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Not sure how to get coop running on my end, but I would be down for some sort of "developer commentary" kind of thing, maybe where you screenshare and I walk you through a bit where each secret is and how I came to design the overall space, sure.


If coop's not too difficult to get setup though, no reason I couldn't join you in-game.


And again, thanks for giving my maps a playthrough. It looks like you're having a blast with them, and that's what I'm looking for!


P.S. The next map, e1m4, has a secret exit. It's a bit tucked away, so I'll give you a hint: There are three secret switches you have to press to access it. You'll know them when you press them.


(If you' still can't find all of 'em but would like to do the secret level, I can give more explicit instructions to get there, or you can use the console command "Changemap e1m7" to keep your stuff and enter the secret level. Up to you.)

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  • 2 weeks later...


Part 2 up.

For science, I've done one with commentary and one without. Going to judge it by the views but interested to see if most folks would rather I shut up!

The no commentary version also has the deaths edited out, so not identical but both the same run.

Standard, with commentary

Same run, no commentary no deaths

These have just been uploaded so if it's not 1080p 60 just wait a bit for YouTube to finish processing it.

I talk a little about it in the vid, but I'd really like it to be co-op if possible, for a few reasons I'll go into if you're (or anyone else is) interested.

Wanting to iron out the kinks before inviting you folk, so may do a first time co-op special with my RL buddy @LordEntr0py on one of his creations. Get it working right, faff around, you know. Invite you guys when there's polish and a plan.

Anyhoo, enjoy!

Feedback always welcome and appreciated. Don't keep me guessing what you'd like to see!

Edit: This run actually had no deaths in it.. But I've done this vid and the next already fully edited, just sitting on part 3 for now. Part 3 has deaths boy howdy. 

Part 3 got the same treatment, commentary with deaths and No commentary no deaths..

I'll record part 4 in due course and how I do it will depend on the popularity of commentary vs no commentary for this vid and the next. It's leaning towards commentary tho, not going to keep making two versions long term it's a HASSLE this is just to gauge.

Edited by AlexIsBadAtDoom

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3 minutes ago, Jacek Bourne said:

I’ve got two maps I’d like to watch you playtest.


Enigmatic: https://www.mediafire.com/file/edwpnl8ifsovq9s/Enigmatic.zip/file

Format: Boom (doom2)


Of Blood and Stone: https://www.mediafire.com/file/u3f7h3si9cadqpe/Of_Blood_And_Stone.wad/file

Format: Boom (doom)

Consider them qued!

I'm enjoying doing this just for the fun of it so far, so keep your maps coming and I think I'll be keeping this up at a consistent but leisurely pace.

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I enjoy hearing your commentary/thoughts as you play through the levels. It helps me gauge whether stuff lands or not a great deal.


Lmk when you have a good coop setup figured out o7

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Part 3, was recorded just after part 2 so carrys on a little from that. Just buying time whilst we sort co-op but it's looking very promising!

As before two versions, commentary with deaths and no commentary edited out deaths.

Again they're fresh uploaded to if the quality blows you'll need to wait for youtube to finish processing.

Standard with commentary: 

And Without:

Co-op incoming soon-ish

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First off, I hope navigating the teleporters in that level wasn't too tedious. I didn't use them anywhere else in episode 1, so I apologize if I went a bit overboard on its penultimate map with them.


Second, the ZSpec / "Judge Dredd" guys. They're cheeky bastards, aren't they? I nerfed them quite a bit from how they were originally shared on Realm667, but even so they're rather durable. They have 250 health, so *just* enough to survive a single rocket most of the time. I tried not to go too overboard with them, but with the limited arsenal of episode 1 (re: no super shotgun) they're definitely not fun to come across.


As far as co-op goes, I've downloaded Zandronum and I'm gonna see if I can get used to using it with my brothers first, see if my WAD is in fact compatible with it, that kind of thing, and hopefully we can get that going soon.


One last thing, before you get to the second episode, I've got a decent update for my WAD coming (hopefully today or tomorrow), basically implementing full difficulty settings for all of episode 2, as well as a couple of new levels as a sort of interlude before I get working on episode 3. Since you get a forced pistol start going into Episode 2, I would recommend switching to the new WAD after you beat the next level (E1M6).


As always, thanks for playing my WAD. I hope you're having as much fun playing it as I did making it!

