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Genshin Impact Players Go On Review Bombing Spree On Google Play


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apparently genshin impact players didnt like their anniversary rewards or some shit and did the most retarded and started review bombing other peoples shit (completely unrelated to genshin impact mind you). these motherfuckers even got google classroom review bombed. whats your opinion on this shitshow?



heres my take on it.

also im pretty sure a genshin impact fan just liked the tweet. i sure am in for a fun time

how many times have i said shit in this thread? shit probably alot man

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I keep seeing this over every tech/gaming website. Normally I'm not the kind of person to talk like this, but damn people can be whiny and annoying.


"Let's review bomb this free game (that always works!) we've all been playing for the past fucking year because the developers aren't giving us the virtual rewards we are apparently fucking entitled to. We demand change!


-Posted using iPhone 15 at Starbucks/my mom's basement"


I wish my life was so fucking simple that I could get stressed out about little things like this to the point where I take the time and have the mental energy to review bomb every tiny little thing that I don't like. These entitled jerkoffs can take a Genshin Impact up the ass.


Two weeks from now they'll either find something else to bitch about or go back to being cringeworthy idiots upvoting terrible artwork on reddit and gushing about how wonderful Genshin Impact is. Fuck every modern video game fanbase.

Well, most of them.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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remenber when a guy single handily review bombed a light novel because he didnt like what happened with his "waifu"?


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A game being review bombed for dumb reasons? Must be one of those days whose name ends in Y again. Review bombers are intellectually stunted mental infants.

Edited by Murdoch

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5 minutes ago, Murdoch said:

A game being review bombed for dumb reasons? Must be one of those days whose name ends in Y again. Review bombers are intellectually stunted mental infants.

to be fair sometimes there are good reason for review bombing a game though this is not one of those situations


honestely no one should really care about consumer reviews they show more how the fan base feels about something then if it has quality or not

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There was also law approved in China that basically restricts underaged children time with video games. Like 1 hour per day and only on the weekends and holidays(I don't have full information more as hearsay from others, don't quote me on that). So, most likely company had to scale down to comply with newly approved laws. 

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Ok. Gonna try to look at both sides.


As a GI player, this is ridiculous. Sadly, that division of Mihoyo and their decisions dealt quite the damage to the community but the community is making the whole thing even worse. Why?


First of all, some people in China harassed and even threatened a voice actress that gives life to one of the latest characters in the game for having a character with bad attributes overall. Like, fuck off...these people need to chill the fuck out. Same goes with some other games that are invaded by these stupid people by putting the same stupid review, even on second-rate mobile games that no one fucking knows!!!

Second of all, the game is FREE, meaning that resources can be obtained by simply farming and taking those things from rewards and stuff on a daily basis in order to get primogems (which it's the currency to use for the gacha screen and get weapons and characters)...which takes to another problem and it's the gacha mechanic itself. Remember folks to spend your money responsibly.

Third of all, some in the community WILL bitch about it, no matter how small or large the reward is. They always want more. You see, I agree that the rewards for the anniversary are underwhelming in comparison to the very first time that a player is introduced to the game but...cmon, it's better than nothing. Heck, we could have got nothing if the company wanted to...


Having said that, I'll keep continuing to play the game because of the other things that makes the game good, like music, story and other stuff.


36 minutes ago, Misty said:

There was also law approved in China that basically restricts underaged children time with video games. Like 1 hour per day and only on the weekends and holidays(I don't have full information more as hearsay from others, don't quote me on that). So, most likely company had to scale down to comply with newly approved laws. 

I believe it's 3 hours per day. And there's yet another law that it's in process and obliges to erase men characters in games that look feminine, which in Genshin Impact, there's one character that kinda fits that description.

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57 minutes ago, Misty said:

There was also law approved in China that basically restricts underaged children time with video games. Like 1 hour per day and only on the weekends and holidays(I don't have full information more as hearsay from others, don't quote me on that). So, most likely company had to scale down to comply with newly approved laws. 

lol nah, the cafes just started allowing players to rent accounts. Said accounts, naturally, do not have these restrictions.


China are the masters at finding ways around problems.

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I think in situations like these, you have to take a step back and look at the entire context of the piece of media, rather than going "damn these fans are stupid as fuck look at this whiny ass review bombing". No, review bombing isn't good, obviously.

Anyway, Genshin being built off targeting waifu culture and utilizing gacha mechanics is pretty much the recipe for outrage. You get a double dose of a very unsavory anime culture and a system that is designed to hook people the same way as "real gambling" (all forms of lootboxes, digital or not, are gambling, but you understand what I mean), and you even get a bonus dose if you count Gamer Mindset as being a part of the equation.

