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YouTube is becoming a pain


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YouTube is becoming a PAIN!


upload has slowed down to a crawl,


max length is something like 15 minutes (you get informed that it is too long... AFTER waiting half a day for a damn 20 or so minutes long DOOM video to upload),


the copyright checking is way to sensitive and continues to find false positives that cant be refuted and making it turn down or off the music when its alleged copyright claim(s) is/are "found"... often doesnt even work at all...


anybody else having these issues?


anybody found alternative sites for free video hosting?


youtube is beginning to drive my up the wall with all their BS



Edited by CBM

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I agree. They copyright and demonetize everyone for no reason and it pisses me off that they delete the good channels and they keep the bad channels plus they took down Rythm and Groovy just for the money. I hate Youtube damn

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  On 10/1/2021 at 6:06 PM, Teo Slayer said:

I agree. They copyright and demonetize everyone for no reason and it pisses me off that they delete the good channels and they keep the bad channels plus they took down Rythm and Groovy just for the money. I hate Youtube damn


I hope a free alternative with forum support will emerge at some point

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  On 10/1/2021 at 6:08 PM, CBM said:

I hope a free alternative with forum support will emerge at some point


Don't bet on it. A video site requires a lot of bandwidth and therefore high end server options which may be a bit unfeasible.


For those overly aggressive steps, thank the RIAA and their goons in governments all over the world. Youtube is surely not doing it on their own.


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Youtube is a terrible site in general, but most of alt-tech is so garbage that barely anyone tries to use it. And as far as I can tell, nothing remotely good has come out yet that is a better alternative: so, we gotta cope until something better comes out.

Edited by CrystalHawk_Doom

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Worst: Google closed the good google-music and transferred it into youtube-music that is crap.

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  On 10/1/2021 at 6:02 PM, CBM said:

max length is something like 15 minutes (you get informed that it is too long... AFTER waiting half a day for a damn 20 or so minutes long DOOM video to upload),




Is that like for montized videos or something? I've uploaded 1-2 hour long videos recently with no issue. I also don't have that many copyright claims either. However it could be because I have a very small channel and I don't monetize my videos.

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fuck copyright law i really dont see any purpose for it existing other then giving a lot of power to the wrong people since these days the copyright never stays with the creator instead it stays with the company and dont you dare use the ip YOU CREATED or they will sue you like bungie is doing with the guy who made music for halo

Edited by omalefico32x

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YouTube's always been annoying in some way. Even back in 2011 they were constantly changing the layout for no god damn reason.

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There are alternative such as the Fediverse's PeerTube instances, but you're out of luck if you're looking for anything that shows an inkling of deposing Google from their throne. There's also obviously stuff like vimeo, but yeah. YouTube has too much brand recognition and presence in general.


We can spend forever talking about copyright specifically, but I don't really think that's what most of the people who are going to read this thread will want to get into. It sucks.


One of the latest trends people have started doing is upscaling videos to 4K and 1440p, regardless of the original quality of the video, and uploading it at that resolution since it appears that 4K or 1440p base resolution videos always (eventually) will receive the VP9 codec (notably better than the others), and the only other way to get it is to be a YouTube affiliate/verified/whatever the term they use for it is.

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  On 10/1/2021 at 7:27 PM, Maribo said:

There are alternative such as the Fediverse's PeerTube instances, but you're out of luck if you're looking for anything that shows an inkling of deposing Google from their throne. There's also obviously stuff like vimeo, but yeah. YouTube has too much brand recognition and presence in general.


We can spend forever talking about copyright specifically, but I don't really think that's what most of the people who are going to read this thread will want to get into. It sucks.


One of the latest trends people have started doing is upscaling videos to 4K and 1440p, regardless of the original quality of the video, and uploading it at that resolution since it appears that 4K or 1440p base resolution videos always (eventually) will receive the VP9 codec (notably better than the others), and the only other way to get it is to be a YouTube affiliate/verified/whatever the term they use for it is.


just to clarify im not mad at youtube for its copyright system it sucks but without it there wouldint be a youtube or any video sharing plataform on the internet im just mad at copyright itself


even with all the problems i still think youtube is the best video sharing plataform we have

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Oh, sorry, I didn't mean for that sentence to seem like a passive aggressive pass at what you posted, lol. I have a lot to say about how gross I find the nature of copyright, but I'm not posting it because it's probably not a very good idea to turn a thread into a debate on the morality of copyright.

