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PUSS XII: Trick & Tear 2 (Now on idgames!)

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Map: Churlish Choir of Charlatans (Or just Churlish for short)
Author: BluePineapple72

Format: UDMF GZDoom

Music: "Black Sabbath" - Black Sabbath (from the album Black Sabbath)

Sky: Something from Mek's

Difficulty settings: No green armor on UV
Build Time: 3 and Half Hours, with an hour of testing and other gobbledygook

Known issues: I am a flawless mapper in every which way

Comments: Good luck


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Map Name: Underground Cult Disturbance
Author: fuGue_tv

Music: The Collector - James Paddock

Sky: No

Format: UDMF GZDoom

Difficulty Settings: HMP or UV

Build Time: 8 hours to make map, and then extra time to reformat to UDMF to use the resources. I made the map a while ago and adapted it for Trick and Tear 2 last minute!

Mouselook: optional

Thanks for considering!https://wadhosting.com/Wad/0CE9702150021318C9397EC1A06DC9B302275061

Edited by fuGue_tv
re-upload, made necessary edits

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  On 10/24/2021 at 5:03 PM, Sobatchja Morda said:

Very close to the deadline, but:


Map Name: Chapel Perilous
Author: Sobatchja Morda

Music: Kraid's Lair - Metroid

Sky: No

Format: WAD

Difficulty Settings: NO

Build Time: 9 hours, at least.

Comments: Didn't make the build time, because I am completely new to mapping. First creation. Known bugs: for some reason, I can't get the damn music to play



EDIT: Sorry, ran out of time there by a minute, typed like a madman to get this done. So, to introduce myself: first time poster, long time reader, wanted to get a good incentive to start mapping and since I love Halloween I decided that this would be it. For a bit more context, first map I ever submitted to anything, was a lot harder than expected because I had to keep looking up documentation on getting things done. One thing that doesn't work is the music, no idea why, but I ran out of time. I would love to hear your feedback!


chapel_perilous.zipFetching info...



Happy to have you join us! Don't worry, I got the music added. =)

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Hello, Spookymappers! Submissions will be ending soon for this event! As a special treat, you have 8 hours from this post until the Bear wakes up, so work till then! As of this moment, we currently have 16 17 maps submitted for this event! We will be continuing playtesting this week. I will be rearranging the map order for final release, and everyone who has submitted will have until the day before Halloween for bug fixes and fixing for adherence to the rules. On Halloween, PUSS XII will greet All Hallow's Eve with boomstick in hand. I will update the OP of this thread, then. See you tomorrow! 

Edited by Death Bear

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Thanks everyone, for the welcome! I used the extra 8 hours to add some more monsters at the end of the map, and used the rest to fix a number of nasty bugs (a door that wouldn't open, Tikes getting stuck in a doorway, etc.). Also, Bear inspired me to get the music added :D


Also, small question: the Discord link seems to be expired, is the Pineapple still open for business?


Patched version here:


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  On 10/25/2021 at 6:26 PM, Sobatchja Morda said:

Thanks everyone, for the welcome! I used the extra 8 hours to add some more monsters at the end of the map, and used the rest to fix a number of nasty bugs (a door that wouldn't open, Tikes getting stuck in a doorway, etc.). Also, Bear inspired me to get the music added :D


Also, small question: the Discord link seems to be expired, is the Pineapple still open for business?


Patched version here:

chapel_perilous_first_fix.zipFetching info...


https://discord.gg/dygWZYHJxE =)

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DOWNLOAD, Trick and Tear 2, Beta Build 1B (10.25) Available for Playtesting:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/k6668hp6pdsajxe/T&T2.Beta.10.25.B.wad/file (106 MB)

1.    Dismal Dawn – Soulless
2.    Halls of the Darned – Nottyrone
3.    Silence in the Library – DynamiteKaitorn
4.    Underground Cult Disturbance – fuGue_tv
5.    Hemophilia – Awall
6.    Run and Hide: Reviled – Mememind
7.    Silent Doom – Myolden
8.    Check Engine Light – Nottyrone
9.    Baron Central Station – Doomcat, Son of Death Bear
10.    The Demon Train – LateNightPerson
11.    Chapel Perilous – Sobatchja Morda
12.    A Choir of Churlish Charlatans – BluePineapple72
13.    Nightmare in Sandy’s City – Death Bear
14.    Sanity’s Return – WeirdSandwich
15.    Feed – Death Bear
16.    Unhallowed Conclave – Peccatum Mihzamiz 
17.    At Midnight’s Hour, Unwillingly – Peccatum Mihzamiz 
18.    The Weaver’s Dream - Peccatum Mihzamiz 
MAP30 (Not Implemented Yet) – Trick and Tear 2 - Credits

1b Update - Updated Map04.

Playtesting and Bugfixing Submissions due before Halloween, CST. Next update will have full credits, a Credits Map, and updated maps...

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Edited by Death Bear

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Updated my map to support HMP difficulty.


-changed monster count (hmp)
-added rocket launcher ammo for (hmp)
-changed some imps to hellhounds to make berserk more useful in the beginning
-made 2 secrets more obvious
-made crusher at the end fast instead of slow



Edited by fuGue_tv
changed link

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Updated Beta Build 10.27
- Fixed Myolden's Credited Name.
- Updates to The Weaver's Dream, Underground Cult Disturbance, Hemophilia, The Demon Train, and Feed.


Edited by Death Bear

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@Sobatchja Morda Very cool that you made your first map for this project! Awesome! I played through it before your update and also had a look at the second version. 

I thought it was very though, especially the Western path in the chapel. I could do with some more armor, health and/or ammo there I think. I also noticed that the Northern secret might be inaccessible? I didn't make any other notes but: several streamers have played through the Trick and Tear 2 maps over the past few days and I highly encourage you to have a look at their streams. 

Kvo played through some maps I believe, as well as Napsalm and Kirie Natsuyuko.


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  On 10/28/2021 at 1:31 PM, Peccatum Mihzamiz said:

@Sobatchja Morda Very cool that you made your first map for this project! Awesome! I played through it before your update and also had a look at the second version. 

I thought it was very though, especially the Western path in the chapel. I could do with some more armor, health and/or ammo there I think. I also noticed that the Northern secret might be inaccessible? I didn't make any other notes but: several streamers have played through the Trick and Tear 2 maps over the past few days and I highly encourage you to have a look at their streams. 

Kvo played through some maps I believe, as well as Napsalm and Kirie Natsuyuko.



Good points, going to add some more help there. If I fix the secret, I can make it so that it provides some health/armor in addition to a BFG. That might help...


EDIT: Those streams were incredibly informative, and made me aware of some errors I overlooked before. Fixed and uploaded in this post...


Edited by Sobatchja Morda
Fixed wad

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  On 10/29/2021 at 7:53 PM, princetontiger said:

special shout out to Doomcat... not sure how old he is, but that's one hell of a level. i loved it.


He says "THANKS!" He's 10, and he did that in 2 hours. Only thing I did was set up the script for him for the final door, and put in those lovely little windows up top. Proud Papa bear, right here!

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Happy Halloween, everyone, and a congratulations to all of you involved! You have made my October awesome! Download available on the OP. TRICK AND TEAR UNTIL IT IS DONE!

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Congratulations everybody! This, much like many of the other PUSS projects, is an amazing collection of maps, brought together into a very strong overarching thematic whole.


Thank you all for the lovely experience! Now let's go face our nightmares and rip some demonic hordes to shreds!

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