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18 hours ago, SMG_Man said:

First off, I hope navigating the teleporters in that level wasn't too tedious. I didn't use them anywhere else in episode 1, so I apologize if I went a bit overboard on its penultimate map with them.


Second, the ZSpec / "Judge Dredd" guys. They're cheeky bastards, aren't they? I nerfed them quite a bit from how they were originally shared on Realm667, but even so they're rather durable. They have 250 health, so *just* enough to survive a single rocket most of the time. I tried not to go too overboard with them, but with the limited arsenal of episode 1 (re: no super shotgun) they're definitely not fun to come across.


As far as co-op goes, I've downloaded Zandronum and I'm gonna see if I can get used to using it with my brothers first, see if my WAD is in fact compatible with it, that kind of thing, and hopefully we can get that going soon.


One last thing, before you get to the second episode, I've got a decent update for my WAD coming (hopefully today or tomorrow), basically implementing full difficulty settings for all of episode 2, as well as a couple of new levels as a sort of interlude before I get working on episode 3. Since you get a forced pistol start going into Episode 2, I would recommend switching to the new WAD after you beat the next level (E1M6).


As always, thanks for playing my WAD. I hope you're having as much fun playing it as I did making it!


Thanks for the feedback, FYI we're working on getting multiplayer working in GZDoom for compatibility reasons and so far tests have been successful with some setup required on our side is co-op host, The goal is to get GZDoom co-op working as the go-to for any co-op going forward.

So hopefully it'll lust be a case of me/us ( @LordEntr0py ) sending you some launch parameters for GZDoom and you'll find yourself in a co-op match with either just me or both of us depending on availability etc. Think we're going for jut the two of us (you and me) for your WAD but this is.. a fluid process.. because I'm just making it up as I go along.. so we'll see what the future holds :D

What would be super useful for prep (and completely optional, but would be handy) is if you could record the co-op from your side too and send us that. What would be even more useful would be if you can split your audio into channels for the recording, so you've got Discord (for chat in-game), your mic, and Doom all coming through on diff audio channels in OBS. You can split the audio into channels using VoiceMeeter, and set the channels for recording separately in OBS.

If not, don't worry! It'd just be handy for editing the run for upload! But can easily just have you in chat and stick to my POV if that's a hassle. Would still be good to have you in-game, and better to have a recording even in it's not got the OBS channel split. The channels is an ideal you may or may not be up for. Either is fine!


- Planning on using vanilla GZDoom (tested well)
- Video recording would be good, but optional
- Audio channel split of your recording (Discord, Doom, Mic on diff audio channels) would be better, but also optional.

If you have any questions just let me know, happy to talk thorough any of the above.

Judge dredd guys:

Watching the footage back, after they didn't go down from the initial shooting in the tunnels, I moved to rockets and I'm pretty sure I blew myself up and blamed hem for nearly every death.

Go me!



I know I'd been through it! I SAW THE EXIT EARLIER! and I was very aware the vid was getting longer and it was just me wandering round going Uuuruurrrmmmmm....

If I had been playing it just for myself it would have been fine, but had to get the pace up because I was more worried it'd be tedious for people watching the vid..
But no, for me as a player it was fine. I knew it was somewhere I had access to I blame my own memory.

Episode 2:

Ok good to know! Sounds like a good break point to jump from single to co-op then! 

Myself and @LordEntr0py are planning on doing the first co-op recording this very evening using one of his maps, but it'll take a little editing/may have a couple of surprises planned for that vid so it may not surface right away.

So. We'll get this co-op recording done as a proof of concept and let you and everyone else see the format, then I'll finish episode 1 solo, then you can hop in for Episode 2.

Sounds like a Plannnnnnn!


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I played through the first episode of my WAD in co-op with my brother yesterday and everything went swimmingly. There was lag at times, but never any full de-synchs like what had happened with ZDoom co-op in the past for us, so this should work well when the time comes.


I still need to look into using OBS with a mike, since I haven't done that before, but other than that I should be good to go.

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On 11/15/2021 at 4:15 PM, SMG_Man said:

I played through the first episode of my WAD in co-op with my brother yesterday and everything went swimmingly. There was lag at times, but never any full de-synchs like what had happened with ZDoom co-op in the past for us, so this should work well when the time comes.


I still need to look into using OBS with a mike, since I haven't done that before, but other than that I should be good to go.

Sounds good! We've delayed recording of our own practice due to illness, but nothing serious.

Glad I caught you before you went full OBS, had a thought.

