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What fictional dystopia would you want to live in?

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Well, most fictional dystopias are ultimately reflections of a lot of aspects of the real world. Having said that, in the situation presented by the OP where I have to go to one, and not taking it too seriously, I'll just go with the ones I think are neat


So Shadowrun, someone mentioned that already. Samurai trolls and Elf wizards, why the fuck not. 


Transmetropolitan, because it's mostly just a hyper exaggerated real world that is kind of falling down the hyperbolic scale every day that passes. 


The Moreau Quartet, which I think is very relatable to Blade Runner with maybe a dash of Shadowrun, it's technically genepunk, not much focus on computer stuff and there's no robots or anything, but lots of genetically bred animal anthromorphs. I just find that idea neat. 

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goood morning, night city


either that or city of glass from mec but as an exec so i can mind control citizens and flood their brains with unskippable ads

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On 10/7/2021 at 10:36 PM, RDETalus said:

If not Starship Troopers then I would choose Warhammer 40K.





What part of that appeals to you; living in destitute misery toiling away for a totalitarian theocratic bureaucracy? Sent out to be slaughtered in a human wave attack for one of many endless wars? Being eternally tortured by some unspeakable extradimensional abomination? The joke with W40K is that everything, absolutely everything, is absurdly horrible and terrible in the most comically over-the-top way possible. 

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11 hours ago, david_a said:





What part of that appeals to you; living in destitute misery toiling away for a totalitarian theocratic bureaucracy? Sent out to be slaughtered in a human wave attack for one of many endless wars? Being eternally tortured by some unspeakable extradimensional abomination? The joke with W40K is that everything, absolutely everything, is absurdly horrible and terrible in the most comically over-the-top way possible. 

It’s not all like that, the fiction books make it clear that most of the human occupied galaxy leads a normal enough existence. It’s only at the fringes and some unfortunate planets where the worst stuff happens.


Anyways, the attractive feature of this dystopia is that there is clear and unambiguous evil, and you and others are working together to stop it. You do not have to live in a psychological mind game world of potential traitors, self-doubt, and self-censorship such as in 1984 or similar dystopias. WH40K is morally and ethically simpler.

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The Rise of the Meritocracy by Michael Dunlop Young. Don't get me wrong, I'd hate to live there, but it's become so true that even the term it invented for its dystopian political system is used in a positive connotation now. In many ways I already live within it, and I feel I'd almost have a shot at being counted as merited (but realistically, almost certainly wouldn't.)

Edited by northivanastan

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The obvious first choice would have to be DOOM. 99% of us Doomworld members could probably kick some major ass. We'd end up trapped in Hell after DOOM 64, the demons experience a mass extinction event, and then we all deathmatch until the real Doomguy gets to rule forever. It would obviously be Zero Master.


But other than that, some post-apocalypse following a nuclear war. Like Fallout, but with... gud gaem.

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The Treehouse of Horror Simpsons episode where there's an alternate history where Ned Flanders rules the world.

What could be better than a nice glass of warm milk, a little nap, and a total frontal lobotomy?

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On 10/8/2021 at 3:36 AM, RDETalus said:

Maybe the world in Starship Troopers (film). I suppose many would call that world a dystopia because it has an authoritarian one world government, state controlled media, and fascistic ideology. But it's also strongly contrasted with utopic themes like gender and race equality, and Star Trek-like "science and technological progress," so I don't know if it quite makes the cut as a real dystopia.


Starship Troopers isn't really a dystopia IMO - despite Verhoeven's best efforts, it comes off more like a liberalist utopia with a fascist coat of paint. Yes, the Terran Federation is a globalist one-world government, but they didn't have the authority to stop the Mormon separatists from setting up shop on a hostile world. All they could do was strongly advise against it. They do control the media, but when you rewatch the film you can see that it is actually completely transparent in its reporting (just look at the corpses). In fact the only two things it censored were the cow getting shredded by the Arachnid and the Brainbug getting a probe shoved up its arse. Service is entirely voluntary and open to absolutely anyone, but it is actively discouraged, which is why it's so brutal. You can quit at any time during your 2 years, but you only ever get one shot at Citizenship. Civilians otherwise have full rights, even so far as to openly criticise the government (and Johnny Rico's parents are effing LOADED), they just don't get the opportunity to do anything about it. Suffrage has to be earned, the reasoning being that when you earn something, you're more likely to care about it. As Raszcak said, "that which is given has no value".


As for my choice, I really want to say Ankh-Morpork. Dunno if it counts as a full-on dystopia, but it definitely is a shitehouse.

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If I was forced, I'd go with Half-life 2, find some rebel base out in the countryside and just enjoy whatever has been left of nature. If I was living in City 17, I'd try my best to either travel out of the city or become a refugee, (now that I think of it, I could become Civil Protection)

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Dune. Sure, it's a feudalistic empire full of religious zealotry, slavery, shadow governments, monopolies, war, and giant sand monsters but at least I get to do drugs and live for 300+ years.

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