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strategies to beat go2it on UV?


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assuming plutonia's map32 has given everyone trouble at some point in their life, how'd you crack it on UV?

no i didn't beat it yes i'm hoping someone managed to cheese it

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For me, the trick to beating go2it was to be patient and don't forget to corner camp.


Some cheap tactics:

- Monster infighting.

- If the enemy is behind the corner, you can start corner camping.

- SSG for lone enemies, Rocket launcher for enemies far away, BFG for archviles and big crowds.

- All three cyberdemons in corridors can be safely corner camped with rocket launcher (boring, but saves plasma and health).

- Cyberdemons in big rooms die to plasma gun or BFG.

- Given enough time, cyberdemons will destroy everything in the outer area. So don't forget to approach windows and provoke infights.

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Fun fact: Go 2 It is the same no matter what skill level you play it on! If you want an easier time, you can play on I'm Too Young to Die to get double ammo pickups and lower enemy damage by 50%. With that said, the map has no shortage of ammo.


The main trick is to be patient and methodical. Each time you pick up a key, portions of the map will open up and unleash fresh new monsters abound. Sometimes it's really obvious what a key will open up (the yellow key lowers the wall right next to you and will free up tons of revenants and a few cyberdemons), but sometime the keys do far sneakier things. The final key in particular will open up tons of walls everywhere, but the most noteworthy of them all lie in the area full of mancubi: a monster closet with about 4-5 archviles. If left unchecked, these archviles will revive a lot of the mancubi and severely complicate the final part of the level, which is right next to the mancubi area.


Before picking up a key, you'll typically want to go around the whole map and kill everything. The map's very small so it's not too much of a time setback and will make the map feel less overwhelming. If you rush it, you will eventually get crushed by the huge amounts of tough monsters.


Once all keys have been obtained and the final switch pressed, the final area opens up, which frees 3 cyberdemons and a lot of barons of Hell. But if you're feeling frisky, you can easily bypass this final fight and book it for the exit.

Edited by PsychEyeball

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Map a button on the keyboard or controller you are using with a quicksave so everytime you push it, it automatically saves.  I don't know if its cheesy but it's waaay better then using infinite health.  I beat it on HMP with all the save pressing.  I can probably do it on UV too after playing somany hard mods.


This map indeed gave me trouble, but after months wen't by it got easy with all the save spamming.  The mods made by the community are harder then this map.


Try Plutonia 2 - Go 4 It  


A level I havn't beaten yet and don't think I ever will, it's beyond anything i can do.  I'm just a DOOM gamer that would only complete episode 1 in ULTIMATE DOOM and call it a day.  It was like that for years.  Untill I finally got tired of episode 1 lol.



This is why:


After beating Episode 1 in ULTIMATE DOOM for somany years and just doing that and shutting the game off, I thought why play the other episodes???  those barons of hell that came out of those booths was enough to end the series for me!! too much epic stuff!


The quicksave after pressing a button is kind of tricky to setup, i had to mess around with the .cfg in the ZDOOM folder.  Here is how I have it.


- DOOM Bindings -


joy11=Save SaveFile1 SaveFile1


If you wan't it on letter "K" on the keyboard, it would probably be:  K=Save SaveFile1 SaveFile1


Now... so everytime I press the analong stick on the left of my ps2 controller, it automatically saves.  I have been doing this since episode 2 from ULTIMATE DOOM till I beat all the commercial DOOM games.  O well... least I still beat the games??

Edited by vanilla_d00m

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On 9/30/2021 at 11:25 AM, auber said:

assuming plutonia's map32 has given everyone trouble at some point in their life, how'd you crack it on UV?

no i didn't beat it yes i'm hoping someone managed to cheese it


Would you like a demo to watch?

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On 9/30/2021 at 12:25 PM, auber said:

no i didn't beat it yes i'm hoping someone managed to cheese it

the map doesn't need to be cheesed... if you need to "cheese" it, then you're just not good enough to beat the map fair and square, and that's about all that needs to be said as far as difficulty is considered... by modern standards the map is relatively easy...


as for beating the map...


-pick up all the weapons and the MS

-BFG the mancs in the adjacent room

-take out rocket launcher to oust the "basement mancs" downstairs

-go back up, grabbing more ammo along the way and make your way in the general direction of the ledge with the arachnotrons

-use BFG

-BFG some more

-learn when and where arch viles appear

-BFG those as well

-BFG just a little more

-grab the rest of the keys by way of using the BFG some more

-clear last room with... you guessed it... the BFG...

-open doors

-exit map

Edited by Nine Inch Heels

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My favourite strategy is to let live most monsters in the courtyard until the red key archviles appear (needs some dodging, but isn't too difficult as there is always space to run), and then run several times through the courtyard and to the windows, provoking a funny infighting massacre where the viles are allies to beat the cyberdemons. Once they're dead, BFG/rocket the rest of the cybies. Not the fastest, but a satisfying method.


The cybie behind the blue door is in my opinion the biggest health threat in this map (if you don't want to kill it "the boring way" with the ssg), but it can be easily 2-shotted with the BFG even by a mediocre player like me - just make sure you have enough health to eat a rocket, charge the bfg a moment before opening the door and then run into the cybie. Even if it hits you, after it dies you get a megasphere.

