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Opinions On Mario Movie Cast?


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what are your opinion on the cast for the new mario movie? i think its fucking hilarious lol. i dont think chris pratt would do a very good mario 

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Welp, there goes my mind bleaching it out of my head. Although at least mario isn't played by ryan gosling; can you imagine peach asking him for something, only to be met with 5 minutes worth of silence on just one shot?

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It's a video game movie. I am sure it will be perfectly fine.


And I hope everyone's saracasm detector insurance is paid up.

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Makes me wish that animated movies hired legitimate voice actors instead of celebrities who can't act for shit.

Edited by Breezeep

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It's bizarre, to put it really lightly. The only actors I am looking forward to listening to are Charlie Day and Jack Black. Chris Pratt feels really miscasted for Mario, and I say this as a huge Parks and Rec fan.

Edited by Lizardcommando

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Chris Pratt as Mario singlehandedly destroyed my lungs from laughter.
I mean, if it's gonna be animated, then why not use the original voice actor for Mario? Pretty weird.

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6 minutes ago, drjpeg said:

Chris Pratt as Mario singlehandedly destroyed my lungs from laughter.
I mean, if it's gonna be animated, then why not use the original voice actor for Mario? Pretty weird.

There can be many reasons, here are some easy ones:

  • Location.
  • Access to required resources the film studio requires.
  • Contract or union restrictions.
  • Talent requirements, recording for a film has much more complex vocal requirements than the average Mario game.
  • Timeline and scheduling.

There can be many more reasons. Try coming up with some.

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> Miyamoto walks in

> "Chris Pratt will be voicing Mario"

> Refuses to elaborate further


So, it's a very weird line up. Honestly thought that Nintendo were just shitposting during that part of the Direct hehe.

Edited by Wavy

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Just now, DannyMan said:

They could've done the original voice actor as Mario himself.

exactly why did they even cast chris pratt.... oh wait


because hes super famous 


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It's an illumination directed movie. I have very little hope for the cast, nor the movie itself.


At least Charles Martinet has some sort of role in the movie.

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it's fucking hilarious I love it.

Edited by Dubbag

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I personally think Chris Rock should have voiced Mario. Seems like the most obvious choice!


I was trying to think of an actor even more unfitting but honestly it’s hard as hell. Pratt was about as far-out as you could get for a Mario VA. You can justify any absurd decision, that doesn’t make it any less absurd.

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37 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

I personally think Chris Rock should have voiced Mario. Seems like the most obvious choice!



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I was trying to think of an actor even more unfitting but honestly it’s hard as hell. Pratt was about as far-out as you could get for a Mario VA. You can justify any absurd decision, that doesn’t make it any less absurd.


BRUH - Imagine Bill Burr...

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I think Jack Black could work as Bowser, if for no other reason than I think he could just have fun with the role. A lot like Jim Carrey as Dr. Robotnik. Chris Pratt as Mario... What in the actual fuck? I am glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read that. Illumination Entertainment is my most hated film studio, so the bar for this movie is set incredibly low, and I expect that they'd still find a way to disappoint me if I ever bothered to watch their movies but I sure as hell ain't giving them my money.


1 minute ago, Chronohunter45 said:

BRUH - Imagine Bill Burr...


You know what, I think that'd be a fun person to have play Mario. Better fit than Chris Pratt that's for sure.

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10 minutes ago, Skeletonpatch said:

You know what, I think that'd be a fun person to have play Mario. Better fit than Chris Pratt that's for sure.

Especially if he did it in Monday Morning Podcast style...


"I'm about to go save this toadstool..." turns and backs away from mic and shouts "...LADY..." gets close to mic again "from this uh...fahkin' lizahd guy" *breathy chuckle*

Edited by Chronohunter45

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Is there some kind of law written by God on a stone tablet that says video game voice actors can't voice their characters in a feature film?

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The idea of a Mario movie just doesn't work in a serious sense, so might as well make it as goofy as possible.

Edited by Dubbag

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I'm looking forward to the inevitable insurgence of revisionist hipsters who will be praising the '93 film as some underrated forgotten masterpiece.

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22 minutes ago, kwc said:

I'm looking forward to the inevitable insurgence of revisionist hipsters who will be praising the '93 film as some underrated forgotten masterpiece.

“Making King Koopa an obvious Trump type was 30 years ahead of its time”

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Ya know, I would rather see the train wreck of Chris Pratt and Charlie Day in a live action Mario movie.


I like Chris Pratt and Charlie Day, I think they're very amusing. But I can't see enjoying them as just the voices of the characters, I want to see them dressed up in those red and green shirts with overalls.


But yeah, I can't really see Pratt as Mario, his voice usually seems more, I guess deadpan, maybe level is the word. But even when doing comedy, it's his leveled delivery that makes him funny. I just don't hear him saying "It's a me, Mario!" in my head.


Charlie Day I think can handle Luigi. He's hilarious on Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and he seems to have a pretty decent vocal range.


Keegan-Michael Key is hilarious, and I think he'd be great voicing Toad as a comic relief or sidekick.


Pretty sure Fred Armison can do a decent job as Cranky Kong. He has a decent vocal range, as long as he stays low and gruff it should work.


Jack Black can probably work as Bowser. I know I've mentioned not being a huge fan of his before, but I had a friend in high-school that loved Tenacious D. So I know he does have a decent vocal range. I just figure Bowser should have a deeper voice, but he can probably pull it off. I just wouldn't want to hear Bowser speaking in what amounts to an annoying, punchable voice.


Seth Rogan as Donkey Kong, I can see that working. Not a huge fan of his either, mainly because I don't care much for most "Bro Humor" movies he's been in. But I did enjoy the Baskets TV series. So yeah, his voice would work.


Kevin Michael Richardson, while I didn't immediately recognize the name, would work for Kamek. After reading everything that he's voice acted in, he has an incredible vocal range. I think he'd be absolutely fine. If he can do Cleveland Brown JR, he can do a snotty high pitched magikoopa.


The other two actors, I really don't know much about them or their work. So I really can't say how well they would do. Probably fine, because they're mostly supporting characters, maybe Peach will have a larger part, but usually she's just kidnapped by Bowser. And I've never heard of Anya Taylor-Joy before, so no idea what her voice sounds like. 


Sebastian Maniscalco, I've never heard of him either. And I've never heard Spike talk, so I have no idea what it would sound like. So whatever voice he gets will probably be fine.


So all in all, I think the voice actors could do just fine. Except for Pratt. The star of the movie. I just don't know if he has the vocal range or ability to pull off a fat Italian plumber. As I said, I enjoy him as an actor, but I don't think he's necessarily right for Mario.


And who am I kidding, this is an animated Mario movie. Nintendo will make a mint, kids will be delighted, who cares if it sucks? 


I just hope the kids aren't as disappointed as I was when my brother and I begged my Mom to take us to the Super Mario Brothers in 1993. After it was over she said something like "That was nothing like the game, was it?". No Mom, it wasn't.


And she really enjoyed playing Super Mario Brothers 1 and 3 back then. I think I'm the only one in my family that thought that Mario 2 was the best NES game.

Edited by Jello

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