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Facebook Plus Many Other Apps Shutdown/Stocks Plummit?

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20 minutes ago, Sergeant_Mark_IV said:

So there is something going on globally?
Just 10 hours ago they revealed a huge list of important government people on my country having bank accounts in tax havens. Is this happening elsewhere too?

This is the video interview I was referring to, it had only been online for about 12 hours before this shut down. I’m in the US, east coast, and everyone I know in this area as well as on the west coast is reporting the same issues as others here have. 


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Just now, TelicAx7 said:

This is the video interview I was referring to, it had only been online for about 12 hours before this shut down. I’m in the US, east coast, and everyone I know in this area as well as on the west coast is reporting the same issues as others here have. 

Yes, I just caught up with the story now. It's just what I always suspected: Facebook is responsible for everything bad happening to society right now, and now people found out.

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One. Glad that I don't use FB.

Two, looks like someone yeeted a lot of DNS...


Three....nah, forget point three.

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I’ve heard a rumor they’re having trouble getting things back in order because the people behind the IT infrastructure aren’t IT people and the people with the ability to fix it are not able to access the infrastructure. So they’re running into a logistical issue. So it sounds like it could be a real shitty organizational problem, if this is true. 

Edited by TelicAx7

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Just came back for me. Guess they deleted all that pesky naughty data now.


Honestly the whole Facebook not doing enough to spank naughty people... possibly yes, possibly no, but I would also draw attention to the fact that it has to deal with approximately 8.2 trillion shittons of data and reporting about that data and that is a big ask. Much like YouTube and others, their growth made them their own worst enemy. I am a big believer in the phrase "cockup before conspiracy", at least until hard evidence convinces me otherwise.

Edited by Murdoch

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finally clear info!


Edited by Dubbag

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2 minutes ago, Dubbag said:

finally clear info!


I trust Cruz about as much as I would trust a fart after eating nothing but Mexican and Indian for a week straight.

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Just now, Murdoch said:


I trust Cruz about as much as I would trust a fart after eating nothing but Mexican and Indian for a week straight.

im just enjoying him digging into that rep.

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Just now, Murdoch said:


I trust Cruz about as much as I would trust a fart after eating nothing but Mexican and Indian for a week straight.

well you know what they say about broken clocks...

the 60 minutes interview was good, although pretty much confirmed my suspicion that rage/misinformation media has been getting put to the forefront because algorithm and Facebook is just too damn lazy to tweak it

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39 minutes ago, Major Arlene said:

this might be the potential source:


now that facebook is gone. now mark zuckerberg will be forced to reveal his true identity as reptile from mortal kombatReptile_Render.png.3715f03fd5b06a5bca0aa2923d67018d.png

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So, someone deleted large sections of the routing....that doesn't mean Facebook is just down, from the looks of it....that means Facebook is GONE.


That someone did God's work.

Edited by OniriA

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15 minutes ago, Dubbag said:

im just enjoying him digging into that rep.


He is just looking to score points. The question is fundamentally flawed. How could they possibly even find that information out with any degree of accuracy?


Also, social media does not drive people to suicide. Like all almost all technology, it's completely amoral. Facebook can just as easily keep family and friends together long distance as it can be an avenue for fuckheads to drive one of their classmates to committ suicide. Don't get me wrong, Facebook does cause massive problems and the platform itself is a twitchy bundle of crap that functions far from optimally. But Facebook should not be held responsible for how people use their platform, no more than a car maker should be held responsible because some drunk asshole drove and killed someone.

Edited by Murdoch

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7 minutes ago, scalliano said:

Don't look at me like that, you're all thinking it.


I'd look at you rather cheerfully actually, like seeing a dear friend come visit again 

after a long time.


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For a few brief hours, Internet 2.0 returned.


Now it's all back to anti-vaxx bullshit and Trump saying he'd suffer "irreparable harm" if he weren't allowed back on social media.


No, really.


He even trotted out the classic, tired, and wrong interpretation of the First Amendment to the US Constitution.

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i been experimenting internet problems lately, and now this.
Thanks god i am a social PARIA! and i not use anything like whatsnot, facebook or bullshweetter.


first sings of the fake YXXIK that may not be so fakey after all?

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23 minutes ago, Major Arlene said:

although pretty much confirmed my suspicion that rage/misinformation media has been getting put to the forefront because algorithm and Facebook is just too damn lazy to tweak it

If only things were that simple!  There's nothing spreaders of misinformation love more than being silenced.  Once you're being silenced you can use that argument to convince people that what you're saying must be true and now you can be part of the elite that knows the truth "they" don't want you to know.