Edited by erzboesewicht

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  • Don't be afraid to run away make a tactical retreat towards areas you've already cleared out, and
  • Make use of choke points to "funnel" enemies though and use the BFG on them. it's also good to have an escape plan if that area would be overrun.
  • Make use of all space available to you to strafe and avoid projectiles.
  • Use the BFG. There should be more than enough cells in the map
  • Manage your use of megaspheres, and take note of their location.
  • If you hear a teleport sound, try and find the area the sound originated from. Chances are it's an archvile, and you'll need to deal with him quickly.


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23 hours ago, Silent Wolf said:
  • ....
  • Use the BFG. There should be more than enough cells in the map
  • ....

Disagree about more than enough cells. There are lots of bulk cells, but you can still run dry on plasma, if your BFG shots are not on point. And BFG AoE is pretty unintuitive. The best ammo type on Go2it is Rockets. They are really really plentiful and provide great DPS. It is easier to save the BFG for archviles and really big crowds.

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6 minutes ago, Azure_Horror said:

Disagree about more than enough cells. There are lots of bulk cells, but you can still run dry on plasma, if your BFG shots are not on point. And BFG AoE is pretty unintuitive. The best ammo type on Go2it is Rockets. They are really really plentiful and provide great DPS. It is easier to save the BFG for archviles and really big crowds.

Huh, really? The last time I played through Plutonia was with the DW megawad club and I swore there were a ton of cells. I guess my memory must not be as good regarding the resources in that map. Thank you for correcting me there :)

Edited by Silent Wolf

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7 minutes ago, Silent Wolf said:

Huh, really? The last time I played through Plutonia was with the DW megawad club and I swore there were a ton of cells. I guess my memory must not be as good regarding the resources in that map. Thank you for correcting me there :)

Well there is a ton of cells. But I stiil manged to waste them all, when was bad with BFG...

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Do not open the back door, between the traditional MAP01 exit and the south grass field. Leaving this closed means when you pick up the blue key the horde released around the blue door is kept away from you and you only have to deal with the archviles coming from through the caves. And they don't wake up unless you fire a weapon after picking up the key, so you can sneak up and BFG them. Others have discussed general tactics; this is my most important tip that is specific to the map.

There are some useful monster blocking lines. For example between the traditional MAP01 start room and the corridor beyond, at the top of the triangular staircase; around the lift where the traditional MAP01 start position would be; and between the BFG and the real start position with the rest of the weapons. Most of that area is safe in the sense of being surrounded by monster blocking lines so you know where you can retreat to if monsters get out of control.

I usually start off by removing the two archviles on the plinths by the traditional MAP01 exit room, and the wandering mancubus. Then I deal with the first cyberdemon in front of the traditional MAP01 rocket launcher secret. I do this first because I can do it recklessly with the BFG: I'm only three monsters in at that point, so if I screw it up I haven't lost much time or progress. Then I clear out the three archviles behind the traditional MAP01 exit door to get access to a pile of rockets. At this point I should still have nearly 200/200 and 100 rockets, with only one megasphere consumed. I spam the rockets at the mancubi around the edge of the west grass field through the 64-wide passageway next to the top of the triangular stairs. This can be troublesome with self-damage due to autoaim, and there are also most likely pain elementals mixed in with these mancubi. So I must watch for lost souls in the passageway while spamming the rockets. Alternatively before doing this I may sit in the window overlooking the south field watching the monsters out there clearing the pain elementals if they chose to float out that way. Anyway once the west field area is cleared I have access to more piles of rockets that will allow me to clear the next area, whichever one that ends up being. I run around peeking out of windows and ledges at groups of monsters until they fight each other. I am very cautious and unaggressive. I corner camp the second cyberdemon in the traditional MAP01 rocket launcher secret because by that time I'm likely 15+ minutes of tedious window-peeping in and don't want to lose the run and have to repeat it :). I've memorized the map and know where the next lot of monsters are going to come from at all times. I save megaspheres for any time I have to fight cyberdemons, otherwise I try very hard to avoid taking damage. If I finish the map I usually have three or four megaspheres left over. I optimize for safety: you wouldn't catch anyone in the demos forum playing this way (or at least, admitting to it ;) ).

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5 hours ago, Azure_Horror said:

Well there is a ton of cells. But I stiil manged to waste them all, when was bad with BFG...

As a corollary to this, one important tip for beating this map is to make sure you actually know how the BFG works. That said, don't get tunnel vision trying to maximize the output of every shot; there's more than enough cell ammo, a wasted shot or two isn't worth dying over.


The difficulty of Go 2 It scales a lot with how quickly you try to take it; if you have the patience for it, you can take it slowly and dismantle each part in isolation, and I don't think any single part is particularly difficult. The arch-viles that appear in the outdoors area are the biggest complication to this, since they encourage you to rush them down to prevent resurrections. Don't give in to the temptation; you have enough rockets to deal with resurrected revenants and arachnotrons, let them come to you. The corridor cyberdemons can also be problematic if you're unfamiliar with dealing with cyberdemons in tight spaces, so make sure to practice that. There are enough megaspheres that taking a hit from these cyberdemons isn't the end of the world, just make sure you go in with enough health to take a hit.

Edited by Shepardus

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