A lot of these people are victims. Not all of them, but getting pulled into a predatory ecosystem is not as hard as it seems. The old people who sit dead-eyed at slot machines? The people who get their primary enjoyment out of opening cases in CSGO, hoping for a knife or something expensive? Trading card game pack openers?

My point here is not that "review bombing isn't bad" (it is), but that there's more nuance to reactions like this than simply "fans are being entitled and whiny children".


It is quite fitting (and incredibly insulting) for a gacha game to have raffles and giving a tiny amount of premium currency for its anniversary "rewards". The second is an incredibly common tactic used in most games with microtransactions, ways to earn premium currency are intentionally small (to encourage you to buy the rest) and the pricing for things is intentionally done so that it's nearly impossible to end up with 0 of whatever you spend, thus encouraging you to buy more so your leftovers aren't "wasted".


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14 minutes ago, leodoom85 said:

Second of all, the game is FREE, meaning that resources can be obtained by simply farming and taking those things from rewards and stuff on a daily basis in order to get primogems (which it's the currency to use for the gacha screen and get weapons and characters)...which takes to another problem and it's the gacha mechanic itself. Remember folks to spend your money responsibly.

Third of all, some in the community WILL bitch about it, no matter how small or large the reward is. They always want more. You see, I agree that the rewards for the anniversary are underwhelming in comparison to the very first time that a player is introduced to the game but...cmon, it's better than nothing. Heck, we could have got nothing if the company wanted to...

That there is the kind of thought process that makes me think of stockholm syndrome immediately...


"Hey, the people who took us hostage..? They gave us instant ramen and stagnant coffee when they could have let us starve to death... They can't be that bad, ey..?"


I mean, you're literally pointing at the very problem players have, and yet somehow you still manage to sneak a deflection in there sort of under the breath...


The reason you get a nice big package when you start out is to get you hooked on all the premium stuff that you would need to grind for unless you're willing to lay down the money... That's the whole trick nearly all of those games pull to make players feel the difference between the monotony of having to grind on and on versus the miracles one could achieve just by opening up one's wallet... And then you have yet another "event" that was supposed to yield some manner of reward, people play more, because they want that reward, and it turns out it wasn't worth the effort, because if the rewards are too good, then the company loses out on that sweet sweet MTX cash...


As for the review bombing... Yeah, it sucks but I couldn't possibly give less of a damn about it, because the bottom line is review sections can be cleaned up in severe cases, so for the most part this is people being angry at angry people...

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Sneak a deflection? Hmm....maybe it was not intentional from my part but ok....? 

And yeah, review bombing is ridiculous and there's no excuse for that kind of behavior. That's true about the cleaning up for the negative reviews as well, which it's happening now. 


9 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

The reason you get a nice big package when you start out is to get you hooked on all the premium stuff that you would need to grind for unless you're willing to lay down the money...

Which fortunately, I'm not a guy who took the bait to start using money as soon as I started playing the game because I knew a bit of the game before starting properly.

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2 minutes ago, Maribo said:

I think in situations like these, you have to take a step back and look at the entire context of the piece of media, rather than going "damn these fans are stupid as fuck look at this whiny ass review bombing". No, review bombing isn't good, obviously.

Anyway, Genshin being built off targeting waifu culture and utilizing gacha mechanics is pretty much the recipe for outrage. You get a double dose of a very unsavory anime culture and a system that is designed to hook people the same way as "real gambling" (all forms of lootboxes, digital or not, are gambling, but you understand what I mean), and you even get a bonus dose if you count Gamer Mindset as being a part of the equation.

A lot of these people are victims. Not all of them, but getting pulled into a predatory ecosystem is not as hard as it seems. The old people who sit dead-eyed at slot machines? The people who get their primary enjoyment out of opening cases in CSGO, hoping for a knife or something expensive? Trading card game pack openers?

My point here is not that "review bombing isn't bad" (it is), but that there's more nuance to reactions like this than simply "fans are being entitled and whiny children".


It is quite fitting (and incredibly insulting) for a gacha game to have raffles and giving a tiny amount of premium currency for its anniversary "rewards". The second is an incredibly common tactic used in most games with microtransactions, ways to earn premium currency are intentionally small (to encourage you to buy the rest) and the pricing for things is intentionally done so that it's nearly impossible to end up with 0 of whatever you spend, thus encouraging you to buy more so your leftovers aren't "wasted".


"were victims by playing a video game that gave us a small amount of fake money" does not make review bombing unrelated products acceptable in any way. how the hell does playing a video game even make you a victim?

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5 minutes ago, The BMFG said:

how the hell does playing a video game even make you a victim?

