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The first time you registered..

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A thread about people's favorite metal bands. I believe my post in that thread was my first one.


Geez, has it seriously been 8 years since I registered here?

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Tbh, I don't remember what I noticed for the first time. I made my account planning to do something with it but only got the courage to start posting stuff a year later.

Edited by Worriedidiot

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blue doom graphics in the upper left corner: doomguy, cyber, whatever else.


and wads and demos, that's why i came here.



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How busy the news feed on the front page was, there was so much cool new Doom stuff it was hard to keep track of. That and the rotating pictures on the header.

Edited by Bauul

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I had just 100% UV ran Hell Beneath, decided to browse for doom forums/mods. Came across the DW forums and i think the first thread i found was for a up and coming DW mod, i forget the name..But i remember playing it and later down the line it earned a few Caco-Awards.


Edit: It was  BB map lol

Edited by Morpheus666

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The speedrunning comunity, I wanted to post a demo, and I registered, since then I've been posting some demos, just for fun :)

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I have no memory of when I joined, or why (well I mean apart from the whole thing of being a Doom Enjoyer and whatnot).  I do remember the community c. 2006-7 being more a bit more abrasive than it is now.  That could be selective memory, or a few people who have since received b& or are otherwise no longer with us, but I think the culture of Doomworld has changed somewhat since then.  Oh yes and there used to be a lot of futile bickering about sourceports and ZDoom modding tropes.


oh wait

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2 hours ago, Grimosaur said:

That Doomkid posts A LOT.

Well, you know his name right?

The first thing i notice is that i was a retard compared to some other people's Doom knowledge, and that my sense of humor is bad sometimes.
But hey!
I keep trying ;)

Edited by P41R47

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I noticed this forum sure likes the color blue. Even the Cyberdemon is blue. And the funny titles you can have as a user.

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I registered because of a recommendation from a friend. On one hand, I sort of regret joining, mainly since this site is basically the only forum I visit these days besides the steam one. But I also enjoy being on here because of the community and strange, almost randomly generated events that take place sometimes.

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Just now, CrystalHawk_Doom said:

But I also enjoy being on here because of the community and strange, almost randomly generated events that take place sometimes.


Doomworld - the only forum that has emergent gameplay based social interactions.


True story.

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I registered because I always lurked as mere observer, it wasnt until later that I properly learned English to communicate properly.
And I dont think Anime and Doom has anything to do with Each Other, is more like Doom is so good that even Anime Fans can appreciate it.

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5 hours ago, vanilla_d00m said:

I noticed and still do see a lot of anime fans.  Does doom and anime have a connection??

I don't think that it's a link between doom and anime per se, but rather anime and the internet as a whole. Internet culture in of itself is deeply intertwined with things like anime culture, gaming culture, giving yourself goofy sounding usernames, and of course videos of cute and/or silly animals.

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I'd ussually just go here to download wads that had their download links here, then I started replying and posting and now here I am :) 

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It was years and years ago when I first saw this website, like early 00's...My memory is a bit vague to say the least.

I believe what I initially noticed was that this site looked much more polished/presentable compared to other Doom websites at the time, many of which were angelfire bare-bones HTML sites with not much on them.  Not much has changed on this site since then in presentation (to my knowledge.)

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