In reality social media platforms basically just balance two goals: Keeping advertisers happy (ensuring that their brand isn't associated with something they don't like) and maximizing the time you see those ads.  I'm sure changing that second point would help to some extent, but as long as there's a central authority which can make unilateral decisions on what content is desirable you will inevitably strengthen misinformation.


Of course we have decentralized competitors to all the major social media platforms (matrix, mastodon, diaspora, LBRY, etc) which don't have that problem, but the world seems to love centralization and so they all have their own problems due to the lack of investment.

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UPDATE: Right now in Argentina is 9:07 PM. Like an hour ago (and probably a bit more) I was able to receive some messages in WhatsApp. In addition, my mother was able to make a video call. Like 10 minutes ago I entered in Facebook and it works just fine. I haven't checked Instagram though

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I woke up two hours ago to have my mother tell me that my father messaged her about "a worldwide internet outage" that supposedly happened earlier this morning, so I guess this was the event they were confused about briefly before I was vertical. Given that Facebook owns a fair few other sites and apps, this event must've confused and scared a lot of people for sure, especially those like my parents whose internet experience doesn't explore much further than the barriers of mainstream social media. All this event really does is reinforce my personal belief that giant corporations really shouldn't own so damn much because, when they balls something up like Facebook evidently has, suddenly their unchecked monopolies create a nasty domino effect. Thankfully, I don't use Facebook or any of the other sites or apps they own, so all I can do is sit here on the sidelines sipping my morning coffee and feel validated in that belief.


I'm curious to see if there's going to be any long-term consequences of The Facebook Brain-Fart, but I'm no techno-wizard, so I'm not going to pretend I have any idea on what they could possibly be. All I do know is Facebook are too big, too unorganised and have severe corruption issues.  

Edited by Biodegradable

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7 hours ago, printz said:

I don't know how it was possible to continually bug one friend (by calling him/her!) to spend time with.


Mmm... I believe that back at those times, when Internet and other forms of "electronic entertaiment" didn't exist (or weren't available for the masses as they are nowdays) people had less ways to get distracted. As a consequence that led to people having less options. Therefore, what other choice can you have than buggin that one friend over and over again? I believe said circumstances also caused people to develop a stronger and deeper conection


To summarise it: you and your friend have no internet, no cellphones, etc. That means less distractions. Less distractions mean you can put more attention on the other person. That would be the reason people would ended up developing that stronger and deeper connection (just a theory, I might be wrong)

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2 hours ago, Sergeant_Mark_IV said:

Yes, I just caught up with the story now. It's just what I always suspected: Facebook is responsible for everything bad happening to society right now, and now people found out.

As much as I agree with Facebook being one of the worst facilitators of anti-democratic and fascist tendencies in the current world, there is no way the current outage is a conspiracy/attempt to divert attention. FB is bleeding their wallet and their reputation here. They're looking like utter clowns - they'd be far better off with just looking like evil manipulators, heh. It is more than probable that this is an incredible fuckup stemming from incompetence, negligence, bad production pipeline and attitude of, cough cough, MOVE FAST AND BREAK THINGS!


Reality is worse than any conspiracy theorist can imagine: there is no hidden hand that steers the evils of our day and age. Those ultra-rich techbros are flying by the seat of their pants and when they trip over their own irresponsibility and cutting corners, it becomes a spectacular shitshow.

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40 minutes ago, RevenantFTS97 said:

In addition, my mother..


28 minutes ago, Biodegradable said:

I woke up two hours ago to have my mother tell me


Looks like everyone's mother can rest assured now.

Edited by OniriA

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42 minutes ago, dew said:

there is no way the current outage is a conspiracy/attempt to divert attention. FB is bleeding their wallet and their reputation here. They're looking like utter clowns - they'd be far better off with just looking like evil manipulators

Do you also believe Activision/Blizzard's shredding criminal evidence never happened and it's conspiracy theory? Don't underestimate the audacity of these people.

The losses they had today are completely negligible, they can make it back in no time.
They must all be in a mansion right now snorting cocaine out of a missing child's ass and everyone is like "Oh man, I heard about the Facebook blackout, I feel terrible for you, now you are as broke as Bill Gates"

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26 minutes ago, Sergeant_Mark_IV said:

Do you also believe Activision/Blizzard's shredding criminal evidence never happened and it's conspiracy theory? Don't underestimate the audacity of these people.

That's giving them too much credit though. Never explain through maliciousness what can be justified through incompetence (that's roughly how the quote goes though).

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