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Worst looking texture


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We're all big fans of the infamous fireblue, but is there anything worse? What's the worst texture you've ever seen inside the doom engine?

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The last one of these threads spawned an entire community project. Who knows what might come of this one.


That being said, I say PANBOOK. PANBOOK is tooooootally the worst texture.














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2 hours ago, Chainie said:



Disagree. I love Steptop bridges

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I think there is no "worst looking" texture, unless we're talking about quality of execution. In that sense, all Doom II textures are excellent. But not all textures are universal or easy to use - some textures work only in a very particular context. It's like with colors.


Everyone mentioned various general-purpose textures, but the really "bad ones" are things like ZZZFACE, which you can almost never use unless you are constructing the final boss face.

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Aside from the BRNSMAL family, I don't care much for the midtextures. Those bars just look so cheaply made and don't fit Doom's artstyle well at all.
Doom 2 has way more good textures than bad ones though, it's just about how you combine 'em.

And, I hope this isn't a debate anymore, FIREBLU is amazing.

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41 minutes ago, LouigiVerona said:

Everyone mentioned various general-purpose textures, but the really "bad ones" are things like ZZZFACE, which you can almost never use unless you are constructing the final boss face.


This gives me an idea and I'm not sure if it's a good or bad one.

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4 minutes ago, MFG38 said:


This gives me an idea and I'm not sure if it's a good or bad one.

Oh God. Not 50 Shades of ZZZFACE!

Edited by Wavy

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I will never miss an opportunity to state FIREBLU is unironically my favorite texture in Doom


GRAYTALL is nigh useless as a whole but I have found a couple creative uses for that silly red stripe. I know WOODVERT has its defenders but I don’t think I’ve ever found a good use for it despite multiple tries to. It kind of reminds me of cheap linoleum wood grain siding and I might use it for that in like a Doomcute 70s basement or something 

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1 hour ago, LouigiVerona said:

Everyone mentioned various general-purpose textures, but the really "bad ones" are things like ZZZFACE, which you can almost never use unless you are constructing the final boss face.

ZZZFACE looks great when you have it peeking through a little crack in the wall. Besides, it's just a cool-looking brown texture.

Antaresian Requilary uses it in some maps as well iirc.

Edited by C3ntralPr0cessing

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1 hour ago, LouigiVerona said:

Everyone mentioned various general-purpose textures, but the really "bad ones" are things like ZZZFACE, which you can almost never use unless you are constructing the final boss face.

I've actually seen some of the parts of the ZZZFACE textures used quite effectively. There's a lot of details in there you can use for various non-wallboss-related purposes.

  • ZZZFACE1: admittedly not much use, the best part is the bottom but it's just some nondescript brown texture and there are easier to use alternatives
  • ZZZFACE2: lower part has some unique piping.
  • ZZZFACE3, 4: the goatskull is far too prominent in there, though I think I've sometimes seen just the left eye from 4 in an inset panel in some maps, sometimes framed as a painting or a a monitor

  • ZZZFACE5: blood-soaked pipes, the bottom-rigth corner has some interesting tech panels.
  • ZZZFACE6, 7, 8, 9: basically some sort of BRNTEK texture, with no goat skull bits. Features some unique computer screens and an interesting mess of cables.

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Those clouseup textures of computer panels are naff IMO. Also, I hate that some of them are offset, so I cannot use them for detailing.

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STONEGARG (the gargoyle face on grey brick used in E2M4). It's the kind of texture that feels like it was made with 2D game sensibilities, like you can imagine something like that in the background of Commander Keen levels. But a tiling face plastered across walls in a 3D space just looks strange.

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If not used properly (for their intention) these textures are the worst:













Edited by pcorf

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I find the "futuristic" textures that have little to no shading (SPACEW2, STEPTOP etc.) often look out of place unless separated from the rest of the wall in some way.

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3 hours ago, Wavy said:



I hate it with every damn fibre of my being.


Haha , it's actually one of my favourite textures from Udoom. I always loved the red line.

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