It would be FAR simpler and easier to record Doom and Mic audio on the PC (If you have an Nvidia card, shadowplay does this for you. Just select separate both tracks on the shadow play audio menu. Alt+Z by default I think.)

Also, your Game audio (system audio) and Mic will be separate by default in windows so OBS should be able to pick them up with no faff from any extra software, if you don't have shadowplay (so, so easy with shadowplay).

Then we should get high quality game and mic audio for the vid.

From there it's just having discord on a separate device, like a phone, and a hands free kit/ear buds of some kind so we can hear each other at the time. Then I can use the HQ PC capture audio for the upload.

STILL ALL OPTIONAL! This all keeps changing because we're figuring this out for ourselves too, feel completely free to hold off until we're ready for you. I'm excited for this as a concept, but it all takes time, especially getting it rolling first time round!

Edited by AlexIsBadAtDoom

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Unfortunately I have an AMD card, so no shadowplay for me.


Looking into it, if I export from OBS my recording as a .mkv file, that *should* keep the audio tracks separate. If that doesn't sound like it would work, let me know.

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13 hours ago, SMG_Man said:

Unfortunately I have an AMD card, so no shadowplay for me.


Looking into it, if I export from OBS my recording as a .mkv file, that *should* keep the audio tracks separate. If that doesn't sound like it would work, let me know.

It'll depend on your OBS config, Best way to test: Record a few seconds of you faffing in doom and talking. 

Export the file as planned, then open the file in VLC, which supports multiple audio tracks.

If it looks like the below in VLC, and changing the option switches between Game sounds and mic exclusively (can't listen to both at once) It's perfect and you're golden. That's exactly what I'm after.

I tend to record 1080p@60 if you can match that, if not not to worry.



Edit: As you may have guessed, this was a raw capture of your last E1 level, The mic came out like garbage (my fault I was messing with it and didn't check before recording. OOps - may have to re-record.)

Edit edit:


Edited by AlexIsBadAtDoom

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E1 Boss, Re-recorded as I screwed the mic the first time (nothing to do with the above, driver issue - sounded choppy AF like my first couple of uploads before I fixed it)


It's still uploading so usual, if the link is broken or the quality is nasty just wait a little bit!

No no-commentary version this time. The first vid the commentary was more popular, and the second the no commentary was more popular.. so screw it just mute me if you hate it.

Put on some jazz, you'll be fine.


I'd expect a delay before the next upload because a few things need to fall into place for the creator co-op format.. with a bit of luck that'll be the last solo run we'll see from me!

Edited by AlexIsBadAtDoom

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Good deal, good deal


Are you interested in running the first episode's secret level? The exit for it is hidden in e1m4, though if you can't find it you can just use the "changemap" console command to reach it.

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The secret shotgun switch is pretty hard to find. I had to use running jump (in spoiler what it is, if you want to know)


to be able to shoot the 2 switches that open up the third.

 then again, i'm a lot more noob noobscate noobstalker noober xd

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1 hour ago, SMG_Man said:

Good deal, good deal


Are you interested in running the first episode's secret level? The exit for it is hidden in e1m4, though if you can't find it you can just use the "changemap" console command to reach it.

I'm up for it! I'm toying with the idea of re-doing the first episode with you if you're game?

Get the full set, you know?

Maybe after the second.. We'll see how we go. One step at a time!

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  • 3 weeks later...

The day is here. It's happened.


Myself and @LordEntr0py running through his Hell's Farthest Shore map.

As ever it's uploading now so if it's broken or jank quality just wait an hour or two.

@SMG_Man this is the format FYI? I can see myself putting these out a little slower just because there is a LOT more editing but required, but then your levels are a lot smaller than @LordEntr0py max sized epic here.



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If you'd be up for it, I think I'd like to try just giving commentary without going into co-op first, that way you can experience the levels as intended for singleplayer. From my experience running co-op with my brother, it sort of flattens the difficulty if that makes sense.

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@SMG_Man In principle, yes, in practice I don't really have the bandwidth to stream effectively.

That said, if balance is your concern you don't have to rush in like Sam did in this version, you're welcome to hang back and let me do the fighting?

If pressed I could potentially try to stream from my laptop around a buddies place, but I'm not sure that'd be that practical.

HD is STILL processing on that upload. I wish there was an option to not make it available until it'd finished that.. is 1080p@60 when it's finished processing..

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