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Bethesda Add Ons Compatibility

Elto Gaming

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I’m pretty sure all of us are aware that add ons are being, well, added on, to the original doom games. My question is, does the doom wad have to be vanilla compatible in order for it to be used as an add on? Like if it was made in any zdoom format would it still be able to be used as an add on? Sorry if I didn’t word this very good.

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They're limit-removing, and there is built-in support for its own dialect of MAPINFO as well as now for DEHACKED. But that's all, as far as the feature palette goes it's the same as vanilla. ZDoom maps definitely won't work. Boom maps won't work. Limit-removing maps will work, so you can play some maps that would not work in vanilla because of too many visplanes or whatever, but that's as far as you can go.

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