one of the few that is alternately stuck in my head.



Edited by Albertoni

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4 hours ago, Faceman2000 said:

Isn’t that the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny guy?

Yes. He's made quite a few other viral things, as well.

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Recently found out about this band, and now my brain is just: "You Are! You Are! You Are! You Are! You Are! You Are! You Are! You Are!"

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Although, before I found out about Cirkus, I have been humming some of the Crush 40 songs from the Sonic 30th Anniversary Symphony.




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Yeah, that one. I referenced it just as a joke, but now it is lodged in my head. God damn it.


Could be worse though. I could have that "No no, no no no no, no no no no, no no there's no limit!" song lodged in my head. Oh shit, now I have. :p I remember when someone counted the number of times the word "no" occurred in that song. Actually, I am surprised to find that there were any other lyrics at all.

Edited by Grazza

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Seriously, its been weeks now, with a day of respite here and there. At least it's an encouraging and well-written song.

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