I'd suggest you read what maribo wrote a few more times, because it points out how easy it is to get drawn into an "exploitative loop" quite quickly... And it turns out that lots of games, many of which are mobile games, are literally built on the concept of getting people hooked and then milking them for money afterwards... and this isn't news in any way shape or form either, by the way...

Edited by Nine Inch Heels

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13 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

I'd suggest you read what maribo wrote a few more times, because it points out how easy it is to get drawn into an "exploitative loop" quite quickly... And it turns out that lots of games, many of which are mobile games, are literally built on the concept of getting people hooked and then milking them for money afterwards... and this isn't news in any way shape or form either, by the way...

even if they are victims of exploitative loops. it still does not justify review bombing in any way

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1 minute ago, The BMFG said:

even if they are victims of exploitative loops. it still does not justify review bombing in any way

It's not *supposed* to justify anything, it's supposed to *explain* how a game like that fosters a particular *culture*... it doesn't make review bombing any better or worse, but it explains why people are volatile to such a high degree...


The truth is that those poor fucks whose only way to vent their frustration is to review bomb *something* are, indeed, extremely poor fucks for one reason or another... And while the outwardly appearance is that of a disgruntled teen at the height of their puberty, the fact remains that you wouldn't want to be one of them... I'd even go so far as to argue that many of them don't even want to be who they are...


Yes, they're acting like assholes, but that shouldn't fool you into thinking that all of them are just entitled little brats shouting "gimme, or else!"... That's the point...

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Are you deliberately ignoring everything I wrote about the way the game is designed? I said review bombing isn't okay? Do you know why things like gacha games, casinos, lootbox-inclusive games, most trading card games follow similar practices? Nine Inch Heels brought up this bit as well, which I forgot:

19 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

The reason you get a nice big package when you start out is to get you hooked on all the premium stuff that you would need to grind for unless you're willing to lay down the money... That's the whole trick nearly all of those games pull to make players feel the difference between the monotony of having to grind on and on versus the miracles one could achieve just by opening up one's wallet... And then you have yet another "event" that was supposed to yield some manner of reward, people play more, because they want that reward, and it turns out it wasn't worth the effort, because if the rewards are too good, then the company loses out on that sweet sweet MTX cash...

It's truly all designed to pull you in and give you a small taste of The Premium Experience, which is always more efficient (time-wise) and sometimes more fun (exclusive events, characters, abilities, it varies obviously), than The Free Experience.

Hell man, none of this even gets into the hot tactic right now for microtransaction money makers: fomo (fear of missing out), but I won't really get into that since I'm not personally sure if Genshin uses that.
They're not giving you anything btw, digital currency for specific games is worthless until you meet very specific amounts. The article in the link even says that the equivalence is 1/4th of a gacha roll, like lol? It's nothing but an incentive to buy more so you can actually use it.

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2 minutes ago, Maribo said:

Do you know why things like gacha games, casinos, lootbox-inclusive games, most trading card games follow similar practices?

The good old "The house always wins", basically.

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Having played MHY's previous title Honkai Impact 3 I knew to drop Genshin a week or two after launch as soon as the initial excitement of exploration wore off and gave way to the grind, haven't regretted the decision since. MiHoYo are a very frustrating bunch due to the sheer potential of the games they produce getting squandered by this kind of nickel-and-diming management and incessant grinding, both of which are quite a lot more overbearing than an average gacha game. I would have some hope that after Genshin becoming such a popular title the dissatisfaction of their fans would be some kind of wake up call to change their practices but who am I kidding, as long as the whales are satisfied the travelling circus will keep touring.

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4 hours ago, The BMFG said:

 these motherfuckers even got google classroom review bombed.


I'm wheezing.

1 hour ago, Kool Belzero said:

Damn these Bitches need to go touch some grass

I'm allergic.


Friend recently got me into playing Genshin Impact, and I got pretty hooked into it. I haven't had a long enough attachment to care about the anniversary rewards but I can understand why some fans are upset. They give us more in-game currency when a small bug is patched than what was announced (until damage control started happening.) I think the whole review bombing thing is kind of stupid, but I guess it's definitely getting MiHoYo's attention now.


I'm definitely glad I don't really have to interact much with the community as a whole, because like 99% of anything it else, people take it too seriously and start becoming hella toxic. In the article that was retweeted, it says that the Chinese VA of the new character came out had to cancel a stream because fans were harassing her for her character being week as shit. It's really sad.


It's weird seeing very little for an anniversary event going on. I got hella into warframe, and I remember for certain streams they'd just give away some of the best frames for showing up to streams, and a good amount of freebies for logging in for anniversaries. 


Hopefully both parties can pull there act together, especially the little gremlins going and review bombing everything.

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1 hour ago, MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai said:

What the fuck is Genshin Impact?


A pedophile gold mine

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