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  On 10/1/2021 at 7:36 PM, Maribo said:

Oh, sorry, I didn't mean for that sentence to seem like a passive aggressive pass at what you posted, lol. I have a lot to say about how gross I find the nature of copyright, but I'm not posting it because it's probably not a very good idea to turn a thread into a debate on the morality of copyright.


oh no it didnt sound agressive at all i just though it was a good idea to clarify before this thread got derailed because of it

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Reminds me of when I uploaded "Doom 1/2 tunes transposed between major and minor" and a section of E1M2 got auto-flagged as infringing someone's melody, and when I checked, the chord progression was quite similar but the melody was completely different, so the bot had clearly seen a false positive.  There was no option to flag it as a false claim, and when I disputed it, all of my YouTube videos disappeared from Google searches.  Then, when I deleted the video, my videos reappeared on Google searches.  It seemed a bit much to be coincidence, that.


I haven't had much difficulty with uploads to YouTube taking a while, my other main annoyance is that they've been getting more aggressive with the ads in the hope of getting users to use the paid version.

Edited by ENEMY!!!

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There are 100k+ employees at Google. There will be issues. 

But we can't do nothing about it.

It's up to Google what to do.

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  On 10/1/2021 at 8:36 PM, ENEMY!!! said:

I haven't had much difficulty with uploads to YouTube taking a while, my other main annoyance is that they've been getting more aggressive with the ads in the hope of getting users to use the paid version.


I find that if I search for videos using Bing and then watch the video direct from there, it skips the ads. If instead I click on the "Watch on Youtube" link (or equivalent), I get the stupid ads. That might just be something to do with my set-up, but it works for now and helps preserve sanity.


For me, it always seems to be a Vrbo ad that comes up. I cheered myself up recently when booking accommodation to make a point of avoiding Vrbo completely. Their loss is Vacasa's gain. I hope they don't start intrusive advertising of their own...

Edited by Grazza

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  On 10/1/2021 at 8:36 PM, ENEMY!!! said:

they've been getting more aggressive with the ads


ads? what ads? youtube has ads?! never ever seen them, mpv+youtuble-dl is buggy, and shows only the video, but cannot show ads.

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  On 10/1/2021 at 6:25 PM, Graf Zahl said:

Don't bet on it. A video site requires a lot of bandwidth and therefore high end server options which may be a bit unfeasible.


For those overly aggressive steps, thank the RIAA and their goons in governments all over the world. Youtube is surely not doing it on their own.



LTT's floatplane is the only alternative I have heard of and that is subscription based IIRC


  On 10/1/2021 at 6:34 PM, Zulk RS said:


Is that like for montized videos or something? I've uploaded 1-2 hour long videos recently with no issue. I also don't have that many copyright claims either. However it could be because I have a very small channel and I don't monetize my videos.


I have no intentional monetization on my videos and I have certainly never received any type of payment from youtube, so I dont know why I am restricted to such short videos.. are there some youtube settings I should change somewhere?

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  On 10/2/2021 at 7:14 AM, CBM said:

I have no intentional monetization on my videos and I have certainly never received any type of payment from youtube, so I dont know why I am restricted to such short videos.. are there some youtube settings I should change somewhere?


You need to verify your account (which basically involves getting a code sent to your phone via SMS) to remove the video length limit and enable certain other features like custom thumbnails and livestreaming.

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  On 10/2/2021 at 7:40 AM, Kinsie said:

You need to verify your account (which basically involves getting a code sent to your phone via SMS) to remove the video length limit and enable certain other features like custom thumbnails and livestreaming.


thanks, just verified my channel. hopefully I will have more options now. :-)

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  On 10/2/2021 at 7:40 AM, Kinsie said:

You need to verify your account (which basically involves getting a code sent to your phone via SMS) to remove the video length limit and enable certain other features like custom thumbnails and livestreaming.


That step is important to remove that limit and to have other features. I also get claims of random stuff but I don't care, since I don't monetize my stuff. That's one thing.

Ads can suck my balls though.

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  On 10/1/2021 at 8:36 PM, ENEMY!!! said:

my other main annoyance is that they've been getting more aggressive with the ads in the hope of getting users to use the paid version.


Months ago, I've had the same issue; I tried everything to block them but to no avail, not even with uBlock Origin. SponserBlock didn't seem to work very well for me either.


Then I installed the Adblocker Ultimate extension... and PRESTO! No more YouTube ads.

Edited by HavoX

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  On 10/2/2021 at 2:57 PM, Rakuen said:

Not really relevant to the topic, but there's an alternative Youtube front-end project called Invidious. It's more lightweight and without ads.


well its about youtube, so as the thread creator I think it is sufficiently relevant :-)

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